Studies in Psychopathy

The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D.
with commentary and additional quoted material
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Psychopath: The Mask of Sanity Special Research by Quantum Future School
Discussion of Psychopathy Traits From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
A Basic Hypothesis of Psychopathy From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
Official Culture - A Natural State of Psychopathy? by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath - Hervey Cleckley
"Stanley," a chapter from Hervey M. Cleckley's classic study of psychopaths, The Mask of Sanity
How Psychopaths View Their World
Retreat from Zaca - (3 files)

Dr. Strange, New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

"Dr. Strange" - Psychotherapist or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

Maynerd Most's Rebuttal
"I am the webmaster for Zecharia Sitchin..."
The Psychopath As Physician The Mask of Sanity - Hervey Cleckley - Excerpts
The Bad Seed: The Fledgling Psychopath
Sam Vaknin Revisited
An In-Depth Look At Where Sam Vaknin is Leading NPD
The Ambassador of Narcissism: An Interview with Sam Vaknin
A Soul With No Footprints
Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy
Anatomy of Malignant Narcissim
The Socially Adept Psychopath
The Origins of Violence: Is Psychopathy an Adaptation?
Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath
The Partial Psychopath
Adventures with Cassiopaea by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ark and Laura's Correspondence 1997 (8 files) Supplement to Adventures
Reader's Comments on Adventures With Cassiopaea
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Quantum Future School
Alvin Wiley's Letter
Alvin Wiley's subsequent letters to the public

the "Alvin Wiley" correspondence (10 files)

Letters from Readers About Jay Weidner
Dear Webmaster: - (2 files)
What is Laura Hiding? The Cassiopaeans Answer

Reader's Comments on "Is Laura Hiding Something?"

Transcript of direct channeling via "Frank Scott" on computer, July 22, 1994
Statement by Terry and Jan Rodemerk
Maynerd Most's post to the Cassiopaea Guestbook
Death Threat?
Organic Portals: The Other Race Quantum Future School (2 files) Disclaimer
Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner: Magickal Mystery Tour Scam
Is Cassiopaea a Cult?
The French Connection by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Censored!
Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley PDF - book download FREE!
Kubrick's Psychopaths Society and Human Nature in the Films of Stanley Kubrick
The common problem with psychopaths... “Is they don’t see a problem with their behavior.”
Psychopath Support Group
“Non-victims can’t understand this, but the psychopath really does suck the life out of a caring person. I try to think of them now as a slimy suckerfish right out of the swamp, vacuum-lips out and prowling for someone vibrant and attractive to con and eviscerate.”

If you are a good person you will meet many evil people in your life, you need to recognize them and their actions. More importantly you need to recognize which evil behaviors you have been conned into accepting as reasonable and to reject those behaviors - both in yourself and in others - as unacceptable.

The English language has a variety of terms for psychopaths, of which "bastard" is perhaps the most polite. They have always been with us, and despite their corrosiveness and rejection of social mores, they show no signs of going away.

Think you can spot one? Think again. In general, psychopaths aren’t the product of broken homes or the casualties of a materialistic society. Rather they come from all walks of life and there is little evidence that their upbringing affects them.
Most of the two million psychopaths in North America aren’t murderers. They’re our friends, lovers and co-workers. They’re outgoing and persuasive, dazzling you with charm and flattery. Often you aren’t even aware they’ve taken you for a ride – until it’s too late.
The problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today....Most good people are only aware of the least intelligent part of the evil distribution; those are the people who are obviously evil: criminals. The normal and intelligent ends of the evil distribution totally escape most good people's understanding.

Only as of late, with all the Enron scandals and related crimes, people are waking up to the fact that the most dangerous psychopath of all is the educated, socially adept psychopath, in fact, Dr. Hare recently said that he would probably be able to find many psychopaths involved in the stockmarket. It is time for American to "wake up" says Dr. Wolman, because we are being threatened by a serious epidemic of psychopathy.

The Psychopathic or Sociopathic Personality

Based on twenty-five years of groundbreaking research, WITHOUT CONSCIENCE is a fascinating journey into the minds of these dangerous individuals. Are they born unable to feel empathy, or are they created by circumstance? How and why do they get away with cheating, conning, and murdering? Are they mad or simply bad? In what Dr. Hare calls our "camouflage society," how can we recognize and steer clear of these predatory people?

WITHOUT CONSCIENCE explores their shocking patterns- and exposes one of the most frightening, often-hidden social problems affecting our lives today.


The Psychopath is much more successful than you and I because he is not hemmed in by all sorts of impediments or worries.

A discussion with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig & James Hillman

“We fall prey to the seduction, it is irresistible. Then the nightmare of horror begins. The shabby treatment, the avoidance. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. He had been so sincere, so kind. It was Jekyl and Hyde.”
“They go for the strongest and the best, but preferably those who are something of rebels within the group...the LEAST controllable. Because if they can crush them, they crush most of the rest at the same time. If they start at the bottom, with the weakest, it’s a long way to work their way up…The ideal target is therefore, strong, smart, rebellious and vulnerable through previous abuse.”
“A favored technique is to debilitate your identity [personally, I hate the term self-esteem] by levelling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, your “true” motivations, your “real” character, your sanity and judgement.”
“They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.”
“Others around me would get so tired of the whole thing and insinuate that I was perpetuating things. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone. Part of the hurt and damage was done because others could but would not see what was actually happening. He would always try to ingratiate himself to others it was sickening. Usually psychopaths put on the nicest act, and you look like the harpy and bitch, and so everyone takes their side, it is a horror story, a psychopath can be very charming, and manipulative and manipulate the smartest of people.”
“My biggest frustration and source of anger, is at those who have refused to take a stand when they see the abuse . No matter how outrageous his behavior others often stood by and inadvertently fuelled his grandiosity and denial... although denial is too mild a word for it.
“If a psychopath throws the “bad childhood” stuff at you, keep in mind he might be trying to get sympathy and make an excuse for his atrocious behavior towards you and/or others. If we let these people make us feel sorry for them, we ultimately end up in the submissive position again...just what they want. I can “pity” them yes...but I refuse to shed another tear over the tragedies suffered by who is now, only a shell of a person.”

Regarding a psychopath: Considering a longitudinal section of his life is hard to avoid the conclusion that here is the product of true madness - of madness in a sense quite as real as that conveyed to the imaginative layman by the terrible word lunatic.

With the further consideration that all this skein of apparent madness has been woven by a person of (technically) unimpaired and superior intellectual powers and universally regarded as sane, the surmise intrudes that we are confronted by a serious and unusual type of genuine abnormality.

Not merely a surmise but a strong conviction may arise that this apparent sanity is, in some important respects, a sanity in name only. We find instead a spectacle that suggests madness in excelsis, despite the absence of all those symptoms that enable us, in some degree, to account for irrational conduct in the psychotic.

Only very slowly and by a complex estimation or judgment based on multitudinous small impressions does the conviction come upon us that, despite these intact rational processes, these normal emotional affirmations, and their consistent application in all directions, we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly.

So perfect is this reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or how, he is not real. And yet we eventually come to know or feel we know that reality, in the sense of full, healthy experiencing of life, is not here.


