Studies in Psychopathy

The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D.
with commentary and additional quoted material
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Psychopath: The Mask of Sanity Special Research by Quantum Future School
Discussion of Psychopathy Traits From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
A Basic Hypothesis of Psychopathy From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
Official Culture - A Natural State of Psychopathy? by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath - Hervey Cleckley
"Stanley," a chapter from Hervey M. Cleckley's classic study of psychopaths, The Mask of Sanity
How Psychopaths View Their World
Retreat from Zaca - (3 files)

Dr. Strange, New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

"Dr. Strange" - Psychotherapist or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

Maynerd Most's Rebuttal
"I am the webmaster for Zecharia Sitchin..."
The Psychopath As Physician The Mask of Sanity - Hervey Cleckley - Excerpts
The Bad Seed: The Fledgling Psychopath
Sam Vaknin Revisited
An In-Depth Look At Where Sam Vaknin is Leading NPD
The Ambassador of Narcissism: An Interview with Sam Vaknin
A Soul With No Footprints
Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy
Anatomy of Malignant Narcissim
The Socially Adept Psychopath
The Origins of Violence: Is Psychopathy an Adaptation?
Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath
The Partial Psychopath
Adventures with Cassiopaea by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ark and Laura's Correspondence 1997 (8 files) Supplement to Adventures
Reader's Comments on Adventures With Cassiopaea
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Quantum Future School
Alvin Wiley's Letter
Alvin Wiley's subsequent letters to the public

the "Alvin Wiley" correspondence (10 files)

Letters from Readers About Jay Weidner
Dear Webmaster: - (2 files)
What is Laura Hiding? The Cassiopaeans Answer

Reader's Comments on "Is Laura Hiding Something?"

Transcript of direct channeling via "Frank Scott" on computer, July 22, 1994
Statement by Terry and Jan Rodemerk
Maynerd Most's post to the Cassiopaea Guestbook
Death Threat?
Organic Portals: The Other Race Quantum Future School (2 files) Disclaimer
Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner: Magickal Mystery Tour Scam
Is Cassiopaea a Cult?
The French Connection by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Censored!
Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley PDF - book download FREE!
Kubrick's Psychopaths Society and Human Nature in the Films of Stanley Kubrick
The common problem with psychopaths... “Is they don’t see a problem with their behavior.”
Psychopath Support Group
“Non-victims can’t understand this, but the psychopath really does suck the life out of a caring person. I try to think of them now as a slimy suckerfish right out of the swamp, vacuum-lips out and prowling for someone vibrant and attractive to con and eviscerate.”

If you are a good person you will meet many evil people in your life, you need to recognize them and their actions. More importantly you need to recognize which evil behaviors you have been conned into accepting as reasonable and to reject those behaviors - both in yourself and in others - as unacceptable.

The English language has a variety of terms for psychopaths, of which "bastard" is perhaps the most polite. They have always been with us, and despite their corrosiveness and rejection of social mores, they show no signs of going away.

Think you can spot one? Think again. In general, psychopaths aren’t the product of broken homes or the casualties of a materialistic society. Rather they come from all walks of life and there is little evidence that their upbringing affects them.
Most of the two million psychopaths in North America aren’t murderers. They’re our friends, lovers and co-workers. They’re outgoing and persuasive, dazzling you with charm and flattery. Often you aren’t even aware they’ve taken you for a ride – until it’s too late.
The problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today....Most good people are only aware of the least intelligent part of the evil distribution; those are the people who are obviously evil: criminals. The normal and intelligent ends of the evil distribution totally escape most good people's understanding.

Only as of late, with all the Enron scandals and related crimes, people are waking up to the fact that the most dangerous psychopath of all is the educated, socially adept psychopath, in fact, Dr. Hare recently said that he would probably be able to find many psychopaths involved in the stockmarket. It is time for American to "wake up" says Dr. Wolman, because we are being threatened by a serious epidemic of psychopathy.

The Psychopathic or Sociopathic Personality

Based on twenty-five years of groundbreaking research, WITHOUT CONSCIENCE is a fascinating journey into the minds of these dangerous individuals. Are they born unable to feel empathy, or are they created by circumstance? How and why do they get away with cheating, conning, and murdering? Are they mad or simply bad? In what Dr. Hare calls our "camouflage society," how can we recognize and steer clear of these predatory people?

WITHOUT CONSCIENCE explores their shocking patterns- and exposes one of the most frightening, often-hidden social problems affecting our lives today.


The Psychopath is much more successful than you and I because he is not hemmed in by all sorts of impediments or worries.

A discussion with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig & James Hillman

“We fall prey to the seduction, it is irresistible. Then the nightmare of horror begins. The shabby treatment, the avoidance. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. He had been so sincere, so kind. It was Jekyl and Hyde.”
“They go for the strongest and the best, but preferably those who are something of rebels within the group...the LEAST controllable. Because if they can crush them, they crush most of the rest at the same time. If they start at the bottom, with the weakest, it’s a long way to work their way up…The ideal target is therefore, strong, smart, rebellious and vulnerable through previous abuse.”
“A favored technique is to debilitate your identity [personally, I hate the term self-esteem] by levelling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, your “true” motivations, your “real” character, your sanity and judgement.”
“They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.”
“Others around me would get so tired of the whole thing and insinuate that I was perpetuating things. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone. Part of the hurt and damage was done because others could but would not see what was actually happening. He would always try to ingratiate himself to others it was sickening. Usually psychopaths put on the nicest act, and you look like the harpy and bitch, and so everyone takes their side, it is a horror story, a psychopath can be very charming, and manipulative and manipulate the smartest of people.”
“My biggest frustration and source of anger, is at those who have refused to take a stand when they see the abuse . No matter how outrageous his behavior others often stood by and inadvertently fuelled his grandiosity and denial... although denial is too mild a word for it.
“If a psychopath throws the “bad childhood” stuff at you, keep in mind he might be trying to get sympathy and make an excuse for his atrocious behavior towards you and/or others. If we let these people make us feel sorry for them, we ultimately end up in the submissive position again...just what they want. I can “pity” them yes...but I refuse to shed another tear over the tragedies suffered by who is now, only a shell of a person.”

Regarding a psychopath: Considering a longitudinal section of his life is hard to avoid the conclusion that here is the product of true madness - of madness in a sense quite as real as that conveyed to the imaginative layman by the terrible word lunatic.

With the further consideration that all this skein of apparent madness has been woven by a person of (technically) unimpaired and superior intellectual powers and universally regarded as sane, the surmise intrudes that we are confronted by a serious and unusual type of genuine abnormality.

Not merely a surmise but a strong conviction may arise that this apparent sanity is, in some important respects, a sanity in name only. We find instead a spectacle that suggests madness in excelsis, despite the absence of all those symptoms that enable us, in some degree, to account for irrational conduct in the psychotic.

Only very slowly and by a complex estimation or judgment based on multitudinous small impressions does the conviction come upon us that, despite these intact rational processes, these normal emotional affirmations, and their consistent application in all directions, we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly.

So perfect is this reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or how, he is not real. And yet we eventually come to know or feel we know that reality, in the sense of full, healthy experiencing of life, is not here.


“Leaving is hard because of all that goes along with the going. It is not just the person you have to give up but your hopes and dreams and fantasies. It only happened for me in increments and I cried UNCLE often thinking if I gave it one more go I’d break through. It wasn’t until I really knew that no matter what I said or did or didn’t do this person could never love me or anyone.”
“The fantasy was exactly that, a FANTASY, that he created for himself, and presented to me as reality. My head said the fantasy wasn’t valid. I kept reminding myself: if the fantasy was real, I wouldn’t be treated like dirt, and feel like shit!”
“I have finally come to the conclusion that they cannot change, so all we can do is to refuse to participate in their sick drama and leave the stage.”

Cleckley: [T]he familiar tendency to disintegrate, against which life evolves, may be regarded as fundamental and comparable to gravity. The climbing man or animal must use force and purpose to ascend or to maintain himself at a given height. [...] Whether regression occurs primarily through something like gravity or through impulses more self-contained, the backward movement (or ebbing) is likely to prompt many sorts of secondary reactions, including behavior not adapted for ordinary human purposes but instead, for functioning in the other direction. The modes of such reactivity may vary, may fall into complex patterns, and may seek elaborate expression. [...] People with all the outer mechanisms of adaptation intact might, one would think, regress more complexly. [...] In a movement (or gravitational drift) from levels where life is vigorous and full to those where it is less so, the tactics of withdrawal predominate. [...] The psychopath as we conceive of him in such an interpretation seems to justify the high estimate of his technical abilities as we see them expressed in reverse movement.

Organic Portals: The Answer to Psychopathy?

"Alien reaction machines" in human form describes individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths, and Psychopaths.
The material presented in the linked articles does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors. Research on your own and if you can validate any of the articles, or if you discover deception and/or an obvious agenda, we will appreciate if you drop us a line! We often post such comments along with the article synopses for the benefit of other readers. As always, Caveat Lector!

The Jadczyk - Weidner Correspondence


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: STOP AMET NOW!

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:58:10 -0500

On 13 Dec 2001, at 20:49, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> Date: 12/13/2001 5:45:09 PM Pacific Standard Time
> From: Goldenshower
> To:
> CC: laura@cassiopaea

Whoah! You weren't kidding, were you?

Well, the merde is going to hit the fan now.

Remind me when I am not so upset to try to remember the story VB told us about Debra Lawlor and her translation of that mystery volume that he was sure she was doing for parties unknown. I can't even remember who it was. Apparently she visited him (or so he claimed) in NC in late June or early July of this year. He claimed she was "spying" on him and trying to get OUR books away from him! What a laugh I see that as now!

But O*** did write and indicate that he remembered the story about the purloined book and would be willing to say so on the record if need be.

Geez, I have the idea you are going to be under a lot of fire - even if it starts off with the whining and "who, me? I never..."

Oy vey.


From: Goldenshower@....
Date sent: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 12:50:53 EST
Subject: Re: STOP AMET NOW!

