Studies in Psychopathy

The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D.
with commentary and additional quoted material
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Psychopath: The Mask of Sanity Special Research by Quantum Future School
Discussion of Psychopathy Traits From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
A Basic Hypothesis of Psychopathy From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
Official Culture - A Natural State of Psychopathy? by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath - Hervey Cleckley
"Stanley," a chapter from Hervey M. Cleckley's classic study of psychopaths, The Mask of Sanity
How Psychopaths View Their World
Retreat from Zaca - (3 files)

Dr. Strange, New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

"Dr. Strange" - Psychotherapist or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

Maynerd Most's Rebuttal
"I am the webmaster for Zecharia Sitchin..."
The Psychopath As Physician The Mask of Sanity - Hervey Cleckley - Excerpts
The Bad Seed: The Fledgling Psychopath
Sam Vaknin Revisited
An In-Depth Look At Where Sam Vaknin is Leading NPD
The Ambassador of Narcissism: An Interview with Sam Vaknin
A Soul With No Footprints
Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy
Anatomy of Malignant Narcissim
The Socially Adept Psychopath
The Origins of Violence: Is Psychopathy an Adaptation?
Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath
The Partial Psychopath
Adventures with Cassiopaea by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ark and Laura's Correspondence 1997 (8 files) Supplement to Adventures
Reader's Comments on Adventures With Cassiopaea
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Quantum Future School
Alvin Wiley's Letter
Alvin Wiley's subsequent letters to the public

the "Alvin Wiley" correspondence (10 files)

Letters from Readers About Jay Weidner
Dear Webmaster: - (2 files)
What is Laura Hiding? The Cassiopaeans Answer

Reader's Comments on "Is Laura Hiding Something?"

Transcript of direct channeling via "Frank Scott" on computer, July 22, 1994
Statement by Terry and Jan Rodemerk
Maynerd Most's post to the Cassiopaea Guestbook
Death Threat?
Organic Portals: The Other Race Quantum Future School (2 files) Disclaimer
Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner: Magickal Mystery Tour Scam
Is Cassiopaea a Cult?
The French Connection by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Censored!
Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley PDF - book download FREE!
Kubrick's Psychopaths Society and Human Nature in the Films of Stanley Kubrick
The common problem with psychopaths... “Is they don’t see a problem with their behavior.”
Psychopath Support Group
“Non-victims can’t understand this, but the psychopath really does suck the life out of a caring person. I try to think of them now as a slimy suckerfish right out of the swamp, vacuum-lips out and prowling for someone vibrant and attractive to con and eviscerate.”

If you are a good person you will meet many evil people in your life, you need to recognize them and their actions. More importantly you need to recognize which evil behaviors you have been conned into accepting as reasonable and to reject those behaviors - both in yourself and in others - as unacceptable.

The English language has a variety of terms for psychopaths, of which "bastard" is perhaps the most polite. They have always been with us, and despite their corrosiveness and rejection of social mores, they show no signs of going away.

Think you can spot one? Think again. In general, psychopaths aren’t the product of broken homes or the casualties of a materialistic society. Rather they come from all walks of life and there is little evidence that their upbringing affects them.
Most of the two million psychopaths in North America aren’t murderers. They’re our friends, lovers and co-workers. They’re outgoing and persuasive, dazzling you with charm and flattery. Often you aren’t even aware they’ve taken you for a ride – until it’s too late.
The problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today....Most good people are only aware of the least intelligent part of the evil distribution; those are the people who are obviously evil: criminals. The normal and intelligent ends of the evil distribution totally escape most good people's understanding.

Only as of late, with all the Enron scandals and related crimes, people are waking up to the fact that the most dangerous psychopath of all is the educated, socially adept psychopath, in fact, Dr. Hare recently said that he would probably be able to find many psychopaths involved in the stockmarket. It is time for American to "wake up" says Dr. Wolman, because we are being threatened by a serious epidemic of psychopathy.

The Psychopathic or Sociopathic Personality

Based on twenty-five years of groundbreaking research, WITHOUT CONSCIENCE is a fascinating journey into the minds of these dangerous individuals. Are they born unable to feel empathy, or are they created by circumstance? How and why do they get away with cheating, conning, and murdering? Are they mad or simply bad? In what Dr. Hare calls our "camouflage society," how can we recognize and steer clear of these predatory people?

WITHOUT CONSCIENCE explores their shocking patterns- and exposes one of the most frightening, often-hidden social problems affecting our lives today.


The Psychopath is much more successful than you and I because he is not hemmed in by all sorts of impediments or worries.

A discussion with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig & James Hillman

“We fall prey to the seduction, it is irresistible. Then the nightmare of horror begins. The shabby treatment, the avoidance. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. He had been so sincere, so kind. It was Jekyl and Hyde.”
“They go for the strongest and the best, but preferably those who are something of rebels within the group...the LEAST controllable. Because if they can crush them, they crush most of the rest at the same time. If they start at the bottom, with the weakest, it’s a long way to work their way up…The ideal target is therefore, strong, smart, rebellious and vulnerable through previous abuse.”
“A favored technique is to debilitate your identity [personally, I hate the term self-esteem] by levelling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, your “true” motivations, your “real” character, your sanity and judgement.”
“They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.”
“Others around me would get so tired of the whole thing and insinuate that I was perpetuating things. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone. Part of the hurt and damage was done because others could but would not see what was actually happening. He would always try to ingratiate himself to others it was sickening. Usually psychopaths put on the nicest act, and you look like the harpy and bitch, and so everyone takes their side, it is a horror story, a psychopath can be very charming, and manipulative and manipulate the smartest of people.”
“My biggest frustration and source of anger, is at those who have refused to take a stand when they see the abuse . No matter how outrageous his behavior others often stood by and inadvertently fuelled his grandiosity and denial... although denial is too mild a word for it.
“If a psychopath throws the “bad childhood” stuff at you, keep in mind he might be trying to get sympathy and make an excuse for his atrocious behavior towards you and/or others. If we let these people make us feel sorry for them, we ultimately end up in the submissive position again...just what they want. I can “pity” them yes...but I refuse to shed another tear over the tragedies suffered by who is now, only a shell of a person.”

Regarding a psychopath: Considering a longitudinal section of his life is hard to avoid the conclusion that here is the product of true madness - of madness in a sense quite as real as that conveyed to the imaginative layman by the terrible word lunatic.

With the further consideration that all this skein of apparent madness has been woven by a person of (technically) unimpaired and superior intellectual powers and universally regarded as sane, the surmise intrudes that we are confronted by a serious and unusual type of genuine abnormality.

Not merely a surmise but a strong conviction may arise that this apparent sanity is, in some important respects, a sanity in name only. We find instead a spectacle that suggests madness in excelsis, despite the absence of all those symptoms that enable us, in some degree, to account for irrational conduct in the psychotic.

Only very slowly and by a complex estimation or judgment based on multitudinous small impressions does the conviction come upon us that, despite these intact rational processes, these normal emotional affirmations, and their consistent application in all directions, we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly.

So perfect is this reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or how, he is not real. And yet we eventually come to know or feel we know that reality, in the sense of full, healthy experiencing of life, is not here.


“Leaving is hard because of all that goes along with the going. It is not just the person you have to give up but your hopes and dreams and fantasies. It only happened for me in increments and I cried UNCLE often thinking if I gave it one more go I’d break through. It wasn’t until I really knew that no matter what I said or did or didn’t do this person could never love me or anyone.”
“The fantasy was exactly that, a FANTASY, that he created for himself, and presented to me as reality. My head said the fantasy wasn’t valid. I kept reminding myself: if the fantasy was real, I wouldn’t be treated like dirt, and feel like shit!”
“I have finally come to the conclusion that they cannot change, so all we can do is to refuse to participate in their sick drama and leave the stage.”