“Leaving is hard because of all that goes along with the going. It is not just the person you have to give up but your hopes and dreams and fantasies. It only happened for me in increments and I cried UNCLE often thinking if I gave it one more go I’d break through. It wasn’t until I really knew that no matter what I said or did or didn’t do this person could never love me or anyone.”
“The fantasy was exactly that, a FANTASY, that he created for himself, and presented to me as reality. My head said the fantasy wasn’t valid. I kept reminding myself: if the fantasy was real, I wouldn’t be treated like dirt, and feel like shit!”
“I have finally come to the conclusion that they cannot change, so all we can do is to refuse to participate in their sick drama and leave the stage.”

Cleckley: [T]he familiar tendency to disintegrate, against which life evolves, may be regarded as fundamental and comparable to gravity. The climbing man or animal must use force and purpose to ascend or to maintain himself at a given height. [...] Whether regression occurs primarily through something like gravity or through impulses more self-contained, the backward movement (or ebbing) is likely to prompt many sorts of secondary reactions, including behavior not adapted for ordinary human purposes but instead, for functioning in the other direction. The modes of such reactivity may vary, may fall into complex patterns, and may seek elaborate expression. [...] People with all the outer mechanisms of adaptation intact might, one would think, regress more complexly. [...] In a movement (or gravitational drift) from levels where life is vigorous and full to those where it is less so, the tactics of withdrawal predominate. [...] The psychopath as we conceive of him in such an interpretation seems to justify the high estimate of his technical abilities as we see them expressed in reverse movement.

Organic Portals: The Answer to Psychopathy?

"Alien reaction machines" in human form describes individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths, and Psychopaths.
The material presented in the linked articles does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors. Research on your own and if you can validate any of the articles, or if you discover deception and/or an obvious agenda, we will appreciate if you drop us a line! We often post such comments along with the article synopses for the benefit of other readers. As always, Caveat Lector!

The Jadczyk - Weidner Correspondence

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Aethyrea

Date sent: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 09:09:34 -0500

Hi, VB's website has disappeared. Did you have anything to do with that? A reader said that he has announced the creation of a new company - is he trying to protect his assets, I wonder? (Whatever assets there may be, which I doubt there is much.)

Well, I hope he does make some money...


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 14:06:31 EST
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

To: laura@cassiopaea

No doubt since I told him that his book company did not exist. Now we know for sure that it did not exist. What website are you talking about?


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

Date sent: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 14:30:05 -0500

On 18 Jan 2002, at 14:06, Goldenflower@...wrote:

> No doubt since I told him that his book company did not exist. Now we know for > sure that it did not exist. What website are you talking about?

his site.

Reader sent the following "press release" which includes his plans to bring out a second edition of AMET

From: Vincent Bridges <"Vincent Bridges".>
Date: Thu Jan 17, 2002 7:39 pm
Subject: announcement department

January 17th 2002

Press Release

January 17th, 2002 ­ Author, historian and alternative publisher Vincent Bridges announced today the formation of two new publishing companies, Apocalypse Books llc and Ka Bennu Press llc. ³While very different in style and tone, ultimately the two companies are complementary,² Mr. Bridges commented. ³They are related by a common theme.²

Apocalypse Books llc will feature the works of Christian prophetic author Stephen Crockett beginning with the second and revised edition of The Prophet Code: Precessional Encryption and the Apocalyptic Tradition, due out in April 2002. First published in September 2001, The Prophet Code is an amazing look at the hidden precessional codes in the Bible, and how they produce a timetable for the apocalypse. This ³deeply Christian and finely argued² study also pinpoints the date of September 11th, 2001 as the first Horseman of the Apocalypse. The new revised edition contains an in depth examination of the encoded dates rushing up at us in the very near future.

³From the visits of the four horsemen starting in 2001, to the Seventh Seal in 2027 ­2031, biblically prophesied and terrifying cataclysms are identified and presented for all to see. A most disturbing and forcefully argued study and well worth reading by students of scripture in general, and ³End Times² studies in particular.² Thomas G. Whelan, Midwest Book Review

Also planned by Apocalypse Books llc are Stephen Crockett¹s second groundbreaking work, Precessional Architecture, and Ezekiel¹s Temple, an examination of the mathematics of Ezekiel¹s cosmology by J. M. Allen, author of Atlantis: The Andes Solution.

Ka Bennu Press llc takes a more esoteric slant. ³It means Œsoul of the phoenix¹ in Egyptian,² said founder Vincent Bridges, ³and it represents the re-emergence of a deep and perennially human sense of spiritual values.² Ka Bennu Press¹ first scheduled publication (July 2002) will be The Cross at Hendaye: Alchemy, Fulcanelli, and the Apocalyptic Secret of Rennes-le-Chateau, by Vincent Bridges. This work was meant to be the second of three proposed volumes in the Cross at Hendaye series.

The first volume, A Monument to the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, was an underground international bestseller, selling out its first two press runs. Ka Bennu Press is proud to offer The Cross at Hendaye: Alchemy, Fulcanell and the Apocalyptic Secret of Rennes-le-Chateau, the original work from which much of A Monument to the End of Time and The Cross at Hendaye series was derived, in a new expanded format written exclusively by Vincent Bridges. This is the book that ties the many diverse threads of western esotericism, and some of its most intractable mysteries, into one understandable tapestry.

Praise for A Monument to the End of Time

³A brilliant deductive revelationŠ² John Major Jenkins, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012

³Fascinating detailŠ a wealth of research applied to an obscure subject produces a truly ground-breaking work.² Moira Timms, Beyond Prophecies and Predictions

Planned for future publication by Ka Bennu Press are Orbis: The Testament of the Five Golems, by pagan activist Storm Bear Williams and The Pendragon Papers, by the adepts of the Fifth Way Mystery School, a collection of essays and practical workings centered around the neo-pagan concept of geomancy. Also planned: High Weirdness; rantings and reviews from the Inner Sanctum of Doc Strange.

From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 19:01:31 EST
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

To: laura@cassiopaea

If I could get a minute I would go get a lawyer. This confirms that he is going out of business.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 19:09:26 EST
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

To: laura@...

did anyone get a copy of his old site? It must have loads of incriminating data on it. I am going ahead with a suit against him. I have no choice. I just want to make sure that you did not find his book company under a LLC in NC.

Also - do you have a copy of any contract with Aetheyria books? I am not a pack rat so this is going to be difficult for me. I need all the evidence I can get.

We could jointly sue him for misrepresentation and that would bring our costs down. He does own a victorian mansion - for what it is worth.

Either way I move ahead. At this point it will be for misrepresentation of himself to me (what an understatement). I will need all of your evidence. This is it. I am going full tilt. I have his real address and I may deliver the subpeona in person with Sharron shooting it on video for the record. If it is war then it will be war.

Let me know.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

Date sent:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 20:20:13 -0500

Hi, Notice in his "press release" that he has filed for TWO companies... and AMET is in one of them by itself. That strikes me as a deliberate attempt to keep his "assets" from the other publishing operation separate so that if you sue one company, you can't sue the other.

However, a good lawyer will tell you that you can sue him individually, without the protection of a LLC because the whole con job took place before he created a real company (assuming that he has even done so, and we can't know just yet because it won't be listed on the Secty. of State pages just yet. He probably just got the papers back.)

He is about the slickest operator I've ever seen.

If you are really serious about going after him, let me know. We aren't messing around here, and I may be able to put you in connection with a good attorney or we may be able to do something together as you suggest. Can't say for sure yet, because the law may see our situations as very different.