To: laura@cassiopaea

The whining has already begun. Soon it will turn to vitriol. How about some fun? If you want to laugh until you cry go rent the film 'Henry Fool'. It is a low budget film that nails this whole thing to the wall. And Henry Fool is a dead ringer for VB. In EVERY way!

Watch out for Hoagland. He is exactly what you say he is and he is not nearly as ineffectual as VB. He is a hardened sociopath with the sugary charm of a southern gentleman. Debra is a no-holds-bar ass who is a fool, or an agent. I know the whole scene all to well.


Jay Weidner

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: STOP AMET NOW!

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 13:12:49 -0500

On 14 Dec 2001, at 12:50, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> The whining has already begun. Soon it will turn to vitriol. How about some
> fun? If you want to laugh until you cry go rent the film 'Henry Fool'. It is a
> low budget film that nails this whole thing to the wall. And Henry Fool is a
> dead ringer for VB. In EVERY way!

Well, about now I could use a movie, I tell ya. On the other side is C*** B*** (A***) who was taken for this same ride by Joe Matheny of Incunabula fame, and Peter Moon - some guy who promotes the whole PhilExp/Montauk thing.

In her case, it was REALLY bizarre. He even faked the "double suicide" of his parents, for god's sake, to get sympathy and money. As it turned out later, she discovered that his creditors were hounding him. Well, she gave him the money...

> Watch out for Hoagland. He is exactly what you say he is and he is not
> nearly as ineffectual as VB. He is a hardened sociopath with the sugary
> charm of a southern gentleman. Bara is a no-holds-bar ass who is a fool, or an
> agent. I know the whole scene all to well.

Jay, it is starting to look like the craziest and scariest thing I have ever seen. I even wonder if I would have pressed the issue with trying to verify VB if I had known it would lead out in so many directions. We kind of joke that he is the "Energizer bunny" of psychopaths - no matter how many lies you demonstrate with evidence are lies, he keeps going and going and going....

Even with the real G. Richard Bozarth waiting in the wings to give a statement, even with Asimov's magazine verifying repeatedly that VB was lying, even with repeated refutations of ANY association with DAW books (even the clincher about the firm being Jewish so they would NEVER have contracted such a book) he STILL tries to insist he wrote those things, they contracted for it, etc. Damndest thing I have ever in my life seen.

We are moving our website offshore so we will have more "safety." I have no idea if it is necessary to be concerned about personal safety here.

By the way, VB once said that the movie "Pi" (symbol) was about Dan Winter. Is that true (why am I even asking...)

Hang in there, I think we are in for a rough ride.


From: Goldenshower@....
Date sent: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 14:31:46 EST
Subject: Re: STOP AMET NOW!

To: laura@cassiopaea

Actually 'Pi' was about Stan Tenen!!! Amazing, the way VB inverts everything. Soon we will hear that he introduced me to JR and was born in Hendaye!!!

You see what is going on here is very simple.

Once there was a great tradition. This tradition had been passed down from before history to Egypt and then to alchemical Europe via the Holy Family that lived in France. This tradition taught that humans, through certain practices could turn into 'light bodies'. The church destroyed this tradition, finishing the job with the destruction of the Templars. After this no one knows much of anything. The Family pulled away from history and the result was the crazy fads and faulty research of the Rosicrucians, The HBL, The Golden Dawn, Blavatsky, Crowely and all of the rest of the clap trap that came after the 1300's.

Everything that is known is based on faulty research and tradition. It is, in fact, a counterfeit tradition. The result of these faulty initiations and research is the creation of light bodies that are only half way there, so to speak. They are also called vampires.

Fulcanelli came to teach us that there was once a great and beautiful tradition. This tradition came from Egypt to Israel to France. They built the great cathedrals and were part of a glorious and incredible tradition - most of which is completely lost.

Hoagland, VB and all of the rest are the bastard children of the counterfeit tradition. With no direction they stumble in the dark. With no morals they lie cheat and steal.

There is a tradition and there are masters of light. They are the holy family that still exists even if they have withdrawn from history. They help us who stay on the path and refuse to lower ourselves to the darker powers of this world.

In other words - this is serious shit.


Jay Weidner

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: (Fwd) Re: [cass] COINTELPRO

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 22:04:55 -0500

Hi, I thought you ought to see this.

Since you mentioned the word "cointelpro," I went out and looked it up and found a book about it and shared some clips with the group since it sure does look like the same thing is going on here.

Well, we have a really integrated mix of folks, and the woman who wrote this is a physics student at CUNY, has been here to visit with us, is from Jamaica, and VB sure did try to lure her into his operation. She was too busy with classes and a new baby, thankfully, but she is referring below to some private conversation she had with VB that she later shared with me via phone.

Problem is, if he was in Jamaica during these times. what happened to his other stories??? I mean, what the heck was the guy REALLY doing?

------- Forwarded message follows -------

Hi All,

Every black person that decides to study the history of african americans in the US knows this word.

Before I had any idea what it really was about I would hear this tale of this or that person being cointelpro agent.

Damn if VB doesn't fit the infiltrator profile.

Laura, remember me talking about the goings on in Jamaica during the mid to late 70's, early 80's and how he claimed to have been there around that time? I thought he may have been too young but he said he had the best weed with the most experienced smokers ever while there. He named several areas where he went. Lot's of college kids go there on spring break but not too many would know of much less visit some of these places. In fact I've never been to them myself only heard of them when people talked about really bad areas.

A lot of guns were being exchanged for drugs in JA too.

He did say he did gun and drug running. When you're no longer needed to ensure third world countries go along with the power elite's policies, what to do? Why there's always those new agey groups that can cause problems if they start to get hip to the real deal on the bbm. hmm....Rasta don't work for no CIA.

Laura he said you were being the rasta, remember. Which would indicate he isn't and so maybe he does work for the CIA after all.

They always leave a signature don't they.

Maybe I'm wrong in my speculations but I know for a fact there was heavy CIA presence there and things would have gone down a la nicaragua and el salvador had the election gone the other way. It's just funny that he claims to have been down there around the same time.


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re: [cass] COINTELPRO

Date sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 13:16:17 -0500

On 15 Dec 2001, at 12:56, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> Excuse me but did this lady say that VB claimed to be in Nicaragua and El
> Salvador back in the late 70's and early 80's? This is very important to
> find out. The reason is a very frightening one and I don't wish to say
> anymore but I do need to know if VB said anything like this.

Indeed. That is exactly what she is saying. Only this is a phone conversation. She called me (from New York, where she lives) right after and repeated it to me in some puzzlement, but at the time, we had NO idea that VB's story was going to turn out to be so bizarre. We still believed he was who he said he was and none of us had taken the time to examine his claims, or cross- check, or check his references. So, this item was lost in the shuffle until you mentioned the word "cointelpro," which I had never heard of (I spent my youth with my nose in books, so the real world was pretty much ignored!)

Anyway, in response to you telling me what it was, and realizing that this sure sounded like what was going on here, I went on a web search. I found some articles, posted them to our group, and I**** reminded me of this conversation she had with VB.

Well, NOW, of course, looking at the timeline of his activities (or lies about same) that we have tried to assemble, we can't figure out HOW he could have done all the things he claimed to have done, AND be in Jamaica huffing drugs with the locals.

It just doesn't make any sense.

BUT, since I**** grew up in Jamaica, and only recently moved to the U.S., she has inside info on the locale, and VB was apparently doing the "we're hermanos" routine with her about Jamaica to induce her support of his agenda at the time he was speaking to her.

What is also quite alarming is VB's "inside knowledge" of a fellow down in Australia who was stalking another member of our group. This person, apparently known to VB, is a rich pedophile.

I'm telling you, there is something very deep and scary in all this. And it relates to this Drunvalo guy and his buddy Holt, Dan Winter, and others where we have found threads of connections that we are still waiting to verify.

A REAL serious "counter investigation" needs to be done here, somehow, some way, and we have no idea how to do it other than posting what we discover on the net and waiting for informants to send us further info. We have spent a bundle on background checks, public record searches, and so on. But without real "field experience," we are hampered somewhat.

If there is, and it seems to be so, as you suggest, a cointelpro operation going on designed to discredit, embarrass, destroy, coopt, or whatever, legitimate scholars and people who are truly pursuing paths of investigation into our world, who runs it, and all of that, if it is not exposed - any of us can be the next victim. And once they have destroyed your reputation, nothing you say will ever matter again.

This is what VB seems to specialize in.

Member of the group mentioned that the Discovery show on Atlantis with VB on it claiming HIS book, and HIS research was run again last night somewhere. She pointed out that he never mentioned your name once. Well, that may be a good thing for YOU, but not a good thing for the book.

Yes, I KNOW we have better things to do: like write books, do research, and expose the Matrix for what it is... but, damn it, we will accomplish nothing if we are marginalized and made laughing stocks!


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: (Fwd) Re: VB

Date sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 13:48:20 -0500

I wrote and asked I**** specifically why she connected El Salvador and Nicaragua. Here is her reply. So, we don't have a conection. L

--- Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> wrote:
> I****,
> I know that VB said he was in Jamaica, but why did
> you mention Nicaragua and El
> Salvador? Why did you connect them? Was it because
> he mentioned them also? Or
> was it just a general observation?
> It is important.
> L

Observation only and how close Jamaica came to having a similar situation. At least one family member moved here for political reasons steming from that. I should have said more like Grenada where an open invasion transpired. Before Grenada, Jamaicans feared it would be them. The PM Micheal Manley had alredy institued socialist like programs. It was election time with a literally bloody campain and everyone just knew if Ed Seaga did not win there would be hell to pay.

Those countries came to mind first because the implementation there was covert. The events that transpired there, ie Guns for drugs to "prevent marxist foothold in central america" was more in line with what was going on in JA where as Grenada was pretty overt.


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: (Fwd) refused CD, copyright issues

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 11:52:48 -0500

VB has sent the following.