Cleckley: [T]he familiar tendency to disintegrate, against which life evolves, may be regarded as fundamental and comparable to gravity. The climbing man or animal must use force and purpose to ascend or to maintain himself at a given height. [...] Whether regression occurs primarily through something like gravity or through impulses more self-contained, the backward movement (or ebbing) is likely to prompt many sorts of secondary reactions, including behavior not adapted for ordinary human purposes but instead, for functioning in the other direction. The modes of such reactivity may vary, may fall into complex patterns, and may seek elaborate expression. [...] People with all the outer mechanisms of adaptation intact might, one would think, regress more complexly. [...] In a movement (or gravitational drift) from levels where life is vigorous and full to those where it is less so, the tactics of withdrawal predominate. [...] The psychopath as we conceive of him in such an interpretation seems to justify the high estimate of his technical abilities as we see them expressed in reverse movement.

Organic Portals: The Answer to Psychopathy?

"Alien reaction machines" in human form describes individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths, and Psychopaths.
The material presented in the linked articles does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors. Research on your own and if you can validate any of the articles, or if you discover deception and/or an obvious agenda, we will appreciate if you drop us a line! We often post such comments along with the article synopses for the benefit of other readers. As always, Caveat Lector!

The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence

Date sent:             Fri, 7 May 1999 11:49:03 -0500


From:                    Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                RE:Hendaye


Dear Laura,


What a nice comment on our AMET website, and so perceptive too!


Yes, we are aware of E. Van Buren's fascinating book, and, as you supposed,

are deep into the RLC thing. However, our starting point was Fulcanelli's

book Le Mystere des Cathedrals and his chapter on the Cyclic Cross of

Hendaye, which EVB quotes at great length in her preface to Refuge. In

fact, EVB does little but quote Fulcanelli, giving only one piece of new

information. <<He told the alchemist Canseliet 'The time will come, my son,

when you will no longer be able to work in alchemy, when it will be

necessary for you to search for some country rare and blessed, privileged

without doubt, and situated towards the south, beyond the frontiers.'  To

others, Fulcanelli indicated that the place was Rennes, in the Aude.>>


You just don't know the anguish that little teaser has caused us in the

past year or so. The problem is that Canseliet, as far as we can determine,

never said that in print, so it must be a private conversation between EVB

and Canseliet. When and how did they know each other? And who could the

"others" be to whom Fulcanelli identified Rennes in the Aude as the refuge?

Did EVB know Fulcanelli?


There is of course nothing else in the text of Refuge to indicate that EVB

understood the monument at Hendaye or its symbolism in any direct way. But

whoever told her about it and gave her the information on the Serpent Rouge

and the Rennes zodiac certainly did. But why put the information in such a

distorted form, why the insistence on Rennes?


Frankly, none of it made any sense. I had been working on RLC for a long

time before the Fulcanelli stuff came along. I was interested in King Rene

as far back as Grad school in the mid seventies; I thought he was the prime

candidate for the author of the classic tarot deck. Still do, even more so

with 25 years of research behind me. But EVB and the Fulcanelli connection

threw everything that I thought I knew about RLC into a whole new

perspective. (Lest ye doubt that I am indeed an RLC freak, let me just note

that I own a piece of the original church, circa Bigou's reconstruction.)


So we knew that RLC was important and connected somehow to Fulcanelli and

Hendaye, we just didn't know how, exactly. Then another friend, Bill

Buehler out in Crestone CO showed me a piece of landscape geometry linking

Hendaye, RLC, St. James de Campostella and Edinbourgh Castle in a big T.

Hendaye was at the cross point of that T. Wow, things began to click after



See, Hendaye is like the loose thread in the Kmart tapestry of history.

Keep tugging on it long enough and the whole damn thing unravels right

before your eyes. We had already unraveled the astro-alchemical secrets of

the Cross, but suddenly there was another whole pattern coming into view.

We had always joked about the Cross being the Holy Grail, we just didn't

know how close we were to the truth.


On the base of the Cross are four images, reading from west around to

north, the sun, the 4 A's, the eight-rayed star and the moon-boat. We found

that they also pointed to four locations in southern France directly

connected to the true history of the grail family. By simply locating these

spots, the story unfolds, if you know what to look for. Going back to

Fulcanelli, we found a very sly series of references that supported our

theory, and strangely enough, led us directly to Michel Nostradamus, the

Seer of Provence, and that renaissance genius, Leonardo di Vinci.


So with the Fulcanelli book 90% done in first draft, we headed out to

France to find some answers. The result is our second book, which I am

working away on while my co-author, Jay Weidner, is finishing the final

draft of the first book.


Without going into the whole story, here is what we feel the truth is about



Let's work backward. What did Saunier find? He found conclusive proof of

the survival of a group of early Christians related to the Holy family

whose Christ was another St. John, the son of Mary Magdalene and Jesus.

This information had been passed to local families in the early fourth

century CE when the refugees from the Jewish Christian province of Glanum

Livii arrived in the Aude. Glanum Livii is the Blue Fruit, or Blue Apples

of the cypher, and the Mort epee is also a pointer to Glanum through the

Black Sword of Tristan and Jason the Argonaut. Glanum, of course, turned

out to be the home town of Nostradamus, who alludes to his ancient

bloodline in several quatrains.


Why did this make Saunier rich? There seems to have been an ancient

treasure, perhaps the gold of the Visigoths or the Merovingians, because

Saunier did antiquities deals all over Paris. This supplied some money, but

most seems to have come from the Hapsburg-Lorraine heirs, who interestingly

enogh, would have the best claim to descent from any Provencal connection

through King Rene. In the wake of WWI, everything fell apart, until some

group in the 1950's revived the mystery of RLC as a way of revealing or

deflecting attention from the bigger picture.


Sigisbert IV did return to Rennes and probably was the lost Merovingian

heir, so that part of the story is true. We also know that the legend had

currency in the Middle Ages, hence Godfrey de Boullion and the Grail

legends, but exactly how it all relates together is a carefully obstructed



But, your guess about the Plantegenets is right on the money. Your word

play would make you right at home with Fulcanelli, that old master of the

Green Language. The Plantegenet's rise to power was aided by unseen

political forces that correspond to the early Priory of Our Lady of Sion,

the precursor to the Templar Priory, founded by Pope Sylvestor II and the

mad Caliph Hakim in Jerusalem in1002. Henry II was a Templar, in the sense

of Wolfram's Parsival, that is a man of unknown, or at least unspoken,

heritage who ruled through a combination of modern power and ancient right.

Henry's interest in the legends of King Arthur is no accident, but an

attempt to legitimize and ancient heritage that was essentially heretical.

No wonder their origins, Merovingian and Plantegenet are so similar. They

were clues for those in the know as to the true heritage of these kings.


But enough obscure medieval history. If you really want to figure this out,

I would suggest that, while waiting on our second volume, you find a good

translation of Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parsival and read it through a few

times. Then take a map of southern France and map out the places he

mentions, taking him at his word about time and distances, and you will

find that whoever Guy of Provence was, he truly knew the story of the

Grail. It's all there, and the story itself turns out to be somewhat true

and datable to the ninth century.


Well, I've probably confused you worse by trying to hint and condense

things. Sorry, I am working on the complete version and I hate to give to

much away to soon. But I found your e-mail interesting in that I haven't

found to many folks who have even heard of Hendaye, much less make such

provocative connections.


Stay tuned to the website. We will be putting more stuff up from time to

time and will be announcing the first book in June for a July ship date.

Hope you like it, and if you want to chat further on this, just e-mail back.



Vincent Bridges



From:                    Laura Knight-Jadczyk <>

To:                        Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                RE:Hendaye

Send reply to:

Date sent:             Fri, 7 May 1999 14:01:26 -0400


On 7 May 99, at 11:49, Vincent & Darlene wrote:

> What a nice comment on our AMET website, and so perceptive too!



And I was barely saying ANYthing!  Have learned that if you "give it away,"

nobody wants it!


> Yes, we are aware of E. Van Buren's fascinating book, and, as you

> supposed, are deep into the RLC thing.