But, one thing for sure is this: it's time to do something. This guy is NOT something that will go away if ignored. It may also be time to really expose him in a big way. The more people know about his shyster tactics, the more they know he is NOT a real scholar, but merely an ape who mimics very well... that he is a con-artist, etc.... well the better it will be.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 11:16:45 EST
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

To: laura@...

I have no idea even how to get a lawyer. If you have any suggestions please feel free to make them. I need to do this monday. Yes it is fraud. And he can be arrested and sent to jail for this.

So he set me up for a fraudulent deal as a publisher. He then went to you on the strength of this other fraud and tried to get a deal with you. This is a crime. I am sure that we could get a good lawyer and have him thrown in jail. Then, once we have proven that he committed fraud and has been convicted we will be able to sue him for anything he has, or will have.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

Date sent:Sat, 19 Jan 2002 12:25:47 -0500

On 19 Jan 2002, at 11:16, Goldenflower@...wrote:

> I agree. I have no idea even how to get a lawyer. If you have any > suggestions please feel free to make them. I need to do this monday. Yes it is > fraud. And he can be arrested and sent to jail for this.

Monday is a holiday. But I will be able to find out something by Tuesday, perhaps. You will have to get an atty in NC because that is where VB lives and any litigation against him will have to take place there by a NC licensed atty. (I am learning about these things!)

> > So he set me up for a fraudulent deal as a publisher. He then went to you on > the strength of this other fraud and tried to get a deal with you. This is a > crime.

Indeed. And working from his fraud perpetrated on you, and then claiming an association with us, most particularly my husband, a published author of physics papers and books, he was able to get deals with these other folks who he is now going to defraud... like this guy John Major Jenkins, who is apparently, still in the dark that he is associating and putting his work into the hands of a guy who is going to suck him into a black hole.

> I am sure that we could get a good lawyer and have him thrown in jail. > Then, once we have proven that he committed fraud and has been convicted we will > be able to sue him for anything he has, or will have.

I spent some time on the phone talking to the FDLE folks - computer crimes - who have a liaison with FBI. Yes, they say, he is committing crimes. But, with all the recent terrorist activity going on and the fact that they are overworked and underpaid, a case like this would never be prosecuted by them because it would fall way to the bottom of their priority list. Nevertheless, they now have a file on him, and I have forwarded all documents to them to place in this file. We have also done the same with the local law enforcement.

In order to "throw him in jail," we have to prove in court that he has committed these crimes (probably pretty easy, but it's going to cost some money since the gov agencies that would do it on their own nickel are too busy), and once a judge orders against him, if he then does a single other thing that is covered in the order, he automatically gets a bed in prison.

So, that is the objective: to get an atty, tell him the story, pay some bux up front to haul VB into court, give all testimony, and have the judge declare that he is illegal as all get out in a dozen ways or so.

We both know from evidence that he will be unable to stop pursuing his criminal career. At that point, it will just be a matter of keeping an eye on him for his first violation.

Of course, there is also the good possibility that the judge will decide that he has just done too much already and he will get a ticket to go directly to jail without passing "go" or collecting 200 bux. He will also probably be ordered to pay damages and court costs.

We do not realistically expect him to have any money to do this. And that means that they can order him to make monthly payments. Defaulting on these payments is also an offense that can get him put in jail.

So, as you see, there are a number of ways to approach the situation. But, all of them require filing suit against him for anything and everything that can be reasonably expected to prevail in court.

I would suggest that you sit down and write a chronology as best you can regarding all your dealings with him. Describe briefly when you met him, how the relations developed, any significant events that you can recall of offers, or what you did or gave to him. Just write it out as it happened. You might include his "winding up" of Sharron over the "sexual abuse" issue. As we now know, he is NOT an expert on such things, and his claims to be, used to obtain intimate info from people, or to frighten them, is also criminal.

Try to remember when you wrote what, where you "published" it, even if it was just printed out and passed to VB.

Did you sign a contract? If not, then he has no right to your copyright, especially if your work was gotten from you fraudulently. He has claimed that you only wrote two chapters of the book and that all the rest was HIS work. Do you have evidence to show otherwise?


Yes, all of this is a distraction and a pain. But it seems that we are going to have to deal with it now before it gets worse.

In any event, it seems that our report on him has not stopped him in any way, shape, form or fashion. So, publicity is also one of the main tools we have for at least making others aware so they won't be taken in by future frauds.

If you know John Major Jenkins personally, you might want to write to him and explain the situation to him. It is possible that he is of the same type as VB - but on the other hand, he may be a legitimate guy. I don't know.

If the Laura Lee gal is a friend, it may be time to write to her, also. I have already sent an account of our experience there, but have received no reply. They may be too busy to read it, or they may have just tossed it aside because it might embarrass them. They ought to know that it is going to be a whole lot more embarrassing when it is revealed that their posting of his fake bio is the grounds on which a lot of people believed in VB to be what he was claiming.

There are a lot of connections between VB and Drunvalo, Ray Flowers, and a bunch of other obvious now COINTELPRO operations. Whether this is any kind of "gov" type activity, we can't say. Probably not. It is more likely that it is a COINTELPRO operation generated from what you call the "false tradition" or something similar. It also smacks of hyperdimensional manipulation, but that is unprovable.

I have heard that JR was very "taken" with Drunvalo, and in fact gave him millions of dollars to set up his operation. It is very likely that he is going to be "exposed" at some future point. I have found a number of articles on the web that are already moving in this direction. Then, there is the connection between Drunvalo and Holt and Lyssa Royal and a witness who claims that they were involved with VB in doing some kind of "assassination working." We have also received an email from a person who claims to have all the low- down on this stuff, who asked if we wanted to know the details.

So, considering all of these things, my thought is this: it is VERY likely that this matter could grow like a fungus. VB, under pressure in court, may very likely try to flame JR, you, etc. We are certain that he will try to blame someone, but it is difficult to tell who. He doesn't think like normal people.

If there is some reason you are certain that this ought NOT to be brought to JR's attention, you don't have to tell me why, I will rely on your judgment. But, it is also true that dealing with these people is going to take some money, and he might be willing to assist. Perhaps, if JR is informed about the whole situation in a factual way, if it is all laid out to him, including the ongoing defamation of his character by VB saying to one group that he heard if from Stan, to another that he got it from you - doesn't matter, it still is ABOUT JR and his connections, and if he gave money to Drunvalo, then that will be thought to be evidence that he IS implicated in Drunvalo's nastiness and fraud, and even that he promoted it or encouraged it. So, it's a lot of mud that could stick to JR, when VB starts going down and flinging it.

Yes, I know that "coming clean" and admitting that we have been duped, and that we have introduced a fraud to our friends and that we are, in a sense, responsible for them being duped might be a tough thing to do. It was very hard for us to write to our egroup and say we had been defrauded, and we were sorry that they had been defrauded also by virtue of our recommendation of VB to the group. It caused a lot of people a lot of grief. And we are doing everything we can to make it right. Thankfully, just being honest about it and admitting our failure to pursue due diligence in investigating VB BEFORE, has been understood by the group and we have their full support, even including contributions for legal fees.

So, you see? If there is any possibility that you need to do a similar thing with any of your friends, associates, JR included, it is best to write it all up and do it now and ask for help.

I don't know your exact situation, and I may be way off here. I just know how it worked in our situation and what we have had to do.

So, please consider all of these things, take the actions that you feel are possible and warranted at this very moment, and once the deck has been cleared of anything that might evolve into a corollary problem, not only will you feel a lot better, you will be ready to go to the next step.