Funny that he thinks he can submit a 'bill' when he has no legal company (which he fraudulently misrepresented himself as having, which instantaneously invalidates any purported contract he thinks he had, oral or otherwise, never mind the fact that he defaulted on the purported oral agreement to begin with.)

No point in wasting time pointing out the inaccuracies in his remarks - I'm writing today and have better things to do.

But, indeed, we refused his package. Who wouldn't after discovering all his lies and hearing all the threats, implied or direct, and knowing that his associate, Storm Bear works for a pharmaceutical company. Do we look stupid?

It's also strange that he hasn't realized that the "truth about enochian article" that he references, is a LINK TO ANOTHER SITE!!!! It opens in the frame window, but it is not even on our site!!!

Also, his long "confession" that he is now claiming copyrighted, was posted to numerous discussion groups, by his own admission. It was posted to our group as well, long before we instituted the privacy policy, and he knew it. He posted it to 200 people at one point, on a public list. What is more, it is not a "cut and paste." It is the full monologue from a series of emails in a continuous thread, with only the names of the innocent removed.

He is really worrying about his posts now because he knows that all his lies are detectable there.


------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 11:27:29 -0500
Subject: refused CD, copyright issues
From: Vincent Bridges>
To: laura@cassiopaea> Copies to:>

Dear Laura and Ark,

So, am I to infer from your second refusal to accept the CD transcripts that you are not interested in getting your vaunted "stolen" material returned? Or that you do not want Barry to get his refund back? Or that you do not want my statement that your precious transcripts have not been shared with anyone? Or that maybe you don't want a pre-press copy of the original Noah or to see the bill for our work on that book? Or maybe you just don't want your names on something sent to the Perseus Foundation?

So, what gives? Which of the above? All of the above?

For folks who go so far as to post a copyright tutorial on the front page of the website, you sure do a poor job of reading and understanding it. The Truth about Enochian article is still without attribution to its author, Donald Tyson, and the Enochian Alien article, while it seems to be down at the moment, had not been properly attributed the last time I looked. But the worst example of copyright piracy is your put together article over my byline. While I did write the material, you have absolutely no permission to cut and paste from private emails containing quotes from my own copyrighted material and then change the name and publish it in a manner for which it was never intended.

This is copyright piracy of the worst kind. I ask that you refrain from acting in this way, take down the offending material at along with all other use of my name, copyrighted and/or private emails, and all other links and references to me.

You may consider this as public notice of my assertion of my copyright and my request that since you have no permission to use my material whatsoever, that you take it down immediately.

Thanks Vincent Bridges

------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: (Fwd) Re: Conference

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 22:29:00 -0500

Hi, I was looking today through my email folders to try and discover when the first mention of the conference was and I found this email to a member of our group. So, I guess that this records my first awareness of it on Feb 8, since I have written here that this was the day VB called to ask if we would do it. Of course, it came with the thing about the books... so it was tied up in a "package," so to say.

I admit I was lured by the fact that I didn't want to hassle with the publishing end of things. I just wanted to do the research and write, and somebody offering to take that load was a real temptation and I said yes...


------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 14:59:21 -0500

I got a call from Vincent today... he has apparently been offered funding by some philanthropic group and wants to write into his proposal the idea of publishing the Wave as books... and we will have editorial control and ownership rights... whatever we want...

So, I said yes, tentatively.

Meanwhile, R**is really hot to trot on this database program and getting it set up to run on a server so we can access and enter data from the web... multiple users simultaneously and the whole thing.

I think that J*** and O*** are coming in about the middle of March, R*** wants to come at the end of March, and Vincent wants to fly us out to Santa Barbara in September to speak at a symposium.

So, things are "stewing," or something.

Keep your eyes open. As I get closer to the end of the Wave, I expect all kinds of things to jump out of the woodwork!

You just don't know what a help you are!


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From: Goldenshower@....
Date sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 18:31:11 EST
Subject: Re: STOP AMET NOW!

To: laura@cassiopaea

Open letter from "Alvin Wiley":

Dear Laura and Ark:

I too was misled by Vincent Bridges. Although he is a brilliant scholar, he has misrepresented his past and his own contribution to the book we co-wrote 'A Monument to the End of Time'.

First off - I was under the impression that the event at Zaca Lake was sponsered by you guys and Vincent . Via Mr. Bridges I thought that you had cut out on him leaving Zaca Lake with a completely open weekend in the late summer and screwing Zaca Lake Charity out of $8000. I now realize I was wrong on this and I completely apologize for my out-of line remarks concerning you in that instant.

Vincent Bridges has claimed that he 'recieved' the Hendaye information in August 1996 while on vacation with Dan Winter. This is a complete fabrication. I had been working on the Hendaye puzzle since 1986. I had uncovered all of the important facts concerning the monument years before I met Vincent which was in September 1996. I did not convey any of my findings or tell him about the Cross at Hendaye until November 1997. I have witnesses to this event. He is out and out lying about 'recieving' the info in August 1996.

The secret of Hendaye was not channeled or 'recieved'. It was the result of years of thankless research, most of it alone and unaided. It cost me my first marraige and Vincent Bridges owes me thousands of dollars, of my own money, that I lent him to help with the research near the end of the writing of the book.

One can imagine my outrage when I hear that all of those years of research and hard work were actually accomplished from Vincent having a channeled session with the Enochian angels in the desert somewhere. Nope, I am sorry, it was just plain hard work and dedication that did it. No mystical revelations, no chance encounters with ghostly beings and no channeled messages from the Ophainim.

While he did contribute to the book, which is why I let him share credit, the major and important findings on Hendaye were accomplished long before November 1997.

Including: The mystery of Fulcanelli's identity, Canseliet's strange trip to the Pyrenees, the missing Hendaye chapter from the first printing of Cathedrals, the Family in France and how they understood the secret of time, the relationship of Hendaye to the Rennes Le Chateau mystery, the galactic alignment and the secret of the cross, the complete Peru part of the mystery and much more. One may disagree or agree with my findings but they are what makes up the book.

My heart is saddened that Vincent Bridges continues to misrepresent himself so I have, reluctantly, asked him to cease publishing the book as he has damaged the credibility of the research.

It is up to him to set his career, and life, back in order. To do this he must apologize to everyone publicly for his misrepresentations.

Thanks to all for their time in this matter. I hope I have helped to straighten out this ugly mess.


Jay Weidner

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Letter

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:54:15 -0500

Hi, I am still compiling documents on the "subject," and it is, indeed, looking like the "cointelpro" thing. What is pretty shocking is a recent event re: VB's last visit here in July which was the time he was chatting with our two friends about the book and other matters. At that point in time, a really unusual event happened which acted to expose VB's motivations and methods so clearly that it is shocking in retrospect.

It was a "mirror session" with VB at the wheel driving.

It was taped.

As it happens, one of his "allies" went to a great deal of trouble to "invite herself" into our home for five days. That was fine because we thought she was a friend and a person in need of help. She presented herself as being extremely concerned about her findings re: VB.

She was also VERY interested in this taped session. It was only AFTER she learned of its existence that she began angling to visit us.

When she got here, she was MOST interested in listening to, and transcribing this tape into a notebook. So, we brought it out and all of us listened to it several times. (Another guest was present).

Well, last week I was going to transcribe the tape, make a sound file, and post it on the website. I knew she had transcribed it into this notebook I had handed her for the purpose, so I took it down, and the transcription was missing. 17 pages from a 100 page notebook.

Well, okay - I'll just do it over. I located the tape. Guess what? It was erased.

I remembered how, when we had finished listening to it that she had taken the tape player and set it down on the floor on the other side of her chair, out of everyone's line of vision. A few minutes later, she "clumsily" dropped some books and papers in the same spot, and was down there picking them up and straightening the mess... all the while saying "oh, clumsy me..."

So, what is on this tape? A muddy recording of the coversation between the four of us from that point on. She deliberately had used this "accident" to turn on the record function, to cover the sound of the clicking of the tape buttons. Because you have to push TWO buttons simultaneously to make it record.

So, not only is the evidence of VB's real objectives now gone from the tape, the transcription is also gone.

And who is this person? Geez, "Walter"... it gets weirder and weirder. She is a woman who barged into our group right around the time of the August- Sept debacle that VB described to us in one of his emails when he was talking about JR and JBR.

She is a professor of English at a Uni in Wisconsin.

She has quite a story to tell, so if you ever have the time, and want to look at this aspect of the possible links of cointelpro stuff that seems to be emerging here, let me know and I will forward the compilation of the paper trail. I save everything, so I do have a way of correlating these events by dates on emails. A very serious picture is emerging.

Is VB cointelpro? Was he sent to infiltrate your work, and then later bring you down by being discredited himself? Was part of his job to connect your work to his Crowle magic? Was his next assignment to do the same with us? Is his handler really this Dr. Burns at Uni wisc?

Heck, I don't know. You seem to be more familiar with all of it than I am.

I do think, though, that something is building behind the scenes with all of this and it is not just ugly, it is dangerous.

Meanwhile, we posted your letter on the Zaca page, the discussion page, and the VB page, and hundreds of people have read it by now, so they know that you were taken in also, and it will certainly go far to distance you from the Crowley/Enochian magic folks.

I think that VB was counting on the fact that both of us are always busy and would never read the material on his website. Well, it was true until somebody forcibly brought it to my attention.

Hope you are surviving the manipulations. I tried to get the movie you mentioned but will have to look a little further. I guess we are still a backwater here and everything is not always available.

Again, thank you and we will help when and if we can. Just ask.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Blackmail?

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 19:53:30 -0500

Hi "Walter",

Are you saying now that we have blackmailed you as Vincent is claiming?


[Laura's note: I will add some comments in colored text to save later commentary.]

------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: Vincent Bridges>
Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 19:42:43 -0500
Subject: [matrioshka] Re: Re: Re: for Andy C. Goofball

Send reply to:

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

Thanks Jojo for that simple and concise summary of your interactions with the Cassiopaeanists. I think your insights and experiences open a whole new perspective on the situation, one that I would like to explore.