I guess I am too... only I was sort of "dragged" into it, or fell into it or

something... and, as things developed, I discovered that I was far more

"connected" than I ever would have DREAMED. 


However, our starting point was

> Fulcanelli's book Le Mystere des Cathedrals and his chapter on the Cyclic

> Cross of Hendaye,


You know, I am STILL trying to get a copy.  Have read all kinds of commentaries

and excerpts and have ordered it, but it won't be shipped for at least another

month... unless you know a better source.


which EVB quotes at great length in her preface to

> Refuge. In fact, EVB does little but quote Fulcanelli, giving only one

> piece of new information.


Well, she seems to be a "Kinesthetic" thinker and this can be trying, but it

was such a lovely little book with lots of pictures and she DID manage to

annotate somewhat effectively... and, of course, since I was already thinking

along those lines... well.... the "germ" idea made sense, though I don't

necessarily buy her whole analysis.


 <<He told the alchemist Canseliet '

> You just don't know the anguish that little teaser has caused us in the

> past year or so. The problem is that Canseliet, as far as we can

> determine, never said that in print, so it must be a private conversation

> between EVB and Canseliet. When and how did they know each other? And who

> could the "others" be to whom Fulcanelli identified Rennes in the Aude as

> the refuge? Did EVB know Fulcanelli?


Well, that's an interesting pickle to be in.  Is this gal still living and can

you ask her?


> There is of course nothing else in the text of Refuge to indicate that EVB

> understood the monument at Hendaye or its symbolism in any direct way. But

> whoever told her about it and gave her the information on the Serpent

> Rouge and the Rennes zodiac certainly did. But why put the information in

> such a distorted form, why the insistence on Rennes?


My point too.  I rather think that it is NECESSARY for it to be distorted...

"only the worthy" can find the keys... or something like that.  Seems that the

"figuring out" is part of the whole process of preparation, I think.


> Frankly, none of it made any sense. I had been working on RLC for a long

> time before the Fulcanelli stuff came along. I was interested in King Rene

> as far back as Grad school in the mid seventies; I thought he was the

> prime candidate for the author of the classic tarot deck. Still do, even

> more so with 25 years of research behind me.


I am still trying to find him in the old "family tree."  One of the most

bizarre things that happened me... well, scratch that... too many UTTERLY

bizarre things have happened.... but a pretty weird one, was the fact that I

sort of accidentally stumbled onto the fact that I am descended through

numerous crossing and recrossing lines from all those folks... even have my

faminly tree on a genealogy site and is an ongoing project.  Come from Henry

Percy and Elizabeth Mortimer AND the De Moselle's on maternal grandmother's

side... from Percy's and Mortimers AND De Ferrieres on my father's side... from

the De Warrennes on my maternal grandfather's side etc etc.  Actually, when I

was confronted with this, I felt sick - sort of sucker punched, because I had

already had some severe shocks regarding this RLC business.  I was eating,

drinking and dreaming the Shepherds painting when my husband first wrote to

me... he signed his name "ark."  I thought that was funny enough because I had

written a lengthy MS back in 1985 about "The Noah Syndrome" (eschatalogical

themes) and the focus of the book was the "finding of the ark" whatever it

might be, and I suspected that it was NOT a boat! 


So, here was this guy "ark" writing to me.  Not only that, but he turned out to

be a theoretical/mathematical physicist.  I was WAY out of my depth!  And when

I learned his full name "Arkadiusz" I nearly had a breakdown... because I KNEW

him... from past life and the "meeting" literally blew my mind open... and his

as well - which was a lot more difficult for him to deal with, being a career

scientist and all that... at one point, I even fell "unconscious" here in FL

and he saw me come through a window in Germany...  let me say just this...

sight unseen... he, being a linear thinker, a conservative mainstream scientist

with over 75 published papers, was SO blown away by things that happened, that

he divorced his wife of 30 years, came to America... and we are married now and

working on this "project" together.


Well, that is just a tiny bit of the constant "shocks" strange stuff going on

in my life...


But EVB and the Fulcanelli

> connection threw everything that I thought I knew about RLC into a whole

> new perspective. (Lest ye doubt that I am indeed an RLC freak, let me just

> note that I own a piece of the original church, circa Bigou's

> reconstruction.)


Oh HO!  That's totally KEWL!!!   I was not so much a RLC freak as I was "into"

all sorts of metaphysics and physics and all that.  Alchemy was a passion also.

I spent a lot of years as a hypnotherapist and THAT is a bizarre side as well. 

Have even done exorcisms... almost as scary as "The Exorcist!"


> So we knew that RLC was important and connected somehow to Fulcanelli and

> Hendaye, we just didn't know how, exactly.


Did you ever wonder about the possible connection of "Hendaye" to "Hesbaye?"  I

mean, those folks keep showing up in the genealogies and they are driving me



Then another friend, Bill

> Buehler out in Crestone CO showed me a piece of landscape geometry linking

> Hendaye, RLC, St. James de Campostella and Edinbourgh Castle in a big T.

> Hendaye was at the cross point of that T. Wow, things began to click after

> that.


Oh ho!  Have I got some to tell ya!  Been finding things all over the planet! 


> See, Hendaye is like the loose thread in the Kmart tapestry of history.




> Keep tugging on it long enough and the whole damn thing unravels right

> before your eyes. We had already unraveled the astro-alchemical secrets of

> the Cross, but suddenly there was another whole pattern coming into view.

> We had always joked about the Cross being the Holy Grail, we just didn't

> know how close we were to the truth.


My "source" tells me:  "From the Rose the cross arose..."  Mean anything?


> On the base of the Cross are four images, reading from west around to

> north, the sun, the 4 A's, the eight-rayed star and the moon-boat. We

> found that they also pointed to four locations in southern France directly

> connected to the true history of the grail family. By simply locating

> these spots, the story unfolds, if you know what to look for. Going back

> to Fulcanelli, we found a very sly series of references that supported our

> theory, and strangely enough, led us directly to Michel Nostradamus, the

> Seer of Provence, and that renaissance genius, Leonardo di Vinci.


Well, well...


I see from your pages you are in NC... have a friend up there


> So with the Fulcanelli book 90% done in first draft, we headed out to

> France to find some answers. The result is our second book, which I am

> working away on while my co-author, Jay Weidner, is finishing the final

> draft of the first book.


And where do I order them?  Amazon? 


Gotta read them and see what "fits" with the bodacious clues I have gotten...


> Let's work backward. What did Saunier find?




We have a friend, who lives in Marseille and used to

live in St. Maximin.  He is native French, of course, and has told me some

things... and did a little reading about it some years back.


I have some clues that "sort of" mesh with some of the things you are saying,

but I have more... much more, that does not..


> But, your guess about the Plantegenets is right on the money. Your word

> play would make you right at home with Fulcanelli, that old master of the

> Green Language.


What can I say?  It's "in the blood."

And there's more where THAT came from.  Did you ever ask yourself WHY



The Plantegenet's rise to power was aided by unseen

> political forces that correspond to the early Priory of Our Lady of Sion,

> the precursor to the Templar Priory, founded by Pope Sylvestor II and the

> mad Caliph Hakim in Jerusalem in1002. Henry II was a Templar, in the sense

> of Wolfram's Parsival, that is a man of unknown, or at least unspoken,

> heritage who ruled through a combination of modern power and ancient

> right.


Henry II was a corker, wasn't he?  But Eleanor's blood was pretty



 Henry's interest in the legends of King Arthur is no accident, but

> an attempt to legitimize and ancient heritage that was essentially

> heretical. No wonder their origins, Merovingian and Plantegenet are so

> similar. They were clues for those in the know as to the true heritage of

> these kings.


Did you ever hear about the "renewing of the land" or some such thing that was

"accomplished" by the ancient Pharoah and his Queen?  That they took some sort

of object in a barge down the Nile, once a year,went to a temple and went in

with the object alone (together) and performed some sort of secret ritual known

only to those of the "blood," and passed down from king to king... etc... and

that this ritual was the "thing" that kept everything going?  Also, have you

heard about the Sufi teaching of the "Poles of the world?"  Is connected.


