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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea








Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 32

The reader now knows a WHOLE lot more than I did in the spring of 1999 when Maynerd Most first wrote to me after Ray Flowers forwarded to him my post to the Ancient Wisdom discussion list. And, as the reader who has read the emails will note, I was sending him a LOT more information than I was receiving. Until this period of recapitulation, I never connected the interaction with Most to the things that followed immediately after, but looking back, it all seems very strangely synchronous in the same way as the black cat walking by twice in the movie, The Matrix

In early June of 1999, a correspondent wrote and asked if I would like to join a discussion group on the subject of UFOs and aliens. For the most part, I steered clear of such things because I didn't see too much fruitful research being done, and I had also been "burned" by my interaction with Mike Lindemann's ISCNI Gray Hugging crowd. Nevertheless, because I was asked, I went over and had a look at the discussion board, and decided to make one "trial post." Since I was crusading on behalf of Karla Turner, I thought that I would include a quote from her writings about abductions in an effort to make more people aware of some of her conclusions. Looking back, of course, it's easy to see that Karla's death on January 9, 1996, is a perfect example of how "forces" might deal with someone who was getting entirely too close to the truth. She wasn't "martyred," in the obvious way of Jessup and Schneider and others, she was just quietly "disposed of." In 1995, Karla contracted a very dangerous form of breast cancer immediately following an abduction experience. She died at the age of 48. Karla had said the following:

It is a myth that alien abductions of humans follow a set pattern or agenda. Perhaps the best-known proponent of this theory is Budd Hopkins, who in his books made the genetics and other cross-breeding scenario familiar to the public. Yet when you read back through those books, you'll notice that several of the alien encounters seem to have very little apparent connection to an interest in breeding of DNA. And even Hopkins, in the past couple of years, has had to expand his theory to include a definite alien interest in some other things, such as pleasure and pain in humans.     

Other well-known UFO researchers also harbor restrictive theories about the abduction phenomenon, Jacques Vallee, David Jacobs, Whitley Strieber, Brad Steiger, John Lear, Raymond Fowler, Jenny Randles, Kevin Randle, John Keel and other writers hold a diversity of intelligent, often ingenious theories, yet each makes the same error. They ignore parts of the abduction evidence - whatever details don't support their ideas.

Yet it must be clear that any present theory which cannot account for all the known evidence is not acceptable. At best, it can be misleading, especially for victims of abductions who turn to these prominent researchers seeking answers. […]

As to researchers who claim that the ETs are here to help us evolve some higher consciousness or that they are here for some other positive purpose-saving our planet, promoting world peace, etc.-I challenge those researches to incorporate anomalous data in this view.   

What about those people who suffer total breakdowns after their experiences?  What about those who undergo wild personality changes, who find themselves obsessed with deviant sexual behavior they never had before, often leading to the breakup of marriages and friendships?  These things have happened numerous times, but no researcher has yet explained the higher purpose behind such results.  

Particularly disturbing are those cases where previously healthy individuals have an ET encounter and then develop debilitating or terminal illnesses. It is well known that many women suffer gynecological problems after their experiences, often leading to hysterectomies. But other instances have shown the development of severe fatigue, horrible swelling and itching, and even cancer. Where are the positive effects in these cases?

Theories are starting places for research, not proven conclusions, and UFO researchers must be willing to expand and alter their pet theories according to the data they uncover. It would be wonderful if we could shape ET experiences into something positive, but until the details of abduction encounters - all the details - are given serious consideration, I think it's dangerous to cling to theories that ignore data that will not fit. We owe it to ourselves to seek the whole truth. [UFO magazine, Vol. 8 No. 1 January/February 1993.]

Karla's husband, Elton, had published the following remarks which are more timely today than ever:

"186,000 M/Second - it's not just a good idea, it's the law," the bumper sticker read. Something about that statement irritated me. Here we were in the midst of a UFO conference and someone was selling an old reality!

The mixture of our notions of physical reality and our concept of law are keeping us in the dark ages of human thought. Modern science has brought us many new ideas about the nature of the universe, but those ideas are constantly being challenged and changed as our powers of observation sharpen and equipment improves. I thank our scientists for their contributions;  I love air conditioning, airplanes, and the television waves that travel our air. What bothers me, is that we have not stopped to consider, "The Law."

What laws do the invaders (and I use that term intentionally) of our world abide by? I posit that we have no idea of the rules of the navigable universe by which these otherworldly entities operate. We continue to develop ideas of their intentions based on our own social rules and written laws. I asked a prominent author and researcher of the UFO phenomenon the other day why he thought the aliens could be trusted - why we should believe what they tell us. His reply was sincere, I think. He said they have demonstrated their truthfulness by predicting some future events, and, lo and behold, what they said came true. He said they have told us our planet is in ecological crisis and we know that is true. And, although they seem to have been here for thousands of years, they have not invaded us. What wonderful creatures they must be!

In the few years that I have been studying my own personal invasion by these creatures, I have come to understand that the invaders do not tell the truth unless it serves THEIR purpose. They play on our fears, using pollution, war, nuclear holocaust and greed as backdrops for their warnings. But every day since I was a small child, I have been aware that those things are part of our world. We all know these things. It does not take a zillion-plus-IQ creature from the planet Orlon to make me aware that we have problems in our world that we must face. We have very human problems to deal with - problems that we can deal with.

The problems we cannot yet overcome is that of outside interference in our affairs. Some people may call it "benevolent intervention" and point to positive results. I respect the scientists and laymen of all disciplines who have been studying the alien phenomenon and artifacts for the past 50 or 60 years. It appears that they have made some progress, as witnessed by the rapid developments in the aerospace industry, medicine, communications, etc., a great deal of which seems to have come from such research. What is missing is a thorough and public study of the mission and rules of engagement in the war for our world.

I believe that our very thoughts and consequently, our behavior as a race of sentient beings are being UNDERMINED through the power of insinuation and the implantation of controlling devices in our bodies by non-human (most of the time) entities. This is truly the most effective way to invade and conquer. I do not trust such creatures no matter what I have been told about their altruistic motives.

Continue to page 280

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