Anybody remember the old Groucho Marx Show? Say the secret word and win a hundred dollars? Well, the secret word in C-world is not "money." But we'll wait until Jojo says it..

I have been reticent up to this point to call a crook a crook, because I am trying to redress the situation through legal means. All I want is my name down from their website. I don't care what else they do. Anyone who joins up at this point, after the things that've been revealed, probably belongs there anyway. Caveat Emptor indeed!

But in the last few days, L&A have done a few things to change the nature of the situation. First, over the weekend they moved the Cassiopaea and Perseus site pages about me to a server in Amsterdam. How convenient and what a good way to avoid an injunction in a Florida court. So much for standing on your First Amendment rights...

And of course, they blackmailed my writing partner and co-author on AMET into denouncing me and our work together. As Mr. A. C. "Goofball" Rowland has already shared with the group Mr. "Wiley"'s letter, let me just point out that the accusation he was forced to make is absurd on the face of it. Search as you please and you will nowhere find me claiming, in any way, any of my "Wiley"'s work. Our name has always appeared together, his first, and I have always been credited only as co-author on any collaborative material. Forced to make some kind of charge in order to avoid persecution, Mr. "Wiley" chose to make a patently false one. That, and the reasons why he chose to do so, should be obvious to anyone who can read and search the internet.

So, all my reluctance is gone. I have refrained from attacking L&A in public, other than insisting that in my experience they are running a cult and strongly suggesting that anyone who wanted to understand the real Cs should get the unedited transcripts and judge for themselves. If that be slanderous or libelous in any way, as they like to claim, let them sue me. (Oh and by the way, having cult members write and say how happy they are in the cult is hardly refutation at all. It could in fact be considered confirmation...)

However there are several more layers here and as I said, the secret word is not money.

Let's start with Jojo's account of her experience:

> Ok, Laura asked on the main list for people who wanted to join the
> research team, supposedly it was because there was too much chatter
> on the main list, and she wanted people to do research who
> were "serious" about the work. I figured; hey, what the heck, I'm
> open to learning about stuff, and I like doing research, trying to
> figure things out.

V: The main point to keep in mind is that the egroups function as cells in the cult. Casschat is their token open group, one designed for dissenters and where everyone is treated as a retarded child, fed information and kept confused. The discussion forum on the website was the same sort of situation, but has now become the official propaganda arm. (Anyone tried posting to it lately?) The main Cassiopaean group is for true believers in training, some people are kept around for entertainment value, and some are useful scapegoats in case diversity is questioned. No one on that list is taken seriously, and all are examined and scrutinized privately on the other lists.

At the time she put out that request for researchers, Laura told me she was weeding out those that could be useful, so they could ignore the rest of the list.

[Note: the above is another of "Most" outright lies. The reason for different groups is an attempt to satisfy the different interests of a very large group of people. Every member of the group is NOT interested in analyzing history or alchemy. Every member of the group is not interested in analyzing or sharing their personal experiences. This is a good example of the extremely bizarre perspective of "Most".]

> After a few weeks of being on the "research" team, Laura started to
> put files in the file section of the list with more of the C
> transcripts than what was on the web pages. Supposedly, the stuff in
> those files was things she just hadn't been able to figure out on her
> own. So, there we were, 21 or so "researchers" diligently searching
> the web and reading books for whatever we Thought would be helpful,
> and posting most of that information to the group. That "research"
> had nothing to do with targeting specific individuals or groups to
> expose them for what they truly are, blah, blah, blah. It had to do
> with Rennes, crop circles and their mathematical properties, and
> figuring out the language of the circles, what they are trying to
> tell us lowly humans. Also, lots of stuff about comets, asteroids,
> gamma rays, and other assorted astronominical information. And I
> distinctly remember one post where Laura said she would "prove that
> humans were created by and are controled by aliens".

[Jojo Doyle seems to be suffering from the Vincent Bridges affliction. All of the posts of the research team are archived and Ms. Doyle has seriously twisted my remarks.]

> Come to find out, she already had figured out most of it, or thought
> she did, with a lot of help from people not on any of the L'Ark
> owned/moderated online groups. Which includes Vincent , who she had
> been having email exchanges with for many months, and who had visited
> them at their home too. This was Before the online "research" team
> was even started, which I believe was in late October/early November
> 2000.

[Again, Jojo Doyle has grossly misrepresented, and even outright lied in her above remarks. And again, the many posts of the research team are archived, and there are numerous witnesses to the extraordinary perfidy of Jojo Doyle.]

V: My involvement with Laura goes back to the spring of 1999. I did not visit them in NPR until March of 2001. But I was in the loop at that time, Laura forwarded to me anything she thought would interest or involve me further.

["Most" asked me to please send him anything I could, and in exchange, he would share his results with me. This turned out to be a very one-sided affair. I was even surprised when AMET came out, to see a powerful reflection of the material I had sent him in spring of 1999 in the book. So, who stole what from whom?]

From July 2000 to March 2001, Laura tried her best to get me to come for a visit. She wanted some free hypnosis work done on her missing time episodes in her past. I was supposed to be there in October to meet this guy from Belgium who apparently wanted to donate mega bux for research. I had too much going on in October, so I missed meeting him in person. I also missed meeting Frank...

[Oh, does it ever get deeper. "Most" began trying to get me to call him in summer/fall of 1999. The many emails on file will demonstrate that he is the one who began "winding me up" to convince me that I needed his help as a hypnotherapist. In fact, we paid for his round-trip plane ticket to Florida, and even though he insisted that we not pay him, (a ploy to put us in his debt), I purchased a museum quality jade statuette of the Hindu god Ganesha as a thank you gift. What is more, the emails that were exchanged, many of them between a group, so it is not just "he said, vs. she said," will demonstrate that his description of our Belgian friend is a complete lie. His interest in the material was strictly as a publisher and distributor, a position that Mr. "Most" apparently wanted for himself.]

But that's when they decided that a non-profit foundation was the way to go. They expected the Belgium mark to come through.

> I'm trying to put this timeline together from memory, so Laura,
> please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. So, along about the
> first part of December, 2000, Laura writes in a post that her and Ark
> would like to start a non-profit foundation. The "line" then was
> because so many people were writing to them, offering to send them
> money because what they had written, and what the C's had said,
> helped them so much they would like to help L'Ark in return.

V: That's basically the Belgium guy's story please note.

[Another casual lie. ]

> So,
> L'Ark figured a non-profit dedicated to "research and education"
> would be perfect. People could send money, L'Ark could buy really
> expensive CD's from university libraries that cost hundreds of
> dollars - and buy more books - the "research" team could put together
> a database of all the thousands of anomalous stuff on this planet and
> that would be the "research and education" part of the non-profit.
> Again, no mention of exposing people who L'Ark considered spiritually
> bankrupt charlatans, leading sheeple astray.

[Here, Ms. Doyle's memory fails here; whether deliberately or not, I don't know. My exact words when suggesting the idea, posted to the group, were:

> Ark and I were discussing further the idea of a
> Research Foundation that was mentioned here in the
> group some time back. It may be the best course to
> follow so that there is a sort of "official
> body" to which members can belong and from which we
> can possibly even derive funds for some of the
> research work. I know that JoJo needs some computer
> upgrading for data entry, and each of us has
> some pet project that contributes that would benefit
> from some funding. And, if we could have non-
> profit status, we could write a grant proposal or
> something... O*** has funded the database program
> out of his own pocket and we do the website
> ourselves; A** has subscribed to some groups that
> enable her to get otherwise unavailable info, and
> that costs money... there are books and journals
> and so forth that might be useful, not to mention
> the 700 buck CD from the Irish uni that has all
> the Gaelic documents on it; so maybe it is time to
> get serious.

> Up to now I have resisted any kind of formal
> "format," but I see that if any real work is to get
> done, it certainly may be necessary to provide an
> aegis under which we can operate and which will
> assist each person in their work needs

> I know I sort of flew this idea some time ago, but
> now it is beginning to press on me in a more
> urgent way.

> > In regards to a non-profit research foundation, does
> anyone here know anything in specific about
> them? Who is interested in helping to get it off
> the ground or belonging to it?

Included long before we came up with the idea of the foundation was the fact that we needed some "official status" to investigate the backgrounds of various individuals. The reference to A*** above having joined several groups to get information was specifically in reference to "private investigating work." Again, all of this was openly discussed on the group forum. Jojo Doyle was "in the loop," and the only explanation I have for her lies is deliberate malice.]

V: Yep. Nary a word was said about that being any kind of purpose or goal of the Foundation. The database idea is fundamentally sound, but early on I realized that they intended to throw out any kind of historical baseline, making it pointless.

> Laura asked if any of the people on the "research" team had any
> experience with setting up a non-profit foundation. Most of the
> members had no or very little experience with it. I had friends that
> set one up and it took them months to get everything worked out
> before they filed with the state. So, I was quite surprised when
> Laura wrote she had filed with the state of Florida in late December,
> 2000. See, they'd already had it set up and was canvassing
> the "research" team for their response, I suppose to see how it would
> go over with them before going public with it on the webpages.

V: Indeed, I was one of the people they turned to for help because I have extensive background with non-profits going back to the NC Shakespeare Festival. But they rushed it through, filing in December 2000 for a Florida non-profit corporation, but note they have never said publicly whether they truly have Federal 501-c-3 status or not. That often takes up to two years to be approved.

[Maybe "Most" ought to look into the concept of "attorneys" and "accountants." His ignorance of business, however, is legendary, having claimed an LLC for years when none actually existed.]

> In January 2001, on the research list, someone mentioned the
> cassinnercircle list in a post. So, I asked if I could join that
> list and membership was approved. Boy, howdy, was I in for a
> surprise. The stuff that was talked about on That list was a lot
> different than on the other lists. And That's when I realized that
> Laura may very well be MPD, or maybe a paranoid schizophrenic, or at
> the very least an Aggressive Sociopath, in my opinion.

[Again, Jojo Doyle is not merely lying, but grossly twisting yet again.]