> But enough obscure medieval history. If you really want to figure this

> out, I would suggest that, while waiting on our second volume, you find a

> good translation of Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parsival and read it through

> a few times.


Done it numerous times.


Then take a map of southern France and map out the places he

> mentions, taking him at his word about time and distances, and you will

> find that whoever Guy of Provence was, he truly knew the story of the

> Grail. It's all there, and the story itself turns out to be somewhat true

> and datable to the ninth century.


Been doing all that sort of thing...  and even more...


> Well, I've probably confused you worse by trying to hint and condense

> things. Sorry, I am working on the complete version and I hate to give to

> much away to soon. But I found your e-mail interesting in that I haven't

> found to many folks who have even heard of Hendaye, much less make such

> provocative connections.


Well, think about Hesbaye... and WHY "PERCEVAL"????


> Stay tuned to the website. We will be putting more stuff up from time to

> time and will be announcing the first book in June for a July ship date.

> Hope you like it, and if you want to chat further on this, just e-mail

> back.


Oh, indeed.  It is not often I get to talk to ANYONE who has the story in their

head and can make connections too.  A RARE pleasure. 




Laura Knight-Jadczyk


(by the way, Jadczyk is the "Polishized" version of "Ijada," from the time of

the Spanish-Polish dynastic connection.  My husband is the grandson of a

Lithuanian Count, descended from St. Vladimir...)




From:                    Laura Knight-Jadczyk <>

To:                        Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                Good Grief Charlie Brown!

Send reply to:

Date sent:             Fri, 7 May 1999 15:56:53 -0400


Hi again,

My printer is laboring over your pages... wanted them printed so I could get

away from this machine and also make notes in the margins.


There are a couple of pages that end in the middle of a sentence... chapter

eight and 12 of the alchemy articles, and chapter 2 of the Arthur series.


I tried reloading, but they still ended funny.


But, after giving the related stuff a look over, I feel more comfortable with

giving you my website address:



All of my material on the "Grail Quest" and related matters is NOT on the

website.  In fact, what IS on the website is designed to keep "New Age

Hobbyists" away.  I don't know whether it is true or not... but in personal

matters, the material has been keeping at about 95% or so.  That does not

necessarily mean that the rest is also... but, it is interesting stuff.


And, at this point, I have "graduated" to the psychomantium method... sitting

in a black tent with a large cheval mirror and a candle.


(I hope the ink holds out.  That's a LOT of pages!)


But, I see that we have been following a similar pathway in terms of thinking

and research.   I will have to relax and read awhile to see if we have ended up

in the same spot... I rather think so... though maybe by slightly different



By the way... you know about the "Merovingian Birthmark?"  (Until I read

everything I don't know if you have hit this subject.)  Any ideas? 





From:                    Laura Knight-Jadczyk <>

To:                        Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                Neyman notes...

Send reply to:

Date sent:             Fri, 7 May 1999 16:41:15 -0400


Here are some notes on the subject written in an e-mail to Neyman

(I expect you have come across her book "The Horse of God."




From:                       Self <Single-user mode>

To:               <martha.neyman>

Subject:                   Re: The Horse

Send reply to: 

Date sent:               Tue, 3 Nov 1998 12:43:56 -0500


Dear Martha,


The CD arrived yesterday, but I didn't get it until this

morning and it is still  printing.  I was reading as I was

printing and am well through the first section and have

sort of scanned through the other sections.


Having spent so many years studying mythology, symbolism,

comparative religion, ancient history (particularly of the

Celts and the Arabs because there IS a connection between

these "sons of Hagar" and the "refugees from Troy"),

philology and semiotics,  I can appreciate all the work you

have done.


 But, for me, the most significant is the fact that you

have gone about and observed things and noted them down. 

This is important, as you know, because one must go "in the

field" to get the feel. 


I realized a long time ago that this Rennes-le-Chateau

"business" was an "engineered" archetype.  Those who have

played parts in it have done so for reasons, though, most

often, they did not even realize that they were being

manipulated to say and do what they did by the "hidden

superiors."  And, make no mistake about it, these beings DO

exist and all the events of our lives and world are

"managed" by them from behind the scenes.  They create and

destroy "secret societies" at will, including Templars,

Priory of Sion, Masons, Rosicrucians, etc.  These are all

"covers" and "smoke screens."  And, they have existed, in a

continuous line, for many thousands of years. 


For this reason, the sequence of events that you have so

rationally described, regarding the main players in this

"drama" is most important to me.  It fit with some of my

own assessments which I had already made about Saunier and

Boudet and Bigou. 


There is a "rule" of espionage which goes: observe the

facts, ONLY the facts, and extrapolate backwards to

discover WHO benefits from a given situation, and this will

give you the key to the underlying truth.


Well, I have been doing this about the events of history

and geography for most of my adult life.  The world, in its

broadest sense, is a projection, if you will, similar to

the shadows on Plato's cave.  We cannot know fully the

origins of these "shadow" images unless we can overcome our

fascination with the moving patterns and leave the cave. 

But, doing that implies that we must first be aware that we

CAN leave the cave...


As I said, this business is an "engineered archetype." 

Rather, it is a holographic projection of a much larger

drama.  But, figuring out the small scale mystery is the

key to projecting the template onto a larger landscape.  It

does not end, or even begin, in Southern France. 


In fact, I sometimes wonder if the whole drama was played

just for my personal benefit.  I don't make such a

suggestion without some serious reasons for doing so, and

if I enumerated them for you, seeing how you have assembled

the data you have without certain advantages that I have a

priori, well, I think you would agree. 


Now, there are certain "key points" on the planet which I

have discovered... with strange names and numbers... and

"temple" characteristics (in the original sense of the

word) that are, apparently, veiled from the awareness of

others thus far.  There are symbolic and semiotic and

philological connections of a substrata of "events" that

stagger the mind.


The one thing that few people think about is "WHO IS DOING

ALL THIS?"  And, connected to this is: what are their

capabilities?  And this is most important.  If I, for one

instant, underestimate the capabilities of "them," I will

surely be devoured. 


It is in this lack of realization of who holds the secrets

and the intellect behind it that causes most people to

stumble and fall in their analysis.


And since I am convinced it is an EPOCHAL secret which

involves the history of mankind, the moving and changing of

large masses of energy on the planet itself, then I HAVE to

think about the "figures" behind such a thing. 


One example I will mention... you remember what you wrote

about St. Anthony's day... January 17... and the number

nine... and all that.  It is reasonable based on what is

available ... but there are meanings even older than

that... and they pop up in Mayan constructs...   I was in

Mexico last year and came across a figure carved in what

was once a bas relief of a Mayan temple...  It was a figure

of a man with the flesh removed from his thighs and

skull... but with the rest of his body intact... and his

legs were crossed...   I have an excellent photo of it

which I have shared with a few people.  I'm sure you

recognize the symbol...


And there is the ancient cult of Janus - guardian of the

door - to whom January 17 was sacred... and there was the

celebration of St. Augustine on the same day....  and there

is the hermit in the grail stories... whose hero is

Perceval... "he who pierces the valley," or "mummy with the

long member," or "pour suivant..." and so on;  take your



Well, let me get back to having a look at this business. 







From:                    Laura Knight-Jadczyk <>

To:                        Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                Neyman notes 2...

Send reply to:

Date sent:             Fri, 7 May 1999 16:44:47 -0400


I hope you don't mind my sending these for you to have a look at.

It just seemed easier to do this than to try and write it all over again.



From:                       Self <Single-user mode>

To:               <martha.neyman>

Subject:                   Re: The Horse

Send reply to: 

Date sent:               Tue, 24 Nov 1998 12:46:02 -0500


On 24 Nov 98, at 17:33, Martha Neyman wrote:


> I never heard from you again, I hope everything is fine..?