One thing is, though, from this point on, it would be better to have no contact with VB at all. No emails, no phone calls, no response to anything he might say or do. And, most particularly, don't tell him your plans to sue him. Apparently, based on what you have already said to him, he has taken these recent steps to try to protect his assets. It won't do any good for what he has done in the past, but it still tells us that he is thinking that he will be sued. It also tells us that he has no intention whatsoever of returning AMET to you, or complying with any other request from anybody.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

Date sent:Sat, 19 Jan 2002 13:58:02 -0500

On 19 Jan 2002, at 12:25, Goldenflower@...wrote:

> I would suggest that you sit down and write a chronology as best you can > regarding all your dealings with him.

Just wanted to add a p.s.

The above is the most important thing you can do just now. You will have to have all your ducks in a row to explain it to an attorney, and this is such an emotional issue, that it will be better if you do it in writing. Once this is done, and it is the FIRST step, you can then forward it to the attorney - which I will try to find out more next week - and he will then be able to better evaluate what kind of case you have, what charges will be most likely to stick, an so on.

Again: this is the first step. Write the story down, the events, everything. You can go back and delete what is not relevant later.

This will also be a good record for sending to the state attorney of the State of North Carolina to put on file, as we have already done. Include all references to documentation. They want facts, not just your view.

We discovered that VB did, indeed, contact FDLE with his "complaint" about us "stalking and libeling" etc. But they checked it out and told me that he obviously was the criminal in this case, because, as the agent told me: "You crossed all your t's and dotted your i's."

So, again, any documentation that you have - or witnesses you can name - will be important.

It is from this that the exact nature of the crimes against you will be determined. It will also give the atty a good idea of what charges can most successfully be prosecuted.

So, start this now. It will be needed before any other step.

Yes, it will be painful and agonizing, but it's gotta be done.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 14:27:00 EST
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

To: laura@cassiopaea

Yes. You are right. I will do it. I don't mind. It just gets uglier and uglier. I will certainly look like a complete idiot.

We do not want to get tied up to JR in anyway. Believe me. No matter what, do not bring him into the situation unless he brings himself in. This is a nasty business and he can be VERY nasty. You do not want his wrath in any way. Looking at this situation he will be very pissed at every one. And you don't want that. Present enemies are youthful boyscouts against such a force. We have been duped by a fraud. We have to admit it and let it go where it goes.

Remember Occam's Razor. VB committed fraud. It is that easy. I still have 150 books that say Aetheryia Books LLC MT. Gilead NC. That is a fraud and that is a crime. That is all that has to be proven. The rest of the chips will fall into place.

By smoking him out he has revealed that you are indeed correct about him not having a company. Now all of his actions are directed at a coverup which is exactly what we want to have happen.

He can do no other thing. I will look into this on Tuesday. Since you are an expert (just kidding) are you saying that I have to take him to civil court to prove fraud? And also why do I have to do it in NC? Because he broke a state crime?

Do you know any good attorneys in NC?

This is it. Please gather your data and get ready. I will take him to court and prove that he is fraudulent. The rest is easy.


From:Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
Subject:Re: Aethyrea

Date sent:Sat, 19 Jan 2002 15:21:09 -0500

On 19 Jan 2002, at 14:27, Goldenflower@...wrote:

> Yes. You are right. I will do it. I don't mind. It just gets uglier and > uglier. I will certainly look like a complete idiot.

No you won't. You will look like somebody who is after Truth who is strong enough to denounce a liar when he is uncovered.

> > We do not want to get tied up to JR in anyway. Believe me.

Okay. I get the point. You know better than anyone about this. I was just concerned that you might need some assistance in paying legal fees. We have a fund for legal fees, so we are okay in that respect for our specific purposes.

> > Remember Occam's Razor. VB committed fraud. It is that easy. I still have 150 > books that say Aetheryia Books LLC MT. Gilead NC. That is a fraud and that is > a crime. That is all that has to be proven. The rest of the chips will fall > into place.

Seems to be so.

> > By smoking him out he has revealed that you are indeed correct about him not > having a company. Now all of his actions are directed at a coverup which is > exactly what we want to have happen.

Does seem to be what he is doing here.

> > He can do no other thing. I will look into this on Tuesday. Since you are an > expert (just kidding) are you saying that I have to take him to civil court to > prove fraud? And also why do I have to do it in NC? Because he broke a state > crime?

From what I have been told, it has to be done in the state where the crime took place. In this case, VB's operation is out of his house in NC, even if other things took place in other places, he "conceived, directed, and executed" it from NC. So, NC is where the crime took place, and that is what determines the jurisdiction.

Of course, a local atty can be obtained, but you will probably be told the same way we were told: that they will have to "work with a litigator in NC" who will be the one to do the actual work in the court system there. He then may suggest, as our guy did, that it will save money to just get an atty in NC from the start and that way we won't have to pay one attorney for liaison with another, ending up paying two attorneys.

> Do you know any good attorneys in NC?

That will depend on what kind of case you have. Different attorneys handle different kinds of cases. My suggestion would be to write up your chronicle and consult a decent local attorney for advice as to what kind of action can and ought to be taken. Then, don't let him buffalo you about him handling it himself, because then you will face the same thing as above: paying two attorneys. Instead, ask him to please answer the question: does this have to be litigated in NC, and if so, will you help me to locate the right firm to handle it?

> This is it. Please gather your data and get ready. I will take him to court > and prove that he is fraudulent. The rest is easy.

Oh, our stuff is always ready. We will just need the specific requests for what is needed from the attorney - otherwise you are looking and hundreds and hundreds of pages of stuff, a lot of which may be irrelevant. Once I know what he needs, I will do searches and put the proper documents together, even including emails with full headers, etc.

Your attorney may want some sworn statements. We can save you some money there by answering a list of questions in writing and having it notarized.

So, write the chronicle, find out exactly what your suit will be about, and then, he will be able to suggest the right guy in NC.

Also, again, you will want to take the steps to report this as a crime simply because it will help your case. After you have written it up, you can call your local law enforcement, and file it with them. Then, call your state law enforcement agency, and file it there. Both of them will give you a case number, and they will probably tell you that they can't prosecute because they are overworked and underpaid, and that you have to get a lawyer.

I am just speaking from our own experience here, you may have a different one. Your state may look on the case with more interest than FL does, and may actually pick it up and prosecute it themselves. In this case, you will be saved a lot of money, so this is an important step to take. It also creates an "open file," so that if VB does anything else, you can report it with the case number and it can be reviewed with the idea of possible criminal prosecution.

Anyway,to recapitulate, here is the process we have been advised to follow:

1) write the chronicle with all names, addresses, participants, events, etc, chronologically. 2) using the chronological narrative, report the crime to your local and state police. Also, send a copy to the NC Attorney General's office with a cover letter stating that you have reported it to your local and state police. 3) make an appointment for a consultation with a local atty and give him the chronology. Ask his advice as to what is most likely to succeed in terms of prosecution, where, and who might be the best one to do it.

At this point, you will have a much better idea of where you stand and what to do next.

These are things that are extremely distasteful to have to do, no doubt about it. The police do have a way of making a person feel dumb, because they have certainly seen all this before, and once you start telling them about it, they may roll their eyes and say "so, you fell for a con job!" And you may feel about two inches tall. And this is why people are so reluctant to go after VB and others like him, and it is what allows him to continue: the fact that people are too embarrassed to admit that they fell for snake oil sales tactics.