V: Yep, the difference is/was amazing. Laura has many faces and only occasionally do the scary ones come out. The lists, and how they are organized into stratified levels of access and involvement is one of the strongest points that identify them as a cult. To get to the "initiate" status level and be on the inner group meant that you were "trustworthy." Read that as fully in the cult. What else does initiate mean?

[And again, "Most" is "playing to his clapper." Nothing of the kind ever did, or would exist. There are different groups simply because there are different people with different interests and different levels of committment to different ideas. No other reason.]

> See, the anti-gravity device is logical, Ark's a physicist. And it's
> obvious from numerous sections of the C transcripts that he is very
> fascinated with anti-gravity, anti-matter, space, time, no space, no
> time, etc. After reading stuff in the cassinnercircle list (most of
> the 1500 plus posts), that's when I figured out the game. Well, some
> of it anyway. But I couldn't quite figure out what Ark's role in all
> this stuff is. That, too, is slowly coming to light. It takes Big
> Bucks to do the reseach, build an anti-gravity device. And if you're
> not connected with a university or with the government, where would
> you get the funds to do that? Find people willing to fund the
> research, experiments, building of the device; preferably a "silent
> partner". What happens if you can't find just a few people with
> enough money who are willing to fund you? Hey, start a non-profit!
> All it takes is a physicist who can "do the math", and a sociopath
> with a messiah complex who can "write the code" and Viola!, together
> they can save the universe. That is, IF they they can raise enough
> money.

V: Exactly, your observations are indeed spot on. I only wish I had as much clarity as you seem to have had. Would have saved everybody a pile of grief...

[Here, both "Most" and Doyle display their abysmal ignorance of the way things are done in scientific research and development. It is done exactly as they have described it, but their description puts a bizarre, "conspiratorial" slant on it, and their malicious aspersions about me simply have no explanation. There are many, many members of the said "groups, all of whome have participated in the many discussions, including a psysician and two psychologists, none of whom have ever formed the opinions about me or any of our work that are being propagated by "Most" in his delusional persona of a "psychotherapist."]

> Supposedly, L'Ark had pitched the anti-gravity device idea to a few
> millionaires who weren't interested. Maybe they thought the idea
> just wouldn't "fly"? (pun intended) It'll be interesting to see if
> L'Ark turns to the government for grants. I doubt they'd get one.
> At least not for the purpose that is near and dear to their hearts.
> Of course, they could write a grant proposal that has nothing
> whatsoever to do with anti-gravity devices, TDARMs, time machines, no-
> time machines, etc. If they used the money for any of such devices,
> it could be considered Fraud.

V: Well, Jojo, you said the secret word, and you win a hundred CIA bux to spend as you like on Christmas presents for everyone. The word is FRAUD!

The first millionaire was the Belgium mark. [Lie. This is the individual that "Most" "identified" as an "agent" taking pictures of his house in the story which first happened in August of 2000, and then was conveniently transferred to October when the gentleman was actually in this country.] What the deal really was there, except that L&A were trying to get money out of a foreign national, no one will really know. It is hidden behind confidentiality agreements and the mark's sense of embarrassment. I mean an antigravity device, pulease... Dr. B*** of Dairycare was the second one I know of, and he is still in the cult and perhaps supporting the sudden move to Europe. But apparently his fortune wasn't big enough, because they turned to O*** E***, a Finn living in - guess where? Amsterdam!- and his friend a Finnish business man and former military officer in NATO named A**.

[Please note that Vincent Bridges is violating the privacy of numerous private individuals in public, including mis-identification, vicious innuendo, and malicious disparagement. He is sailing mighty close to the wind here.]

I was there, in NPR on the afternoon of July 5th of 2001, when L&A spent 6 hours badgering this poor guy about giving them money to build an anti-gravity device, maybe even a time machine!, on plans from the Cs. He didn't give them any money that I saw, and it was obvious that my role was that of their publisher. I was there to give them credibility. The only solid thing the man had when he left was a copy of AMET. Everything else was smoke, mirrors and hot air.

[What is truly bizarre about the above twisted description of a meeting held in our home - for the legitimate purpose of presenting a research proposal in the manner in which all such scientific research proposals are presented every day, is the fact that "Most" completely fails to mention the fact that it was HIS input that blew the entire effort. He KNEW that the gentleman who was interested in funding was a devout Mormon, and yet he took it upon himself to bring his Ophanic intelligences, his Kabballah, his magickal workings, into the discussion, completely confusing the guy as to what we were really doing.]

But, and here is an important point. Although they had been making those claims for months, they had not provided me with the finished draft required to make any kind of publishing judgement. Never did in fact, Darlene and I finished the design and illustration choices on our own. (Seems Laura didn't know the difference between images for a website and images for print, in terms of dpi.) The earliest any contract could have been discussed was the July meeting.

[What? The finished draft was sent to "Most" in March. It wasn't until July 22nd that "Most" wife informed us that the images she had asked for, which had been sent, were not adequate. In other words, even though the book was supposed to have been printed in July, until "Most" had been put on the spot for a contract at our house on July 5th, neither of them had even bothered to open the diskette and look at what we had sent. In short, there never was any intent to have the book ready for the conference. Also, why does a contract have to wait until the images are right? Illogical.]

That it wasn't is due to a masterful deception still being pulled on everyone involved.

Let me back up a step and clarify that. In June they received an email from M** M** demanding that L&A take her picture down off the website. It is in the Wave still as an example of Lizard being rape. Marme cie threatened to sue, and after hours of discussion, in which L&A assured that everything they said was true and that they had release forms, etc. to prove it, I called Ms. Mayhall's bluff. Naturally, she didn't have the means to pursue it.

But this incident raised several major red flags for me. Either M*** was lying, and she really didn't seem to have any reason to lie, or Laura was lying. Her reason to lie was obvious: if she admitted she was wrong, she would lose a key piece of proof in her ouiji alien mythology. I found this profoundly disturbing. It called into question the motive behind the whole Cassiopaean "experiments." I planed to go over this thoroughly as part of any contract we did sign. The plagiarism clause is very important as I discovered when the truth on Dan Winter finally came out.

However, A**, the Finnish mark, stayed as late as they could keep him, O*** was there full time, and before supper was over here came B***. I would either have had to go over the whole sorry story with everybody listening, or make a point of getting L&A in private.

As it happened, everything was shelved for a board and mirror session. That has been discussed at length elsewhere, and of course, Laura's psychic perception of me as an evil being stemmed from that session. I've always wondered why that happened the way it did. But only as I got to thinking over the afternoon as various officials questioned me about it recently, did I figure it out.

After A*** left, I went for a walk. I always seemed to think better out of the very chaotic energy field of their house. What I came to as I walked was the realization that what I had just witnessed was a bumbling attempt at major international fraud. And I wanted no part of it.

When I came back I argued that this was not the way to go about soliciting money for Perseus. They should focus on finishing the books and donate whatever profit they made from that to Perseus. Anything, but doing anything like what had just happened, ever again. Well, L&A questioned me at length about the business end of publishing, and I told them what they could expect, best and worst case scenario. It was obvious they were deeply disappointed. It just wasn't enough money if I got paid anything at all. The plans to self-publish appeared full blown in Laura's mind and any idea of signing a contract with me was forgotten.

[All lies. No other word for it. "Most" was, at the same period of time, trying to get his own funding from a group backed by the Nif family. They wanted to fund Christian Sacred Geometry research. He shot himself in the foot on that one, too, by sending them a copy of his and Dan Winter's plagiarized book which they immediately turned over to Stan Tenen's attorney to find out if it was legal for them to be involved with "Most". After finding out that it was the plagiarized version, they dropped "Most" like a hot potatoe. He was thus, very anxious to get his own funding, and this desire for money made him try to go after the funding for the sacred geometry thing with the guy at our house, ending up just blowing the whole thing once again, not only for himself, but for Perseus Foundation. This was troubling enough in itself, but it wasn't until later that the full impact of his self-destruction hit us.]

And then it was on to the board and the mirror. The next morning, no one wanted to talk. I asked twice about the contract, but nobody responded. Finally Ark said to send it to him later, even though he had been pressing me for one a month earlier. Frankly, that was fine with me.

It took me to Gainesville to figure it out. Yes, something nasty invaded the mirror session, but the real problem was that I wasn't playing ball with the scam somehow. I didn't promise enough money...

And, I was a witness to attempted fraud on a major scale...

Within days, the campaign of systematic harassment began. In two weeks, they had trashed the conference without backing out. That they waited on until they knew I couldn't easily pull out financially. At the same time, they consulted an attorney, supposedly, on how to break our agreement. But they didn't say anything about it to me, and Darlene and I continued to put Noah together, knowing it was a good book and hoping it could salvage something. We sent them a generous one book contract for Noah along with the finished proofs of the book. But of course, that was the last thing they wanted, so just as it was put up or shut up with the distributor, they pulled out of the deal entirely.

I was expected to roll over and take it like a good little ex-minion. But I didn't. I had the unmitigated gall to want my side of the story heard. I made a mailing list out of every Cs related person who had ever emailed me, closer to 400 people that the 180 or so they claim, as I have every right to do and sent them not only the post that was banned from the Cassiopaea list but every email Laura and I had exchanged on the subject just to be extra fair. I violated no one confidence, used no else's email, and said nothing about the true issues involved.

But, they wouldn't let that be the end. Nope, then it was the refund harassment, even though I said everyone would get their refund after the conference. L&A insisted that people file for refunds on their credit cards, resulting in people actually getting a check from us and a credit on their charge card. One list member tried as late as November to get a second credit refund.

Then I discovered that they were plotting to make common cause with Stan Tenen, source of the uglier rumors that have been bandied about. I called them both on it, and then things got ugly. They attacked Terri for asking questions and by mid October I was on this list telling the truth. Which, for all their attempts to discredit me, have never been addressed. I asked direct questions on these issues several times, and Ark keeps changing the subject and allowing others to answer for them. Eventually, I will have the chance to ask them in a court of law, if they don't flee to Europe.