Yes.  Thank you for asking.  We are preparing for the big

"Thanksgiving" holiday... second only to Christmas in its

excessive consumption of calories and fat!  I have a 22

pound turkey in my refrigerator and stacks of ingredients

for pies and cakes... ready for the baking tomorrow.  I

swore I wasn't going to do this anymore, but the children

would be devastated if I didn't.  Ark is happy to eat

yogurt and be done with it... and I don't need anything at

all except to stop eating for about a year...


> By now you might have finished reading my book, I  think...


Yes.  And lots of marginal notes...


> As you are so well experienced in the subject of symbolism and know so

> much more then I do, I would appreciate it very much if you could let me

> have your opinion...


I am impressed with what you have done, having started with

more or less a blank screen.  You have had the unique

advantage of "being there," which I have not... but, yes,

there is a LOT I would like to discuss and I have been

debating how open you would be to this "putting two heads

together" on the subject.  I know that I am like a mother

about anything I write and very sensitive to what might be

construed as "criticism," so I have not wanted to say

anything that would be offensive.  But, at the same time,

you are THERE and can answer some questions I have and I

think that there are some things that need further work.


> How is the weather in your country..? Here in Belgium temperature is

> minus 13° centigrade... However that was not too bad, because the sun

> was shining and the cold itself was not unpleasant.. But the weather is

> changing tomorrow, rain is expected and the streets will turn into

> skating-rinks... We stay indoors, that is much safer I think and in any

> case good for a whole day of writing...


My husband has been invited to Brussels by some company

that is probably connected to NATO... they want to pay

expenses and all that... we don't yet know how we will

respond.  As he says, it makes the drama of our life a

little more interesting even if we don't follow the



If you are ready to have a little dialogue about this

"Rennes etc" business, well, tell me.  What I want to do is

something like what my husband does... you get a theory,

you build the structure, you see how it behaves as a

"working hypothesis," and if there are problems, you tear

it apart and start over.  That sort of thing is what he

does.  He will have an idea, spend weeks on page after page

of mathematical calculations and then hit a brick wall and

have to start all over again.


We sat up one night and analyzed, in a sort of "hard

science" way the evidence of the "phenomenon" of Rennes...

it was an interesting exercise with interesting

"conclusions."  I was thinking at the time that it was too

bad you weren't with us as there were a lot of questions we

had no answers to because we did not have the opportunity

for personal investigation or observation.


I will say that some of the things you have found are

fascinating and I am convinced that there is some purpose

and reason, and maybe even your ultimate conclusions are

correct - or pretty close... but there are some big gaps in

the symbolic appreciation and historical background of

same.  This is something of a speciality of mine.  I have

spent so much time buried in these "old times" that I can

"shift" into them and think like them. 


And, there is also what I call my "Grail File," which

consists of all the remarks and clues given via channeling

on this specific subject.  It was pretty astonishing that,

just a few days before your CD arrived, I had been pressing

the subject and was given some information that was right

there on your pages...  I nearly dropped my teeth!   though

I don't think you were aware of the significance of certain

things you found...  you were focused in another direction!


So, the result is that I am convinced, like you, that there

is some great mystery to be solved... but I am not as sure

as you are that your answers are the "right ones."  There

are many things to be gone over in a sort of "cold" and

analytical way - even including this business of

"synchronicity" that we both have experienced in this



This "amazing" confluence of "clues and artifacts" tends to

convince us that our ideas are correct... but I have found

that, often, the matter is much more complicated - like a

chess game.   Some of these "synchronous" events are like a

move on the chess board by these "unknowns" and they are

waiting to see if we will see through the ruse...  We can

either make the mistake of "falling into the trap" of

taking the piece "offered" while we are being set up for a

swift and stunning mate. 


NEVER underestimate the cleverness and cunning of the



Your ideas are framed in much the same terms as the guys

who wrote the Holy Grail series and the guy who wrote the

Tomb of God... in the sense that all sorts of "synchronous"

and "amazing" correspondences were found in response to 

the various ideas had by all.  This should be taken as a

warning that it can occur to just about anybody.  All of

you were convinced that you were "on the right track"

because of these things... don't forget that.  They, as

sincerely as yourself, were convinced of the "rightness" of

their "path" and conclusions because of the SAME TYPES OF



And, for an "outsider" who has not been there... one is

left with a welter of "confusing" and contradictory ideas.


So, this is why I think that  it is at this point that all

must be torn apart and looked at with a somewhat different

and more "playful" idea.  Remember - NEVER FORGET - that

the opponent wants us to come to false conclusions... And

never forget that he/they are so much more clever and

practiced at this deception that we can even imagine.  This

is NOT a secret of a couple hundred years duration.  It is

THOUSANDS of years old...


Anyway, enough of this rambling.  If you like, if you are

prepared to play with it, to tear it apart with me for the

sake of possibly solving it... admitting in the beginning

that your solution may turn out to be correct or not... but

maybe for different reasons...  then maybe there is some

hope of solving it.  With material results. 


Do you want to begin?





From:                    Laura Knight-Jadczyk <>

To:                        Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                Neyman 3: Facts vs. Assumptions and Wishful Thinking...

Send reply to:

Date sent:             Fri, 7 May 1999 16:50:34 -0400


From:                       Self <Single-user mode>

To:               "Martha Neyman" <martha.neyman>

Subject:                   Re: The Horse

Send reply to: 

Date sent:               Tue, 24 Nov 1998 22:03:37 -0500


Dear Martha,


Perhaps it will give you a better idea of how I am thinking

if I address some of your book before you decide if you

want to "discuss" it.


Remember, this is all "thinking out loud," so to speak, or

on paper.  It is just a "scenario" to be tried and tested. 


I don't pretend that it is the "bottom line." 


So, here goes:


On page 4 you talk about the BBC documentary where the

media, which had once "touted" the "mystery," now has

pretty much squashed it. 


You ask a very good question: Why murder a good story?


Well, perhaps, at this point in time, they were NOT

murdering a good story because there were already so many

adherents to it, that it would be impossible to do so... it

was just more controversy.  In fact, this move could have

been designed to make people ask the very question you

did... sort of like the government constantly pooh poohing

UFOs... the more they did, the more people believed they

were hiding something.


So, this IS a valid point considering "double and triple

reverse psychology" commonly in use by the media and

whoever runs it. 


So, I think that your question goes much deeper than you



But, it also puts light in another area... it seems that,

these guys who were making money off of this business were

being manipulated from start to finish.  And making money

was, apparently, not the objective - though for them it

might have been a lure.  Or it might have started for them

as a lure, or a farce... and grew very serious later. 


Nevertheless, we may deduce that the objective of this

pronoucement by the BBC was to do the exact opposite... to

breathe new life into the subject by reverse psychology. 


So, question about this now is: why?  Why do  they WANT to

keep attention on this area?  Why was the attention drawn

here to begin with? 


Now, let's skip to page 17 where you list the "facts" which

can be substantiated and back engineer a bit from there.


The three "facts" -> Documents were found in 1886.


We cannot accept this as a fact.  It is only hearsay. No

matter about the various arguments for, about, against, or

whatever, no one, NO ONE, outside of persons whose

credibility is in question has EVER SEEN any actual,

ancient or even "pretty old" MSS.  They have not been

submitted to any kind of professional analysis because they

have never been produced.    To say that "The discovery of

the manuscripts is the key to the mystery of Rennes-le-

Chateau," is a huge assumption. 


So, let's set them aside for the moment.  (Don't despair, I

am ruthless, but it is useful, as you will see.)


Third fact (we will save the second for last, as it is the

most interesting.) -> That Saunier was digging at night in

the cemetery without obvious purpose, aided by his servant.


Now, on this, what verification is there?  I am not too

clear from the various stories... but it seems that the

primary source of this information was an old guy who

"remembered" all this many years later... and, considering

the circumstances of all the rest... well, it is hearsay. 

Not admissable as a fact.