So, brace yourself. YOU are not the one who did anything wrong EXCEPT to trust someone who was untrustworthy. Do NOT let anyone make you feel that it is your fault for falling for VB's con job. Like we told the officer who took our report: We don't con other people, and we naturally think that other people are also honest.

I ought to also mention that VB's behavior is actually that of a very low-class type of individual. He acts like what my grandmother always called "poor white trash." Once the mask is stripped away, even his language reverts to that of white trash. I don't know anything about his real background other than public records, etc, but I have the idea that he comes from a very low class social origin. And I am not speaking of money as the determinant here, simply culture, class, as it manifests in families of very backward and primitive social construction.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 23:03:36 EST
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

To: laura@...

Yes I believe you are right about Vb being white trash. I could tell you a story. Whoa!

Anyway I would appreciate it if you would place another ''open letter' on your site:

To Those Concerned:

Vincent Bridges is outright lying when he says that Laura and Ark are 'blackmailing' me.

If he has evidence that this is so then let him bring it out in the open. Otherwise he remains a liar.

So, what is it, exactly, Mr. Vincent Bridges that Laura and Ark are using to blackmail me? We are all waiting to find out.


Jay Weidner

From:Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject:Re: Aethyrea

Date sent:Tue, 22 Jan 2002 23:34:57 -0500

On 22 Jan 2002, at 23:03, Goldenflower@...wrote:

> Yes I believe you are right about Vb being white trash. I could tell you a > story. Whoa! >

Well, you can't do that without telling... even if it is just hearsay and can't be printed anywhere. It might help us to know what we are dealing with.

I just made several observations about his language, his euphemisms, his claims to culture that nobody would claim to in the way he has unless they are a "social climber" or whatever. I suspect there was alcoholic abuse in the family, maybe sexual abuse, and most likely extreme poverty at some point.

There was something else: during the few days he was here, he ate like a very low class person who had never acquired taste for a decent diet because they had never experienced it.

> Anyway I would appreciate it if you would place another ''open letter' on > your site:

Okay. Will do. Don't know what difference it is going to make, but at least it will clarify your position.

Do try to remember if you ever "published," even just on the web or on a CD or whatever, any of your material BEFORE VB got ahold of it. This is important.

But, in another sense, it really doesn't matter because he presented himself as having a business, being a "real" publisher, etc - all of which was fraud.

You know something else? He never had to do any of this crap. We don't care if a person has "real" credentials or not - we evaluate them on what they know and do and their potential. If he had just told the truth from the beginning, if the truth had meant anything to him at all... none of the other stuff would have mattered.

Heck - I don't have any "credentials." I finished two years of college, and part of that was by taking CLEP tests. I started nursing school and had to drop out because it was too much pressure with raising a baby by myself and holding down a full time job. I spent most of my life as just a housewife and mother and obsessive reader and note taker and asker of questions. Sure, my husband says I ought to have half a dozen Ph.D's, but he's prejudiced ...

People just don't know how much it hurts when you believe in somebody and really like them, to have to face the cold hard facts about them... that they are a psychopath who have deliberately manipulated you to have these feelings so that they can prey on you. It hurts twice. The first time because they do it, and the second time because you HAVE to stand up to it and refuse to be preyed upon.

It's kind of like the scene between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader... so sad that he chose the Dark Side. You know?


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:53:51 EST
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

To: laura@...

In July June? 1998 VB came to visit me at my house in the mountains. It was a short visit that just happen to coincide with a visit to the US by my friend Robert Lawlor. RL and VB met for about 10 minutes. VB was beside himself. He was gushing and stuttering. I believe Paul LaViolette was there also at the time. So here was an incredible moment when these four guys were together at once. Suddenly RL had to leave.

A couple of days later RL asked to see me. I went to his house and he told me that VB would destroy me and ruin all of my work. He further told me that VB would take the Great Work and turn it into black magic. He told me that VB was a seriously dark individual who would be pursued by demons through eternity. He told me that he would love to lecture and do projects with me. But if VB were involved he would have nothing to do with me. All of this from 10 minutes!!!

I had already committed to working with VB. And being a man who keeps his promises I could not turn back. I wish I had listened.

At the heart of all of this is the fact that RL was about to introduce me to several rare volumes that are a complete secret to all of us out here. He decided not to show them all to me because he was afraid of VB. Needless to say AON was one of those volumes.

RL and I have patched things up since then.

It gets worse. VB came out to Boulder in Sept 99 to do a lecture with me. We rented the beautiful Starhouse building. VB got up to do his thing. He was talking away like he does when someone asked him if he knew the Great Secret. He replied that he did (he doesn't). They then asked him to tell them the Great Secret. As VB prepared to BS his way out of the question a gigantic bolt of lightening hit the roof of the building RIGHT ABOVE VB'S HEAD.

Later VB went to see the owner of the Starhouse to ask him to rent the building to do a "working". The owner is a friend of mine and he said that at the exact moment that VB asked this another bolt of lightening came out of the sky and hit his house! He has never seen anything like this happen in the 20 years he has been there.

More later.


From:Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
Subject:Re: Aethyrea

Date sent:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 13:21:26 -0500

On 23 Jan 2002, at 12:53, Goldenflower@...wrote:

> Later VB went to see the owner of the Starhouse to ask him to rent the > building to do a "working". The owner is a friend of mine and he said that at > the exact moment that VB asked this another bolt of lightening came out of the > sky and hit his house! He has never seen anything like this happen in the 20 > years he has been there.

Now THAT was a WEIRD event! In fact, it's creepy. And I sure know what you mean about "keeping your word." And VB seems to have some sort of EM emanation or influence that produces this. Can't explain it exactly, but my guess is that he is completely taken over by negative forces and their emanations are very powerful against us when we aren't paying attention.

Very interesting about Lawlor catching on so quick.. He must have something that we don't have - like a built in BS meter - and maybe we ought to learn from him? (On the other hand, maybe that's what we are doing right now in this experience?)

Anyway, I decided to just delete the references to AON from Noah altogether. There really isn't any point in it.

However, I heard from a reader that John M. Jenkins is claiming in his new book that AON was written by Fulcanelli, and was the "third book." Of course, we recognize VB's influence there.

I think you ought to just simply rework AMET, publish it through this publisher I told you about and let VB shrivel on the vine. I don't see a whole lot of point in you spending big bux to sue him. It only makes lawyers rich. Better to just spread the word to anybody who can help spread it further, to NOT buy the version he is publishing, that it has been corrupted to the dark side - and to buy yours for the real deal - or something like that. Also, you might want to create a website and make your own work very clear.

I bet that VB has NEVER legally copyrighted AMET. Why don't you print off the parts that belong to you, go to the us.copyright site, get the form, fill it out, follow the instructions, and send it along with 30 bux to the library of congress?


From:Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
Subject:Re: Aethyrea

Date sent:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 14:05:00 -0500

On 23 Jan 2002, at 12:53, Goldenflower@...wrote:

> In July June? 1998 VB came to visit me at my house in the mountains. It was a > short visit that just happen to coincide with a visit to the US by my friend > Robert Lawlor. RL and VB met for about 10 minutes. VB was beside himself. He > was gushing and stuttering.

Well, he came to the house here to meet with us, Orri, Barry and Ari Ahola, a millionaire ex fighter pilot from Finland who now lives in Orlando. VB was perfectly absurd. At this point in time, I was still like you, committed to an agreement. But you know something? I think that's a program.