And let's not forget that CD of the complete Cs transcripts and the jokes about putting it on a foreign website. No wonder they took it so seriously, it was just what they were planning to do to me. Well, we scared them with that joke and the attacks turned vicious. Mr. A. C. "Goofball" Rowland misrepresented himself numerous times with his fake employer routine to solicit information and then attack me with it, if of course they could find a way to twist it. Other wise they ignord it. We have all seen on this list examples of poor Andy acumen and language skills, and everyone is free to make their judgement on his sanity and so forth.

In addition, the inflated resume story turned out to be quite different in fact. But no changes of a positive note are allowed on the destroy VB webpage however. They still claim nothing about is true though there own research proves that it is on several points, quite accurate. Note that they are still using The News of Kingstree statement even though I corrected them and supplied clips from the second newspaper, which they completely ignored. They used my rebuttal as more ammunition with which to prove their presumptions. No pretense of objectivity has ever graced their obsessed little minds on the subject. Why? Because I am a threat to their cultic scam that must be stopped or silenced by any means necessary. Any other sort of simple dispute could easily have been settled without all this.

But at every turn, L&A have dug themselves in deeper, reinforced their obsession with fantasies such as my involvement in their dispute with Z. Sitchin, my connection to the WTC tragedy, my status as spiritual terrorist and any other dark and perverted projection that seemed to be remotely plausible to their ardent followers. And no one questions it. The Cultists support it and attack blindly.

Even though Laura has been proven to be a liar by her own published words, not a word is said about it. Simply astonishing, in my opinion.

Well, I think you get the picture. Since L&A don't seem to want the CD with the complete transcripts, or a copy of the original Noah and Barry's refund check, I think I might have a little unclaimed mail auction. Bidding starts at the cost of the last round of postage, $20. And the buyer can do what they want with the contents. It will at any rate be out of my hands.

Thanks again for listening, and I hope this is the last time we have to mention any of these idiots. As Mr. G. used to say in the toasts of the idiots, "Here's to the idiots, because without them wise men would be mistaken for fools."


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: VB's claims

Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 19:56:37 -0500

On 17 Dec 2001, at 19:42, Vincent Bridges wrote:

> From July 2000 to March 2001, Laura tried her best to get me to come for a
> visit. She wanted some free hypnosis work done on her missing time episodes in
> her past. I was supposed to be there in October to meet this guy from Belgium
> who apparently wanted to donate mega bux for research. I had too much going on
> in October, so I missed meeting him in person. I also missed meeting "Frank"...

Just want to comment on the above. I never throw anything away, or delete. I have a paper trail a mile long to refute everything he has said, as well as witnesses.

So, if it is true, as he says, that you are now claiming that we have blackmailed you, I guess we will all go to court.

I am not backing down from this spiritual terrorist.


From: Goldenshower@....
Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 23:14:16 EST
Subject: Re: Blackmail?

To: laura@cassiopaea

If you have blackmailed me I wish I knew what for.

VB is clearly losing it with this stuff. Please keep this confidential but he wrote me an email on sunday calling me various names and saying I had betrayed him. Nevermind the truth. I wrote him back and told him to come clean, tell the truth and we all would probably forgive him. Who knows, I said, maybe Laura would even take down the nasty stuff on you. I told him that he was beginning to resemble Nixon. That he was blaming everyone instead of himself. I told him that the only way out is to say I'm sorry.

I truly hoped that the email would do the trick. I can see that it hasn't. And that's too bad. We will see the total collapse now. There is nothing that can be done anymore.


Jay Weidner

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: (Fwd) Re: [matrioshka] (Vincent posts again)

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 21:42:10 -0500

Andy Rowland, who sort of feels it is his duty to be my "champion" has drawn this interesting comment from VB.

Well, you and I both know that you have not forwarded any of VB's emails to me, so it would be impossible for me to share them with anyone.

And I wouldn't anyway.

But, oy, vey - can this guy ever push my buttons.


------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: Vincent Bridges>
Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 20:36:53 -0500
Subject: Re: [matrioshka] Re: for Andy C. Goofball

Send reply to:

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

> From: "andrewcrowland">
> Reply-To:
> Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 01:12:45 -0000
> To:
> Subject: [matrioshka] Re: for Andy C. Goofball
> Vincent wrote:
> "Search as you please and you will nowhere find me claiming, in any
> way, any of my "Wiley"'s work."
Andy writes:
> Is your middle name Elmer Fudd perchance??? How's the foot?
> Talk about Freudian slips... "***MY*** "Wiley"'s work" ... LOL LOL
> LOL!

Vincent writes: Andy, we know you aren't too bright, but do you really want to prove to everyone that not only is Mr. "Wiley" emailing my personal emails, marked private and copyrighted to Laura, but she's sending them around to everyone else, including the motormouth Andy? Well, talk about Freudian slips!!!

A typo, Andy, is that all you've got to say about it? A Typo?

Pulease, you guys go bilk another millionaire for anti-gravity money...


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Good News!

Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 22:32:07 -0500

Hi, Talk about synchronicity...

Another victim of the VB type situation (a sort of high-profile case of her own) has just forwarded to us the info that an investigative journalist is interested in picking up the investigation into VB and friends and writing an expose for a magazine.

We have tentatively agreed to turn over our dossiers and unpublished testimony for them to continue the investigation. That takes a load off my mind. Now somebody else can take care of it and I can get back to work.

So, maybe we can all get back to normal.


From: Goldenshower@....
Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 23:28:04 EST
Subject: Re: Good News!

To: laura@cassiopaea

The truth will out soon enough of that I am sure. What VB is, or is not, will soon become apparent.

All I know is that ever since I started getting serious about Fulcanelli many people suddenly wanted to be my friend. VB was one of them. The research had reached a cresendo in early 1996 when JR promised to fund me. I met VB in sept 96. I thought VB was jealous because I always had support from people, I had discovered something of immense importance and I knew many 'famous' people involved with this kind of work. But now I am not so sure. The way he infiltrated was extremely disturbing. He began by 'counseling' my girlfriend Sharron (soon to be my wife). He worked his way under the radar until he and Darlene had become her 'best ' friends. That was when he began asking to visit me in Boulder. JR was clearly funding me and I was always alluding to my research without ever saying anything concrete. I took Fulcanelli's maxim 'keep silent' to heart and would not tell anyone what I was doing. Only JR and Sharron.

As soon as VB entered into my life things got weirder and weirder. Their first visit ended with a complete flooding of my newly purchased house (they stayed in a bedroom in the basement - the flood originated in that room). The second and last time they came two of our favorite cats disappeared - never to be seen again!!!!!!!!!!!!

Believe it or not, I kicked VB out of my house in Sept 99 and I have not seen his face since. Sharron started believing that he was doing black magic on her and she insisted on me asking him to leave.

Only the tip ...


Jay Weidner

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: Blackmail?

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 23:51:40 -0500

On 17 Dec 2001, at 23:14, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> I truly hoped that the email would do the trick. I can see that it hasn't. And
> that's too bad. We will see the total collapse now. There is nothing that can
> be done anymore.

It's just getting worse. I've never seen anything like it before in my life except the antics of Ted Bundy in court. That is really the only thing I have ever seen that compares. And that is a hO***ble comparison to draw.

Well, I'll keep you posted. There are about a dozen folks who are watching and send me what is pertinent.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: Good News!

Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 00:03:31 -0500

On 17 Dec 2001, at 23:28, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> As soon as VB entered into my life things got weirder and weirder. Their
> first visit ended with a complete flooding of my newly purchased house (they
> stayed in a bedroom in the basement - the flood originated in that room). The
> second and last time they came two of our favorite cats disappeared - never to
> be seen again!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now THAT is bizarre.

I always watch the environment for symbols that "speak" to me... a dialogue with the universe, so to say. Well, during our interaction with VB, even though he was not in the house, we were just "connected" to his energy, I guess... we had REPEATED incidents with overflowing water... two of them were our "fault," in that we were so distracted we forgot that the tub was running, and it ran for an hour and a half... old claw foot, wooden floor, etc... what a MESS.

But the real problem was our pool wall cracked on one side and began to collapse... this was really weird. We had to drain the pool half way (7.5 thousand gallons of water!) and do a fiberglass repair on it. It was a MESS.

Then we kept getting leaks... two faucet handles came off in Ark's hand in one day... it was just crazy.

So we KNEW that we had better sit up and pay attention.

> Believe it or not, I kicked VB out of my house in Sept 99 and I have not seen
> his face since. Sharron started believing that he was doing black magic on her
> and she insisted on me asking him to leave.

Well, from some of the things we have heard, unprovable at this point, but witness testimony, he does a LOT of that.

My baby did NOT like him and embarrassed me by asking point blank "when are you leaving?" So, to cover this up he took me aside and said he was "reading" all kinds of "fear" in her because she had been "exposed to frightening information too early."

Well, later on I asked her why she didn't like VB... out of the mouths of babies... she said: "He reminds me of a vampire."

I then asked her if she was worried about anything... you know, trying to find out if maybe we had been too open with the kids. Well, they call us "parental units" affectionately, and she said that no, indeed... the only thing that worried her was that the "parental units" were too trusting of other people and we really needed to get a grip and understand that there are people who are like the "agents" in the Matrix movie.

I bet they are out there leaping in the moonlight, doing that mumbo jumbo right now. Probably sticking pins in dolls and everything.

Well, he wanted to get famous, so maybe he will after all.

Best, Laura

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: STOP AMET NOW!

Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 20:34:04 -0500

On 18 Dec 2001, at 20:28, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> I tried to go to the site but I kept getting a message from the server that it
> cannot find the site.

Sorry. We are in the process of moving our site because of VB's action on the owner of our server who believed him and not us. Didn't seem to matter that we are good customers for several years, pay our bills on time... VB worked his magic and has the guy eating out of his hand.

If you can take file attachments, I can send the chapters one by one. They are pdf format.

It will be a few days before the new site is up and running.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: Good News!

Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 11:21:53 -0500

Hi, I tossed and turned all night because something was bugging me. I realized this morning what it was.

On 17 Dec 2001, at 23:28, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> I met VB in sept
> 96. I thought VB was jealous because I always had support from people, I had
> discovered something of immense importance and I knew many 'famous' people
> involved with this kind of work. But now I am not so sure.

I received an email from this investigative journalist guy who has some knowledge of these matters. I had mentioned that every time we had thought we had stopped VB by posting our research, he would get absolutely quiet for about three days, and then launch a new attack from another direction.

Well, same thing happened with your open letter... three days of silence. So, of course I am thinking: "He is finally waking up... he will get it... the whole thing will come to an end, and we can all just kiss and make-up, etc."

But then, boom! He starts off with a major salvo of lies, and makes the major thrust that obviously, we have "blackmailed" you, even writing it in such a way that it comes across that YOU have said this to him...

Well, anyway, what this guy told me was that this three day delay is a BIG clue that it IS an COINTELPRO type operation (gee, I have you to thank for making me aware of the word and all it implies!) The guy says that it usually takes about three days for them to "assess" and create the new tactic.

Well, where would VB come up with the idea of "blackmail," for God's sake? It was obviously designed, deliberately, to make us think that YOU had said it... and his words were carefully crafted in that sense.

Okay, that's that. Next thing that was bugging me:

The way he
> infiltrated was extremely disturbing. He began by 'counseling' my girlfriend
> Sharron (soon to be my wife). He worked his way under the radar until he and
> Darlene had become her 'best ' friends.

Now THIS is scary. VB, of course, is declaiming in public that I "begged him to come and help me because I was afraid I had been programmed." Well, guess what, he spent a year or more slowly planting and nurturing that idea, as well as presenting himself as the world's greatest deprogrammer. So, sure, I knew I had some weird experiences... maybe I needed to get them checked out?

I can't figure out if he is after me and my book, or if he is after my husband and his research. He doesn't really attack Ark too much, but spends most of his time and effort just literally flaming me, libelling, slandering, everything you can imagine... some of it absolutely filthy - so as to get a rise out of Ark.

I would sure like to compare stories with Sharron about what kinds of things he told her about her possible "abuse issues."

>That was when he began asking to visit
> me in Boulder. JR was clearly funding me and I was always alluding to my
> research without ever saying anything concrete. I took Fulcanelli's maxim 'keep
> silent' to heart and would not tell anyone what I was doing. Only JR and
> Sharron.

Yeah. Well, I shoulda listened to that part too!

> As soon as VB entered into my life things got weirder and weirder. Their
> first visit ended with a complete flooding of my newly purchased house (they
> stayed in a bedroom in the basement - the flood originated in that room). The
> second and last time they came two of our favorite cats disappeared - never to
> be seen again!!!!!!!!!!!!

This last really bothers me too. I have tried to avoid some of the uglier implications of the view of the tip of the iceberg, but there are things that just keep popping up, and I sort of shudder to think what is behind that facade.

> Believe it or not, I kicked VB out of my house in Sept 99 and I have not seen
> his face since. Sharron started believing that he was doing black magic on her
> and she insisted on me asking him to leave.

What about the conference? I thought you were giving a presentation? What about Sharron? Wasn't she scheduled to give a presentation also???


From: Goldenshower@....
Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 11:23:44 EST
Subject: Re: Good News!

To: laura@cassiopaea

One more thing, he stayed at another friends house in NY in 1998. Guess what happened? A pipe broke in the house and flooded everything!!!!! No kidding!


Jay Weidner

From: Goldenshower@....
Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 16:05:22 EST
Subject: Re: Good News!

To: laura@cassiopaea

We were not told that we were appearing until about six weeks before it was scheduled. I asked him what I was talking about and he didn't know. I figured that he would be in and out in 3 days and Zaca would make a bunch of money. He never offered to pay us (personally) and, frankly, we were doing it because he had made us feel bad about kicking him and Darlene out of our house in Sept 99.

It is so obvious that he was manipilating both sides against the middle that I am angry at myself for being so stupid and blind. I believed him because I had never had cause to think he was a liar. Black magic maybe but not a liar.

If I had to do it over again I would have had JR pay him for his research like Graham Hancock does with people. VB could have gone on his way with a few thousand bucks and I would be in peace.

While Black Magic seems to work on Sharron it has hardly any affect on me. I don't know why but for some reason when people put curses on me they come back to haunt them immediately. if VB came to my house to do Black Magic on me in Sept 99 it backfired. Within a day or two he was dreadfully ill and couldn't come out of his room. If he was doing anything to me it never happened.

Maybe he was coming to Zaca to pull something.

I really don't know.

You should understand something important though. The Masters of Light do everything for a reason. VB had to be cleared out of the picture because they think that it is time. They don't care if anyone knows about Hendaye - that is not the point.

But listen up and listen good. The Illuminati wants to know where the Masters live so they can kill them. Get it? We will never be their willing slaves as long as the Masters are alive. They do not want VB to know about their whereabouts. Are you getting it yet?

He was sent in to find them. He, and they, think that me, you, or someone will lead them to the Masters. But that will never happen with me. I will never lead anyone to them. Even if I knew I would never tell.

You must beware of what you have told VB already. I do not know if you have ever discussed such subjects with VB but he pestered me about it constantly. Always wanting to know where I thought they lived and how we could get money to go there. No matter how much you yearn to find the truth - you must remember - those that do not deserve the truth are following your every move. At this point there can be no doubt about it.

Take care and be careful, this is going to get weird, I just know it.


Jay Weidner

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: Good News!

Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 16:28:42 -0500

Okay, we need to discuss this further. You have made the hair on my head stand up...

On 18 Dec 2001, at 16:05, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> While Black Magic seems to work on Sharron it has hardly any affect on me. I
> don't know why but for some reason when people put curses on me they come back
> to haunt them immediately. if VB came to my house to do Black Magic on me in
> Sept 99 it backfired. Within a day or two he was dreadfully ill and couldn't
> come out of his room. If he was doing anything to me it never happened.

Same thing here. After he was here for the now infamous "mirror session," (will explain later), he nearly died of pneumonia, or so I was told.

> Maybe he was coming to Zaca to pull something.

Well, this was an insight I had. The first guy tried to get us to UK... but we refused. Too much risk. And then VB did the loooong manipulation to make us feel beholden, plus he was doing so much work for our book (not true...) so that we reluctantly agreed to appear at his seminar. When he let me know there was going to be a bunch of weird ritual type folks, I just braced myself and decided that I was gonna disabuse them of the notions, and if he didn't like it, tough.

> You should understand something important though. The Masters of Light do
> everything for a reason. VB had to be cleared out of the picture because they
> think that it is time. They don't care if anyone knows about Hendaye - that is
> not the point.

Well, they sure cleared him out because it is because of C's that VB was exposed... I was really believing in him and they absolutely refused to comunicate with him here and just repeated "look in the mirror and see what is behind the mirage."

Well, I was so damn dumb that I had NO IDEA what they were talking about.

Well, he tried to use this event to demand over and over for me to "see" where certain things were hidden on the planet.

When he asked, my heart nearly exploded and I knew that I was in danger.

I will send you the testimony of the witnesses because this is the tape that was partly erased by VB's "agent," and the transcript of it was stolen.

> But listen up and listen good. The Illuminati wants to know where the
> Masters live so they can kill them. Get it? We will never be their willing
> slaves as long as the Masters are alive. They do not want VB to know about
> their whereabouts. Are you getting it yet?

Oh, yeah. Now a LOT of things C's have said make sense. Boy, was VB ever feeding me a line of hooey...

> He was sent in to find them. He, and they, think that me, you, or someone will
> lead them to the Masters. But that will never happen with me. I will never lead
> anyone to them. Even if I knew I would never tell.

Well, I know that the instant I knew in my conscious mind, my life wouldn't be worth a plugged nickel. But I also know that I will know when the time is right.

> You must beware of what you have told VB already. I do not know if you have
> ever discussed such subjects with VB but he pestered me about it constantly.

This is what is making my hair stand up. Thank God the C's are more clever than I ever imagined.

> Always wanting to know where I thought they lived and how we could get money to
> go there. No matter how much you yearn to find the truth - you must remember -
> those that do not deserve the truth are following your every move.

No kidding.

> At this point there can be no doubt about it.

I agree.

> Take care and be careful, this is going to get weird, I just know it.

No doubt.

Now, I will forward to you the witnesses of the "mirror session." Try to get the gist of it without a whole lot of background as I am cooking dinner and can't write right now.


To read the mirror session discussed in this correspondence, go HERE.

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: (Fwd) [cass] Ark, O*** and B*** on V and Mirror

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 16:36:32 -0500

Here are the relevant descriptions of the "Mirror Session" with VB written close to the time.

From: "Arkadiusz Jadczyk"
Date sent: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 10:19:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Question for O***, Ark, and Barry

On 7 Aug 2001, at 12:13, Terri wrote:

> We have read Laura and Vincent 's account of a certain mirror session
> in Florida. O***, Ark, and B***, were't you there also? What was
> your take on that situation?


Here are my impressions. I will present them not in any order.

1) Vincent was very tense, as never before

2) He was acting like under some external imperative

3) He didn't see himself

4) He was forcibly, repeatedly trying to get from Laura "where is the Ark?"

5) But he didn't dare to ask "Laura, tell me where is the Arkl" He was addressing his question to some "spirit" as "Show Laura where is it!" in a commanding way.

6) Of course I knew that this is putting Laura in danger. He didn't relize or didn't care.

7) He was unable to ask a simple question. He was trying forcibly to perform a ritual. Nothing was coming. I could see Laura suffering under this pressure.

8) I do not do it usually, but this time I had to interrupt his questioning, because I saw it plainly that leads nowhere, that this Laura is physically suffering. I asked a simple straightforward question about the Kabbalah tree, and we got an instant answer. The key was to ask Laura directly, not to command via "Show Laura ... ".