Now, there is the second "fact," that Saunier spent more

money than his income as a village priest allowed.


At last, we are on firm footing.  There are ledger books,

apparently, with this information recorded that can be

considered "hard evidence."  And, there is the evidence of

the building projects and so forth which cost more money

than the guy could have made.  We have a FACT.  Only one,

so far.


Remember, our BELIEFS are not important here... our

feelings, our responses to our amazing "synchronicities,"

and all that.  We have to clear away the fog of emotion.


Now, in order to know what other "facts" there may be,

maybe you can answer the following questions?


You wrote:

In 1892, Sauniere is often absent without permission.  What

he does and where he goes, remains a secret...


Says WHO?


You wrote:

In 1894, together with Marie he makes long walks.  They

collect stones that are used to adorn the garden with a



Says WHO?


You wrote:

Also in  1894, aided by his trustworthy helpmate, Marie, he

stats to dig in his cemetery!  At night, under the cover of



Says WHO?


Now, the tomb of Marie Negre D'Ables, that he is supposed

to have destroyed, but, fantastically, it happened to have

been "copied"... are you aware of the investigation into

the "background" of that little book where it was

supposedly reproduced?  That it was, very likely, at the

hands of the very same persons who deposited the "Dossiers

Secrets" and all that in the Biblioteque Nationale? 


This is pretty shaky stuff here.


The very idea that the Abbe was "searching for something"

could be all rumor.


But, why?  Where could such a rumor come from?


The story about Marie in her old age is highly instructive:

I am sure you have a few "old people" in your family and

are familiar with their little "manipulations" and feelings

of "helplessness" as they age.


Now, just suppose there WAS some secret of the Abbe... but

it had NOTHING to do with a "treasure" at all... and

whatever it was, died with him as a source of income.


But, Marie, in her old age, desperate to ensure her

comfort, knowing that all she has is this property that is

expensive to maintain, and no money coming in anymore,

hints to the people who have undertaken to care for her

that there is a "secret" that she will tell them before she

dies... Obviously, this is to keep her "control" over her

life to what little extent she can.  It sounds like the old

"if you are nice to me, I'll remember you in my will,"

routine so common among old people... From the descriptions

I have heard, the people who were caring for her had a hard

time making ends meet.  Do you think that if she had some

secret that would enable access to financial aid, that she

would not have acted upon it herself and thereby enabled

herself to PAY for her own care in old age, rather than

having to depend on strangers that she controlled with the

promise of a secret? 


It is so typical of something an old lady would do, that I

am completely struck by the liklihood of it being so. 


But, what happens?  She dies without telling anything!

Suppposedly.   Well, the guy spends some time looking for a

possible treasure which he hopes is there... because the

old lady told him so... but, no luck... maybe he realizes

that he was duped... and the story you have described,

about the hints to the papers about a treasure to create

business for a hotel... well, the guy was just playing with

the cards he was dealt, and I believe that this is the

source of the whole "Rennes-le-Chateau" cottage industry in

"treasure hunting."




Okay, the guy had some bucks.  Not only that, but his

bishop had some bucks... and both were getting paid by

another priest... and, not only that, there was a third

priest who was murdered. 


These FACTS are of EXTREME interest!  The rest is just

rumor, smokescreen, hearsay, and all that. 


Now, clearly, as you have revealed to me, the cash flow

came from Henri Boudet who wrote the strange book about

language... (and I would very much like to get my hands on

a copy of it complete!  There may, indeed, be a code in

there... but not what anybody thinks...)


Now, on pages 19, 20 and 21 you give some very interesting

facts OUT OF SEQUENCE.  I wonder if it was a subconscious

oversight?  Because, placing them IN SEQUENCE makes for

very interesting reading:  Here they are:


1852, Sauniere is born.


1878  The abbe of Rennes, Pons, dies.


1881, Charles Mocquin is appointed, but leaves after just a

few months. (Any reason given for his leaving???)


1885, May 5, Antoine Croc leaves Rennes... (how long was he

there?  This is curious.  Any reason given for leaving?)


1885, July 1, Sauniere is appointed cure at Rennes...


1886, Saunier receives a "gift of cash from Comtesse de

Chambord."  (Or was it really a "first payment" from

Boudet?  We see that Sauniere isn't going to leave after

just a few months... wonder why?)


1886, According to the ledgers, it was at about this time

that Abbe Boudet began  paying money to Sauniere.  Was this

also the time he began paying money to Msr. Billard in

Carcassonne?  Any dates on this?  The bishop was getting

twice as much as Sauniere according to the figures you

gave.  Was it for the same period?  The bishop gave most of

his to charity.  (Was this because of a guilty conscience?)


1887, July, the new altar is placed in the church at

Rennes.  This is curious.  Was this a completely NEW altar,

or was it a re-placing of the old one?  If the former, what

happened to the OLD one? 


1889 Bishop Felix Billard visits Rennes for the first

time...  (There may have been some sort of "meeting"

amongst these guys.  They discuss who is to get what, who

is to do what, and so on...)


1891, major restoration is begun on the church...

(This does not sound too strange, since there is obviously

some source of money - Sauniere bargained for enough to

make his church the way he wanted.  If he is stuck in this

out of the way place, he is gonna enjoy it!)


1891, Sept 21, entry in Sauniere's diary - "letter from

Granes - discovery of a sepulchral vault, rain in the

evening."  (Does not sound like anything unusual since he

is doing a major restoration on his church.  AND, he does

not seem too interested in it since he did not list it



1892, hearsay that Sauniere was absent without permission.

(unless there are documents to confirm this)


1894, hearsay, unless documented, collecting of stones for



1894, hearsay, unless documented, digging in graveyard.


1896, restoration of church mostly finished.  Sauniere buys

more land. 


1897, June 6, Mgr Billard visits and the garden is

unveiled. (Perhaps another "meeting" between the "guys"

takes place now.)


1897, Abbe Gelis was murdered. Reportedly tortured before

his death.  Was supposed to retire the next day. The

magistrate found money hidden at various places in the

vicarage... so, he may have been on the "payroll" as well

or...  He was an intimate of Sauniere and Boudet and had

been there since 1857.  How long was Boudet in the region? 

Was Gelis the "source" of the money to Boudet?  He had been

there a long time... he was going to retire... perhaps take

the secret of the source of income with him, or threatened

to do something else at the meeting... or, being retired,

he would have been a threat in some way.  This needs more



1898, Sauniere buys the land on which he builds his villa.


1902, the Bishop dies.


1902 Sauniere was told to give an explanation on the origin

of his wealth to the new bishop...  Seems that the old

bishop was "protecting" the other "guys" in some way, so it

does not seem that it could be a "secret" of the church...


1902, he argues with his friend Henri Boudet.  The friendly

relations between Sauniere and Boudet are broken off... 

Funny that this comes right after the Bishop dies and the

new one demands explanation.  This is the strangest thing

of all.  If there is some secret between them and Sauniere

is under pressure to reveal it, it does not seem very wise

for Boudet to break off relations with Sauniere if Sauniere

KNOWS something about Boudet that he could tell.  This

point needs some consideration.  Something funny here.


1910, July 23, Sauniere is suspended from his official

duties.  Seems that if Boudet was worried that Sauniere

would reveal something, he would come to his rescue.  What

was happening to Boudet at this time?  Was he getting along

just fine, or was he being quesioned also? 


1915, Boudet sends a message to Sauniere... shortly after

the reconciliation, Boudet dies.  This is funny, that

Boudet sends this message... is it documented?  Or, is it

documented BY Sauniere?  Did he go to visit Boudet

uninvited?  How soon after the visit does Boudet die? 


1916, Sauniere decides to build on a REALLY grand scale...


1917, January 22, Sauniere dies suddenly. 


Now, of all the interesting facts above, the two that

strike me most forcibly are the facts that, in the year

following the death of Gelis, Sauniere buys the land on

which he plans to build his villa - but holds off the

building for three years...


in the year following the death of Boudet, Sauniere decides

to really go "whole hog" with his building projects...