We are programmed to not defend ourselves when we receive signs that we ought to change course.

We are programmed that it is "weakness" to change our minds, or make a new assessment.

>I believe Paul LaViolette was there also at the > time. So here was an incredible moment when these four guys were together at > once. Suddenly RL had to leave. > > A couple of days later RL asked to see me. I went to his house and he told me > that VB would destroy me and ruin all of my work. He further told me that VB > would take the Great Work and turn it into black magic. He told me that VB was > a seriously dark individual who would be pursued by demons through eternity. He > told me that he would love to lecture and do projects with me. But if VB were > involved he would have nothing to do with me.

Well, that's how we felt about it when we began to uncover all the stuff VB was doing and was involved in etc. We just knew we could NOT continue an association. And Jay, we gave him HUGE hints that all he had to do was make a shift in his activities, reassess his reality, make some different choices - and he just did not or could not see that there was danger, that we really meant it.

>All of this from 10 minutes!!!

Like I said, the guy must have a highly developed BS meter.

> I had already committed to working with VB. And being a man who keeps his > promises I could not turn back. I wish I had listened.

Yeah. Well, we are learning about how to be really "open" and flexible here, how to admit our mistakes, how to change our course, how to defend ourselves realistically, and a whole host of other useful things.

> > At the heart of all of this is the fact that RL was about to introduce me to > several rare volumes that are a complete secret to all of us out here. He > decided not to show them all to me because he was afraid of VB. Needless to say > AON was one of those volumes.

Interesting. I would be really curious to know what "signs" he saw in VB, or how he "read him." I think I told you that my youngest daughter did NOT like VB at all, and she actually said something embarrassing to him. Well, after he left, I asked her why, and she said that she couldn't really explain it, but that he made her think of a vampire and she was afraid that he was going to hurt us in some way.

Geez! One should always listen to these things.

> > RL and I have patched things up since then.

Well, have you told him the latest stuff about VB and the fake bio and all the lies and threats and so forth? Even though it seems that he "knew" something already, you might want to point him to the pages about it just for confirmation.

In the grand scheme of things, so far as I can tell, VB is just small potatoes. Even though he has deeply affected us (and I include you and Sharron here), producing some misery, thus far, he is just a tempest in a teapot.

But it does seem that he and his buddy Storm Bear have aspirations for greater glory and intend to use us as stepping stones (again, including you...)

I don't know whether we ought to be concerned about this or take further action or not.

I DO think that it is important for you to print and copyright your work legally ASAP. I mean, like TODAY.

go here:

At the top of the page you can click "forms" and download the form, print it out, get your material together - even if you just print the pages and assemble it in a ring binder - and print it with the notice "copyright (date of original writing) by Jay Weidner, all rights reserved) added to a header or footer on each page.

Mail it with the 30 bux. Include a self-addressed, stamped, postcard with the name and content of what you are sending listed. The copyright office will stamp this with a date and mail it back to you immediately - even before your certification arrives.

Since it costs money to do it, I seriously doubt that VB has taken the time or trouble to make this legal step. So do NOT delay!!!

As soon as you have this, you can demand that any server that advertises HIS version of AMET, remove it immediately as being copyright violation.

There is an organization on the internet that you can sign up to and pay a yearly fee. They will police the internet looking for sites that violate your copyright and put pressure on them to remove the links. They are getting some legal action behind them, so it won't be long before they have some real legal clout.

It's a lot cheaper than a lawsuit.

I'll find out the site and let you know.

But do it NOW!


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 17:04:39 EST
Subject:Re: Aethyrea


things are happening. I will let you know soon.


From:Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
Subject:Re: Aethyrea

Date sent:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 17:31:10 -0500

On 23 Jan 2002, at 17:04, Goldenflower@...wrote:

> things are happening. I will let you know soon.

Well, good luck.

We just received word from a reader that the VB site has been pulled off the web.

I had also forwarded some of VB and TB's public comments about Tom French to him and others at the Times, so who knows what's going on. We don't


From:Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
Subject:(Fwd) Vincent

Date sent:Thu, 24 Jan 2002 12:06:19 -0500

Rec this from a reader.

Notice that he makes NO mention of the fact that he had no legal company to contract for a book or anything of that nature; note that he forgets the fact that the very foundation of everything he said and tried to do was based on lies and manipulation and that the most logical reason for such was that he was pulling a con job. It's that simple.

Apparently your "open letter" really stirred the guy up.

Wanna write another?


Date: 1/24/2002 10:20:31 -0500
From: Vincent Bridges <"Vincent Bridges">
Reply- To:
To: <>
Subject: [matrioshka] That Old STS Taste for Negative Emotions

An Open Letter to Laura and Ark

"Is this what being mad is like? Because, you know, some really crazy people can really seem sane."

Laura Knight-Jadcyzk ­ quoted in The Exorcist in Love, St. Pete Times, February 13th, 2000

"So, the last few weeks have been very hard on me, Ark, our friends and most particularly our children."

That is indeed too bad, for you have only yourselves to blame.

I know how hard it is to admit that you were wrong, that you made bad decisions out of fear and greed and some nebulous sense of entitlement. But how long will you keep this up?

Here are the undisputed facts:

Last February you agreed to speak at my conference. You advertised it immediately and filled the space with your supporters.

[Laura's notes inserted 5-27-02: We agreed as a favor to Vincent Bridges after much persuasion. The "hook" was that he would publish Noah and other books, and that the conference would be the means of introducing the book. We agreed to go only to promote the book.]

In March, I agreed to publish the original Noah Syndrome, and possibly the other works in the pipeline such as Amazing Grace. We even discussed giving you your own imprint.

[Laura's note: Vincent Bridges approached US about publishing our book, with repeated hints and lures that he was the right one to do the job.]

In late April, we received the text of Noah Syndrome and some unusable illustrations.

[Laura's note: The idea to illustrate Noah was Bridges. We were happy to publish without.]

In May, concerns surfaced about Frank's involvement, copyrights, etc.

[There were no concerns, as the publication of all the related emails will show. The only concern was whether or not to use Frank's real name in Amazing Grace, and permission was sought in March and not obtained and so Frank's name was removed from not only Amazing Grace, but the site as well.]

In June, the lady who wanted her picture down from your website, the lizard-man rape, began to make trouble and in handling it, I got a glimpse of how the Lark attack mode works.

[Laura's note: In fact, Vincent Bridges advice was that we should let him take care of it and he did in the following email inserted here:

To: www@cassiopaea
Cc: indigoskys@...
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 12:58 PM
Subject: Legal Action Deadline

Wednesday 20 June 2001
This is in regards to the content of material witnessed and located at and any other material that is located on Cassiopaea Website/Aurora Journal that would slander, defamate or violate my privacy in any manner. I, M*** M*** am requesting the removal of the offending content. (Photographs and text that would refer to the alias "Rose") If said content is not removed by Wednesday 27 June 2001 I will proceed with legal action and prosecution.

Rev. M** M***, Ph.D.


Dear Rev. Dr. M***,

As Laura Knight Jadczyk's publisher, your emails were forwarded to me for comment. I suspect that you are seriously misinformed as to the nature of the law pertaining to the issues raised above. You state that the material indicated on is slanderous, defamatory and violates your right to privacy. I assume that these are the grounds on which you intend to pursue legal action, since you cite no others.

The legal definition of slander is: A false defamation (expressed in spoken words, signs, or gestures) which injures the character or reputation of the person defamed.