9) It is significant to observe how the session has ended. Something came from Vincent that struck me like never before. He asked about his "psychic luggage". Laura started to describe what she is seeing. At some point he suddenly interrupted: "Let's stop it and don't waste our time any more." Or something similar. He was angry. "Don't waste our time." Notice, he ASKED for it. But could not bear what was coming. Somehow Laura did not notice how rude he was at that moment. I noticed it, and I was coming back to this again and again for several days. Finally, after few days, I took the tape and played this part to Laura. She was surprised.

These are the main points that come to my mind.



From: c***@...
Date sent: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:56:31 EDT

Subject: Re: [cass] Re: censorship and other issues

The following is a copy of my response to a Cass member who questioned me privately about the "final" session with Vincent and my impressions about the evening. Perhaps it will lend some illumination, both as to what this was all about and the quiet tone of "off list" communication.....B*** -------------------

>>Good Morning (xxxx), ...sorry for the delay in my responses - I just regained email access and have been going through the threads to get up to speed. I am responding privately for a reason which I will get into in a minute.

Laura has already heard some/most of this. Let me preface everything by saying my response may be slanted and this stems from some of the previous attacks that have been directed against the group's efforts. I have been involved in ferreting out leaks, moles and thefts by the hundreds over the years, primarily in the business world. A generalized rule in doing this is to bracket your attention.

By bracketing, I mean you look first at the person most likely to have created a breach AND you look first also at the person least likely to have created a breach. If both come up "clean", you move down the line to the second most and least likely, etc. until you zero in on the offender. The process concentrates on access and potential, rather than "personal dislike" and allows for a more objective method of elimination.

With the (xxxx) and (xxxx) disruptions, the nature of attack as we know it, seems to indicate that lesser interruptions are often a smokescreen for something a little more subtle in operation behind the scene. Having launched that "ferret out the problem" mode, I naturally carried it a step further to the extent that it was obvious that Vincent filled the role of "least likely" magnificantly.

I am not picking on Vincent and at the time, it was NOTHING personal. I have even cast myself into the role of fitting the "least likely" side of the balance sheet. I don't mean from a conscious intent to do damage to the effort, but simply someone who is geographically convenient to the day to day efforts of Laura & Ark and I realize that if 4th density wants to launch an attack, most of us could be unwitting vehicles. To this end, I have told Laura that she knows my intent and if something I say or do appears to be at variance, holler at me and make me aware of a possibly being cast in the role of a trojan horse.

Enough background on the situation, let me just add that like Laura, my "wishful thinking" kicked into gear also as far as Vincent is concerned. Obviously the man is well-versed and intelligent and if that is the kick-in-the-pants that Cass needs to really bring home the esoteric bacon, I would be all for it. The day of the session was my first meeting with Vincent in person. I mentioned the above most/least process as eliminating the "subjective" aspects when trying to ferret moles, well - the subjective aspect kicked into high gear the whole time I was there, with only brief moments of "wishful thinking" over-ride.

(xxxx), you have been the recipient of comments by Vincent that I was the dross in the mix and that I was beseiged with attachments which hampered the flow of things. What the heck, I don't know, I am open to the possibility, but at the same time, I am being as introspective as possible because I want to contribute, not detract. So during the afternoon and early evening, there was a visible tension or barrier between the two of us.

Now to the part you specifically inquired about. The session started with boardwork around 9pm as usual. The "groove" on the board was pretty good and there was little or no hesitation. Almost immediately, the C's, almost demanded that the session be stopped and mirror-work be commenced with the enhancement of trance induction by Vincent .

It seemed to be a very out of character insistence coming from the board, but in a burst of "wishful thinking" I thought that perhaps the communication which hit some dead ends with Frank, was going to be more overt. We took a short break and rearranged the room to facilitate the mirror-work and trance. Ark is the only person other than Laura who had a clear view of the mirror. Vincent whould have had some periferal visability and then (xxxx) and I were off to the side on an angle. The mirror work portion went evidently very well as far as Laura's participation. The participation by Vincent was just simply "wrong".

Some 3-4 decades ago, I did some hypnosis work. I am self-taught, NOT schooled and probably didn't have a clue about what was really happening at the time. I am not talking about serious involvement, maybe 15-20 inductees and perhaps a hundred or so self-inductions. I was prepared to cast Vincent in the role of resident expert in these matters, (that ole wishful thinking thing again). HE WAS NOT. The induction process was smooth enough, although fairly standard with a resonant voice quality. But I would venture to say that it was Laura who was facilitating the induction on her end much more than being led or guided by Vincent .

As the level deepened and Laura began her visualization(s), Vincent became almost paranoid, jerking her awareness around with poorly disguising attempts at protection. Now that is the role (a protector) of the inducer. He is the lifeline to the person in trance. But Vincent s atempts at protection were not in response to Laura's being in difficulty, they were in response to Vincent s fears from moment to moment...and yes, the protection aspect seemed in retrospect, to be heavily dependant upon a a ritualistic foundation.

Then there reached a stage or depth sufficent for Laura to provide some answers and insight, but Vincent could not formulate a question in a manner which would allow a response. Here, we were watching Laura flounder, listening to her reiterate over and over that the question must be asked in an STO manner and that the answer would be forthcoming adn Vincent simply could not grast the concept, much less get it into words within that framework. I was silently screaming at him, even with my "beginners' knowledge of hypnosis to make corrections and adjustments to his proceedure. Ark was sitting next to me doing much the same.

I didn't want to jump in and risk degradation of the inductor/inductee relationship, I suspect that Ark was quiet for a long time for much the same reasons. Finally Ark could not let things to on and interjected a presence into the session. Things smoothed out some and he handed "control" back to Vincent .

Vincent still did not grok what had and was happening, but continued in the same manner. The culmination of events was when he asked Laura to "tell" the physical/geographical location and identity of a buried energy source.

As Laura has written afterwards, this was something which put her directly in harm's way of any and all that oppose. The fact that the location is yet unknown (or unrevealed), is her lifeline and protection.

It was not a comfortable session, I can give Vincent the benefit of the doubt and attribute it to his being unable to break out of the ritual of protection and mumbo-jumbo he is schooled and acquainted with. I can extend that benefit of doubt to include the possibility that he was unwittingly being used. I cannot excuse the manner in which he conducted and participated in the session.

This is not a "sour grapes" reply and review of the session. From a wishful thinking standpoint, I wanted Vincent 's involvement, even if there was a "friction" between us. I wanted the conference to go ahead as planned and be successful, if for no other reason, than it would have given me a perfect venue to do some digital video of the conference and pro-bono video presentation work to justify my spending several thousand dollars on computers and equipment to do just that. So much for wishful thinking. .....B***

From: "O*** E***" E***@...
Date sent: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:40:50 +0200
Subject: [cass] V and Mirror

Hi Group

OK, I will testify, although little will be added:

The mirror session has been covered and I don't have anything substantial to add. Vincent was tense all along and specially annoyed when his baggage was described, however he was drawn in by some curiosity, apparently, so it was a while before he said: 'This is all funny, but we're wasting time here.'

Now using the mirror was not his idea, actually he was not eager at all, so if the contact was affected by him then at least the use of the mirror which led to the viewing later was not an artifact of his expectations. Or if so, the effect was not the expected one.

My principal misgivings regarding Vincent had to do with the high esteem/import he seemed to place on Crowley's Book of the Law, which is an STS document if there ever was one. He further indicated in conversation that he considered Parson's and Hubbard's Babylon Working as an event of high import in opening presently unfolding futures, which I also found odd. This is not to say that whoever gave the Book of the Law was not as clever as filled with hate but rather to ask if anybody had ever come to anything except harm from association with same.

Now Vincent 's magical track record and rituals and views were not exactly held in secret, although precise details were scarce, except for the Millennial Working and other Ophanic business which he discusses in some detail on his site. A work of learning and intellect, to be sure, but what for? Suffice it to say that I considered that the information that was so openly available had been considered.

In hindsight I had some fleeting questions about the contracts and publishing business arrangements, but took it as a matter of course that these would be regular, so I would not insert myself where not requested.

I met Vincent once and he certainly was fascinating to converse with, erudite and clever and quick and with an air of a world traveler who had seen everything. Fine presentation, no question. OK, but we all have talked of past glories and Vincent has even written about these, so what's next?

Regards O***

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenshower@...
Subject: Re: Good News!

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 11:30:42 -0500

On 18 Dec 2001, at 11:23, Goldenshower@... wrote:

> One more thing, he stayed at another friends house in NY in 1998. Guess what
> happened? A pipe broke in the house and flooded everything!!!!! No kidding!

I would really like to understand this symbology. Overflowing water... floods... (and it was a big joke here with my husband's name Ark..!) faucet handles coming off... cats disappearing, pool walls collapsing, pipes breaking...

All (except the cats) relating to water "out of control." I think there is a clue to something here but I can't quite wrap my mind around it.


Another thing, he writes in his bio about his "booming" psychotherapy business, and how he was there, in NC, hiding out from the bad guys all those years... but it seems that that isn't true at all. Was he living in NC and traveling back and forth to Colorado and Sedona? Has he really been to India and Tibet and all those other places?

Did you download Babel and read it? It's a sleeper. I wonder if the guy even knew he was writing about the "green language?"


From: Goldenshower@....
Date sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 20:37:52 EST
Subject: Re: Good News!

To: laura@cassiopaea

I have no doubt that the masters use many methods of dispensation. What they all are, and what they consist of, is their mystery. I am a very practical person who really doesn't buy into the black magic scene. One can harm another only if you let them. Simply by asking for help, in the proper way, and it comes. Everytime.

If they have chosen to communicate with you, then it shall be shown by your actions. If they have chosen you then you are in for a very rough, but interesting, time.

Defend yourself with justice, lies and deception are the tools of the counterfeit tradition that now rules us.

As Fulcanelli says: knowledge, power, courage, discretion.

These are the four qualities that are needed to perform the Great Work. Credit is unimportant.


Jay Weidner


See also:

Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
Psychotherapist? Or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit)

The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence

The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence


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