So, what we have, after getting rid of the story of the

parchments, treasure  and all that mess... is a VERY

strange story...


AND, it seems to me, that once certain attention had been

brought to the area due to the financial needs of Mr. Corbu

and family, there was a DESPERATE need to confuse the

issue... to draw attention away from the situation

involving the priests... and their friendship and their



The question would be WHY would this be so important at

such a remove in time?  Evidence indicates that it is NOT a

secret of the church... the "treasure" idea is kaput, too,

as far as I can see... all the elements of the "Shepherds

of Arcadia" painting as related to this area have pretty

much been shown to be "cooked up."  But, there IS something

going on!!!  


Is there a connection between the facts that Abbe Gelis was

murdered and Sauniere bought land for his villa soon after?


Is there a connection between the fact that Boudet died

"suddenly" and Sauniere made big plans to build soon after?


What could be the REAL source of money being shared among

these guys?  Two, possibly THREE priests and a bishop...


Was Sauniere's sudden death natural, considering the funny

business around the death's of the other two?


What or who was it that supplied the money?  Obviously,

Sauniere had access to it even after Boudet died, but NOT

when he and Boudet were on bad terms... hmmmm?  Funny?

What was the connection of Gelis to the money - so that he

had to die for it, as it seems?


But, whatever the source, it was NOT accessible to Marie...

Who used the "secret" as bait to ensure her well-being

until death...


So, having ripped away all the smokescreen, we are left

with a real mystery.


But, that is not to say that there is not some purpose in

the smokescreen,  that is another subject altogether. 

There IS some great mystery about the Shepherds of Arcadia,

but, it may be far wider and more intruging than just the

area around Rennes-le-Chateau. 


But, this is enough for now.





From:                    Laura Knight-Jadczyk <>

To:                        Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                Neyman 4... symbolism, hand signals, etc

Send reply to:

Date sent:             Fri, 7 May 1999 17:01:33 -0400


This is the last of the Neyman letters... after this, she wrote and told me she

did not see any point in "discussin" it further as she KNEW the truth because

she had been "led" by "amazing synchronicities" and all that.  Same song,

different verse. 


My point is: I can see that there is a HUGE thing going on here... and it seems

that everybody, including yours truly, has had so amazing a series of

"confirmations" of ideas - one leading to another... and work, work, work on

the research and digging and all that... BUT each one has come to a somewhat

different conclusion and has been led down a somewhat different path.


I want to get to the very bottom of the blasted thing! 


I have some  pieces to this pie, I think... and Martha found some interesting

things... and I am still waiting for my printer to finish your pages so I can

settle down and read and see what pieces you have found... 


Anyway, this will give you SOME idea of how I am looking at it.  I am a strange

mixture of "intuitive" and ruthlessly scientific - even toward myself.  And,

when I get emotionally attached to my ideas, my husband straightens me out

pretty quick! 


I guess I have a couple of axioms I live by:  one is "get results."  The other

is: "when all the lies are stripped away, what remains is the truth."



From:                       Self <Single-user mode>

To:               "Martha Neyman" <martha.neyman>

Subject:                   Re: The Horse

Send reply to: 

Date sent:               Wed, 25 Nov 1998 13:23:49 -0500


On 25 Nov 98, at 16:26, Martha Neyman wrote:


> You are a busy lady... When is the big "Thanksgiving" day..? I thought

> this was the 14th of November, but I am not sure and you know better..!


In USA it is the last Thursday in November - whatever that

happens to be.  Don't know why they picked a Thursday...

all sorts of symbolic things about Thor and all that could

come to mind, but...


> Sounds great and fingerlicking good that turkey of yours... Today for

> us; a bit sliced cabbage will do, we have to watch our diet...


So do we... which is why it is going to be difficult... I

will be sick if I eat things that I ought not to eat!


> Of course I will answer the questions you have and I do not see this as

> a criticism of the work I did, because I feel, what I did was good and

> not done before by anyone... Even not by the writers of the Tomb of

> God... The book they wrote, has at first sight a "certain" resemblance

> with my work, but it is totally  different and the "Horse of God" is not

> a rail-way, that is for sure..!


Precisely.  It is such a vast subject, that it is difficult

to get into without writing reams.  The very important

thing you were doing was just going about with an open mind

and observing and checking things out. 


Yes, the railway part nearly had me laughing off my chair. 

And those poor guys missed some of the most amazing



> Dear Laura, do not be angry with me because I am honest to you and

> straight to the point... In a way, I am thinking in the same direction

> as you...


Only way it can all be solved...


> I think, where you talk about WHY the BBC is "murdering" the story of

> RLC, you dig too deep. I can well imagine the US government keeping the

> truth about UFO's from the people, but to believe that the respectable

> BBC of England is part of a plot to hide the truth of Rennes-le-Chateau

> in a sort of double psychology game, I think is going a bit too far.


Possibly.  It is all too easy to get into a conspiracy mind-

set.  But, you DID ask the question, and I could see that

there was another answer besides these guys just tossing

the whole thing out the window.


> You asked me a lot of questions... But... You started to ask questions

> about the "Preface" and the "Introduction".


Yes.  There are certain foundational facts that I think are

necessary.  You gave quite a few that I have not noticed in

other works... so, I am asking for more about the "basic



> Please take "This" information at "face value"..!

> This section is not of any importance to the rest of my book. The

> information in the introduction is common knowledge, mostly it came from

> the locals, and they are used by every book-writer...


Yes, I know that - but, I want to know WHY and HOW such

things were generated.  I want to know if anybody ever

actually documented any of these things.  And these are

questions that DO occur to me for whatever reason.  If the

only answer is "the locals said so..." well, that IS the

answer.  If there is an old diary where someone wrote about

it, that is a different kind of answer. 


And, the point is:  somehow, for some reason, stimulated by

some "raison," these so-called Priory of Sion fellows

played on this story and the painting (which I believe is

important because of the facts of Poussin's life) got

connected to this area...   Is it because there was some

sort of "rumor" that floated about in esoteric circles that

this painting was connected to this place?  Who came up

with the idea in the first place?


> When you start writing some kind of a book, you have to start

> somewhere...


Oh, indeed.  And getting from point A to point B is very

difficult because there are so many corollary paths that

might need to be included that it becomes an agony deciding

how to choose what to include and what to leave out - or it

could become so lengthy and confusing that no one could

understand it!  Believe me, I KNOW.


> I do not have to tell you... I did start with general information. So

> readers who are not so well informed, but want to know more about the

> whole story Rennes-le-Chateau, can get this general information.


Yes, but you also did some "investigating" on your own. 

You observed.  A lot of things you mention are not

mentioned by other writers, even apart from your



> That is why, in the INTRODUCTION, I wrote:

> Quote: At the risk of boring those readers, who know all about the

> history of Rennes-le-Chateau and its obstinate priest, I would like to

> repeat briefly, the "original" version, for those new to the story...

> Unquote.


Yes, but hopefully, you checked some of these things???? 

After all, the previous writers may have had an agenda...

and it seems that they did not check things out as

thorougly as one might wish.


> Dear Laura, those inverted commas at the word ORIGINAL were placed there

> on purpose... To the real initiated it means the story as it is usually

> told, as mysterious and uncanny as possible, without actually having

> completely checked out, who did what and why and who saw him doing it...

> This is just the "common" Rennes-le-Chateau story, only meant as "proof"

> that something weird was going on in this village and that the priest

> behaved strangely...


Yes, but if none of those things are true... if they only

"developed" AFTER the fact of the initial "rumor" of

treasure was started, which I think you pinpointed in your

description of the folks who were caring for Marie, well,

then there is nothing to support the "treasure" hypothesis.


Thus, if the story about treasure, the connection to the

painting, which seems to have evolved from the rumors about

treasure, all are "manufactured," then one has to start

looking in a different way. 