Note also: Falsity and malice are ingredients of slander.

Written or published "slander" is called libel: Published material meeting three conditions: The material is defamatory either on its face or indirectly; The defamatory statement is about someone who is identifiable to one or more persons; and, The material must be distributed to someone other than the offended party; i.e. published; distinguished from slander.

The legal definition of defamatory is: An act of communication that causes someone to be shamed, ridiculed, held in contempt, lowered in the estimation of the community, or to lose employment status or earnings or otherwise suffer a damaged reputation.

Such defamation is couched in 'defamatory language'. Libel and slander are defamation.

Please note that for anything to be defamatory, it must also be either slander, spoken communication, or libel, written communication. These are determined first of all by the truth of the communication. True information is not actionable unless malice is a factor:

To determine whether a statement implies a factual assertion, courts examine the totality of the circumstances in which it was made. First, they look at the statement in its broad context, which includes the general tenor of the entire work, the subject of the statements, the setting, and the format of the work. Next they turn to the specific context and content of the statements, analyzing the extent of figurative or hyperbolic language used and the reasonable expectations of the audience in that particular situation. Finally, they inquire whether the statement itself is sufficiently factual to be susceptible of being proved true or false. See Partington v. Bugliosi, 56 F.3d 1147, 1153 (9th Cir.'94) (applying three-factor test as the starting point for analysis); Unelko Corp. v. Rooney, 912 F.2d 1049, 1053 (9th Cir.'90), cert.

Legally, malice it is defined as: A wicked intention to do an injury. It is not confined to the intention of doing an injury to any particular person, but extends to an evil design, a corrupt and wicked notion against some one at the time of committing the crime; as, if A intended to poison B, conceals a quantity of poison in an apple and puts it in the way of B, and C, against whom he had no ill will, and who, on the contrary, was his friend, happened to eat it, and die, A will be guilty of murdering C with malice aforethought.

Since the information on the website is true, and your identity is obscured, it can not be considered as either libelous or malicious. If you are now saying, in contradiction to what you said at the time, that this information is not true, then perhaps it is you who are being malicious, in the legal sense described above.

As for violating your right to privacy, you signed a standard release form at the time, agreed and understood in front of witnesses what the photos were for and their intended use. You even stated at the time that was what you wanted, "to get the word out." There is also your verbal agreement, on tape, stating that you understood the nature of the experimental situation and that you agreed for the material to be used.

This clearly covers any issues of privacy, as well as any issue of ownership of the images themselves.

However, if you persist in your harassment, including threats of legal action which are groundless, we will have no choice but to place a link on the above listed website, in the text under discussion, to a new page on which will appear these current email communications, your release forms and tape transcripts containing your real name, and all your subsequent emails on the subject, including several which are slanderous and defamatory if you communicated them to anyone else, such as the person who owns the computer you are using.

I hope this answers your questions and allows you to make decisions concerning the advisability of legal action.

Vincent Bridges,
Aethyrea Books

The question is, of course, just WHOSE "attack mode" is being exemplified in the above????]

In July, it all came apart. I witnessed a very strange "fund-raising" meeting, discussed the business end of the book publishing and had a contract ready for you to look at. You weren't interested. Instead, we had a peculiar board and mirror session in which you received "proof" that I was an evil being.

[Laura's note: Again, major lies, distortion and twisting. As all scientists and academics understand, any foundation formed for the purpose of doing research seeks funding from government or private individuals. A meeting with a potential funding source was not weird. Perhaps Bridges lack of familiarity with academic protocol made it seem "strange" to him.

And yes, we discussed the business of the book and were given assurances that it would be finished in time to be printed for the conference and no, there was no contract ready. We were, in fact, beginning to think that things were not going as Bridges stated because his actions never matched his words. We repeatedly asked for a contract so that we could have our attorney examine it before signing. Bridges repeatedly said he would get it to us, and failed to do so. The fact is, he did not send a contract for us to sign until August 4, 2001 after we had already notified him that if the galleys were not done by the end of July, we would find another publisher. It was obvious that there was not going to be any book ready for the conference which obviated the entire reason for attending. But that was only part of the many, many issues rising to the surface, not the least of which was when the heat was on, Vincent hid behind his wife:

On 7/22/01 7:54 PM,
Arkadiusz Jadczyk wrote:

> > On 22 Jul 2001, at 12:27, Lady Sekhmet wrote:
> >> Everything on your book is going along splendidly. (Great >> book, by the way...)


It may be that everything is going well concerning the book itself, however there are still a number of issues about the "business" end that need resolution if any more energy is to be channeled into said project.

The first issue is the matter of the contract that has never materialized. As Ark pointed out to me, he has asked about it twice, and on both occasions a response was received saying that such would be almost immediately forthcoming.

It's has not.

The second issue is that of timing. We were asked to have the MS finished rather soon - at the end of March, mid-April by the latest. This was deemed necessary so as to get it to the printer in June so as to have it done in July. As we understood it, this was the schedule due to the fact that the DW book had to be shelved permanently.

Fine. That fit our particular requirements very well. We applied all efforts to meet this deadline successfully. I further made it clear that we had a "window" in which to operate, and that window is now closing. Thus, we need to have immediate action on the project in bringing it to a resolution. It is now the end of July and not only has it not gone to the printer by the proposed date, the galleys have not been produced.

Three weeks ago Vincent said that the galleys would arrive in the mail during the week of 9th thru 13th. They did not.

Two weeks ago, the galleys were promised during the week of the 16th thru 21st. Again, they did not arrive. Moreover, no word of explanation was offered.

Now, we realize that there are concerns at your end involving obtaining of funds for your own projects via different organizations, projects, etc, not to mention potential legal issues involving the DW/ST controversy. If any of this would make it impossible to have Noah in print and on the market within a month, we need to know it now so that we can take care that our work will bring results to us in the manner that we require.

We cannot afford to live in uncertainty for so long a period with such an important matter. Needless to say, we are already looking for an alternative publisher.

I do hope you understand our position at this point and the necessity for firm action, in writing, with dates and times and production spelled out.

We will wait for the contract and galleys until Saturday, the 28th.

As to the images for the book, I am certain that you have done a magnificent job as it is and if there are no photos of us in the book, it will still be fine. I will ask Cherie at the Times if she has any throwaway photos or I will look through our own collection. We actually don't have any pictures of our wedding because it was videotaped and Cherie took the only photos.

Ark and Laura

Date sent: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 13:23:38 -0400
Subject: Re: Illustrations for Noah Syndrome
From: Lady Sekhmet

Dear Ark and Laura,

The book design is finished, except for the requests I have made. I can see no reason why it cannot go to press immediately...

Please understand, I work full-time and then have to come home to work on your book in the evenings. The fact that I had to rework all of the photographs and/or find new ones more suitable for print publishing has seriously put a dent into the schedule. For that, I apologize, even though it wasn't my fault.

To recover the lost time, I've had to make some personal sacrifices. I gave up attending the wedding of my nephew in Wisconsin (my brother even offered to pay the plane fare) and also gave up on going on a much-needed retreat. So please don't be under the impression that there has been any laziness or laxness on our part. I have worked too long and too hard for you to be as upset as you appear to be...

Contracts can always be worked out. You will get what you wanted.

Shall I create some pdf files to send or would you prefer something you can hold in your hands?

There is no enemy, except those things we allow to detract us from our goal. Are we not in the long haul together?