> Because as you will find out later, as you read on, you will see that

> Sauniere's doings have (very) little impact on the solution I found.


But, Sauniiere's doings seem to be the very thing that the

"story" masks...


I can see that I am going to have to start telling you

about some of the things I discovered... in much the same

way you discovered things... in this way you will

understand that I am saying that there is SOMETHING HUGE

going on here, because what I have discovered dovetails

with your "findings" only there are some other implications

and correspondences that make the picture a lot larger...


> I hope you do not mind, I am so straight to the point..?


No.  This has got to be analyzed to pieces I think.


> What I meant by writing : You are so well informed is: Experienced in

> symbolism...


We will get to that later.  I cannot formulate without

data.  There are some significant symbolic images that are

far more ancient and "in your face" in that painting than

what you described.  Every thing has multiple layers...

question is: which layer do we extract from? 


An example is your use of the "knee" as a means of

selecting "seven."  Well, the knee has some very deep

meanings and is used symbolically in a rather different way

in numerous sources, the oldest I have found being the

Egyptian Pyramid Texts... And it is not chance that "knee"

is from the same root as "knead (as in bread), knight,

juga, yogi, conjugal, genes, genetic, gonads, etc) 


Also, the hand positions... there was in use, at the time

of the painting, a "hand alphabet" which could signify

either letters or numbers or both ... it could also

symbolize a mathematical "operation."  


> I started to give an explanation of the perceptible and searching for

> the truth in the invisible words of symbolism in "Chapter I"... So let

> we start from this first part... And... Do not forget I only used A

> SMALL part of the Christian  Church symbolism to explain, sometimes

> "just enough" to make clear how I came to my conclusions in a logical

> way..! Otherwise for most of the people "absolute unknown" with this

> material it would have been much too complicated, long-winded and even

> boring.


Agreed.  But I am still trying to "connect" the painting to

the area and it is difficult. 


> So my dear if you are ready for it... I am... But no hurry, take your

> time..!


Well, it is going to take some time because the "rest of

the story" is yet to be told.  And, by that, I mean certain

other correspondences that no one knows, I don't think, but



> This was only a short reply, because  I feel the strong desire to write

> a whole day on my second book... Which has nothing to do with

> symbolism... It is the true story of the "Shepherds" the real

> "Shepherds": the church-shepherds..! THAT is the story of the painting

> of Poussin... "Popes-Crusades-Templars", it starts with the Oriental

> Schism  in 1054 ... For the "Latin Church of Rome" this was a large

> loss. It ended with a second huge loss: The reformation in 1618.


Well, if you haven't done so already... look at the King

Rene painting reproduced in the "Tomb of God" book

alongside the "Shepherds" painting... just look at them

casually and see what things you note that correspond...

Note the lance and the horse head and compare it to the

"horse head" and shepherd's staff in the Arcadia

painting... Note the position of the sun and the mountain

peak in both paintings... note the posture of the

Shepherdess and King Rene... note the ditch and flow of

water exiting from the stone in the two paintings... note

the funny leaning tree in the Rene painting... the funny

hand gestures....


Then look at the Teniers painting and note the shape of the

"window" and compare it to the "chink" in the tomb in the

Shepherd's painting...   


Then, have a look at Bacchus and Ariadne by Titian... half-

close your eyes and see what you can see... note the funny

over-turned vessel on the drapery... the dog... go back to

Teniers and note the vessel in the window... the bird...


In the Shepherds painting, note the drapery of the

figures... the crossed shins, the bared breasts of the

figures... count the numbers of knees, hands displayed...

Note the positions... it is not as simple as the "finger of

Jupiter, Venus or whatever..."


The system of codes being transmitted via hand signals was

widespread in both the Orient and the Occident.  There are

allusions to it in the writings of several Greek and Latin

writers, such as Plutarch, who attributes these words to

orontes, son-in-law of King Artaxerxes of Persia: "Just as

in calculating, fingers sometimes have a value of ten

thousand and sometimes of only one, the favorites of kings

may be either everything or almost nothing."  (Hmm... a

connection to Persia again?)


Apuleius married a rich widow named Aemilia Pudentialla and

was accused of having used magic to win her favor.  He

defended himself before Proconsul Caludius Maximus in the

presence of Emilianus, his main accuser, who had unkindly

said that Aemilia was sixty years old, when she was

actually only forty.  Here is the record of how Apuleius

addressed his accuser: "How dare you, Emilianus, increase

the real number of Aemilia Pudentilla's age by half, or

even a third?  If you had said 'thirty' for 'ten' it might

have been thought that your mistake CAME FROM HOLDING YOUR





Saint Jerome wrote: "Thirty corresponds to marriage, FOR







The Venerable Bede gives many examples of how the system

can be used for silent communication. 


In Islamic religions, finger counting and signing was used

extensively (remember the "contamination" of the Templars

by Sufism... which is so similar to what is known of the

Cathars that one cannot help but think that there is a

connection... and, also, what is known of the Druids...)


There are a LOT of quotes I can cite about this "finger and

hand" signalling system... but, it would get tedious. 


The meanings of these things were obvious to people of the

time,  (which may be why the painting was hidden), and the

citations from old MSS so common that it shows that such

allusiions were used both in paintings and in written

references... otherwise, the readers could not have been

expected to understand them,  but it is very obscure to

those of us in the 20th century who are not familiar with

the method, and casually pass over such references as being



Thus, this may be an important consideration in evaluating

the message of this and other paintings. 


The mathematical angles are another thing altogether.  At

the time, the "Golden Mean" was a standard of Art... it was

taught in all the art schools that a composition based on

this ratio was more aesthetically pleasing... so, pupils

were taught, and masters perfected, the art of

compositional placement on the medium according to the

Pythagorean principles.  It meant, essentially, nothing. 

It can be found in thousands of paintings.  It's presence

in art is generally meaningless. 


However, your finding of the stone with the ratio figure

engraved upon it ... well, that requires some examination,

but not necessarily in the precise terms.  Or, on the other

hand, in the precise terms...


Well, I have some transcribing to do for my husband who is

impatiently pacing about - and I have baking to do this

afternoon.  Children won't let me NOT do it! 


It will take a while to talk about all of these things and

I am going to begin to try to describe to you some of the

other things that may be significantly related...





From:                    Laura Knight-Jadczyk <>

To:                        Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                A Brilliant Series...

Send reply to:

Date sent:             Sun, 9 May 1999 10:35:18 -0400



I am about half-way through your pages... printed all the "research," punched

holes, and put in a binder for easier management... a LOT of stuff. 


Anyway, I am LOVING every bit of it!  It deserves to be published IMHO.


Fact is, most of it is what is in my own notebooks, though in my case, I have

been unable to articulate it in so reasonable and fluid a manner.  There is

just simply so much that it is almost impossible for me to organize it all as

you have done.  A RARE ability!


But, I have also gone in places where you have not (and you  have gone places I

have not).  I could certainly add some pieces for you, I think.  Especially in

regards to the "secret of transmutation."


But, let that wait.  Must read more.


Thanks for a GREAT job!  AMAZING and clear and all that... only wish there were



Laura Knight-Jadczyk



Date sent:             Sun, 9 May 1999 18:15:35 -0500


From:                    Vincent & Darlene <>

Subject:                RE:Hendaye


Hi Laura,

Thanks for all your info. Does seem as if we are working in similar

directions. The stuff up on the web is actually smoke and mirrors. We

haven't released the good stuff yet either. Very little on the web about

some of our discoveries, for obvious reasons. Was very interested in your

Neyman letters, and yes EVB is still alive and living in the town next to

RLC, but her story is truly bizare. She was Canseliet's lover, self

identified, in the '60s and he told her the whole story which became

Refuge. It gets stranger from there. Let me know what you think and we will

talk more. Fulcanelli is hard to find, but Brotherhood of Light has now

published both Mystery and Dwellings of the Philosophers in English.






See also:

Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
Psychotherapist? Or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit)

The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence

The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence


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