A personal request--could you send Vincent some GOOD, positive energy? He is suffering with fever, chills and other flu symptoms. If you have a psychic connection, please help his healing along. He is a good man. He had a good heart. Much to his credit, he has never interfered with the free will of another. He has always given of freely of himself without thought of reward. Now that he's depleted, I ask for your compassion.


PS I still think the photos I've requested would enhance the book considerably. And please answer the specific questions in my last e-mail or I'll have to drop those pictures.

The galleys arrived on August 3rd or 4th, well after the stated deadline - and again, no contract.

From: Vincent Bridges
Subject: Re: Illustrations for Noah Syndrome
Date sent: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 10:25:12 -0400

Well, so much to talk about and so little time... Firstly, the book - By now you've seen the rough dummies for Noah and if you like the way its going, and given everything else, then take a look at the attached contract. If everything is OK, you can just sign and send it back. If not, well, we can talk about it... [...]

As for the proof that Bridges was an "evil being," revealed in the mirror session, that is entirely fabrication. There were, indeed clues, as well as the many clues of his behavior and the unprofessional way in which he handled this session, but the "proof" only came later with his violation of the privacy of the group and his defamatory posts regarding us. Up to that point, it was still an open question.]

A week or so later, you started denigrating the conference on the website while attacking me indirectly on the egroups.

[Laura's note: Mr. Bridges thinks that provoking discussions about his ideas and teachings and beliefs is "attacking." The record of the dicussion group posts shows that he was never attacked, but that many of the ideas he was attempting to promote were being seriously challenged and he was being asked to respond. He did not. These challenges were being made as a result of the revelations made by Teresa Burns that he had many articles on his website promoting ritual magic. Further, it was discovered that his "Fifth Way Mystery School" was not just an academic exercise in exploring such subjects, but had been set up for the express purpose of promoting and teaching such practices. Many readers were writing to question why we were affiliated with a group that promoted magic and rituals when the C's vehemently and repeatedly say that such activities are counterproductive.]

Three weeks later, you backed out of the conference and the book deal altogether. Here's exactly what you said about it all in August on the Cassiopaea egroup:

[Laura's note: The Conference Cancellation was announced on August 5th. Vincent Bridges spammed the egroup, violated the privacy of the members, libelled and defamed Ark and myself on August 7, an basically began the activities of the Petty Tyrant as described by Carlos Castaneda. This was brought up in discussion in the group, and it was realized that not only did Vincent Bridges fit the profile of the Petty Tyrant, but that our actions had resulted in him exposing himself fully for what he was, and thus, a comparison between his behavior and our responses, according to the Castaneda model, was made. This comparison was, of course, made after the fact because while we were navigating through the events, we were simply doing what we thought was right at every turn. The following is the version of the post that Vincent Bridges quotes so readily, which is, in fact, cleverly edited.]

"And here we come to the Vincent saga. Once I realized that I was in the grip of a petty tyrant, I put the "strategy" into operation. All of you witnessed it. It involved systematic harassment of Vincent within the confines of the forum of the group. I did not engage with him in private where he would have slammed me viciously. I knew he would not do that in public. I also investigated his weakness thoroughly - his practice and teaching of rituals that are, in the outside world, connected inextricably with Black Magick. He had another weakness: his association with Dan Winter and his criticism of Stan Tenen.

"I spent a day writing the Meru articles on the Perseus page as another "insult" to his ritualistic business because it cuts deep at the heart of the whole kabbalistic foundations of magick.

"The strategy calls for being on the alert for a moment in which the weakness can be used against the tyrant. As it turned out, this article was the inducer of that moment - the attack by the Jewish crowd screaming "anti-semitism," followed by Stan Tenen's attack and impending connection of Satanism to Dan Winter, and by default through long association, with Vincent."

And, in the same post, you go even further:

"So, the cancellation was announced IN PUBLIC. The "slave" (us) did what amounted to "taunting" the tyrant and "making fun" of his work and public persona. It made him look ridiculous, as Don Juan suggests is necessary.

"And, as Don Juan suggests, part of the strategy is the certainty that the tyrant will retaliate, but in a covert way.

"Vincent began planning his destruction of us. He wrote an email that was supposed to engage the emotions of everyone on the group in his favor - to show how terribly he had been wronged.

"But, I blocked it. (and here I will say that a number of others really wanted to "try to work it out" and "make peace in the family. A series of emails were exchanged begging Vincent to think about what he was doing. That only served to further enrage him. He came after me with all that fury - in his email sent to 150 plus recipients. But his rage had blinded him. He acted in ways that clearly revealed his true nature. By this time, he was unable to control himself because he had been provoked. The subsequent webpage was the final series of interactions that led to the resolution."

And so it has continued, with subsequent escalations, to the present day. Why? Because you had a "psychic" vision and went out of your way to make it true?

Apparently so.

[Laura's note: Notice that he simply does not grok the fact that the issues were a lot broader and deeper and had been building over a longer period of time, and it was only the clues of the mirror session that helped us put it all together. I should also note that the above quoted post was made in private, on a closed discussion group, after Vincent Bridges had been removed from the group, and that the rules of the group were and are that no post shall be reposted in public or shared with persons outside the group. In short, nothing was every said about Vincent Bridges in public, and the example of our interactions with him was only shared as an experience for the purposes of learning. Mr. Bridges, on the other hand, was the one who took the whole thing public, following the example of his threats to the woman who was demanding the removal of the disguised photos on the Wave chapter mentioned above. Bridges stated his strategy there, only we didn't realize that he would try to coerce and extort compliance from us by following the same tactics.]

You raised a stink over the conference refunds, even though I said from the very beginning that everyone who wanted a refund would get one, while plotting with Stan Tenen to do some real damage. When I paid everyone back, you still encouraged your people to seek refunds through their credit cards. And still it continued.

[Laura's note: In fact, there was no "plotting" with Stan Tenen to do any "real damage." There was only an exchange of information in which Stan pointed out that we had been taken in and manipulated by Bridges the same way he had to his great regret. This PRIVATE exchange - for the purpose of research - was forwarded to Vincent Bridges by Dr. Teresa Burns, University of Wisconsin, Platteville, AFTER she had signed a confidentiality agreement, and AFTER she had given Stan her word that his comments would be confidential.]

Except now it switched to anyone who found that "petty tyrant" rant a little hard to swallow, anyone who wouldnt tow the party line so to speak. In October, when it got so ridiculous that I couldn't stand it anymore, I joined Matrioshka and told the whole story.

[Laura's note: The question that ought to be asked is this: Why was Vincent Bridges so concerned and distressed over discussions taking place on a private - let me repeat that: PRIVATE- CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC - discussion group, so that he had to join a PUBLIC discussion group to get in his shots?

And how interesting that the very individual who was undoubtedly forwarding posts from a PRIVATE discussion to him, Dr. Teresa Burns, University of Wisconsin at Platteville, also followed the same pattern of spamming, violation of the group's privacy, and joined the Matrioshka group at the same time? ]

Of course that really made me the enemy.

[Laura's note: No, Vincent, you made yourself the enemy with a big boost from Teresa Burns who made sure that we knew you were the enemy before she "switched sides," so to say.]

And so the cyber attack campaign began. Using wounded people who need your approval to do your dirty work, you went after everyone you could find that had ever known me and tried to get a negative response from them about me. The usual letter started with a request for background information because I was being considered for a job with Perseus Foundation. Many people thought the letter was from an official of the Foundation, perhaps even a lawyer. Then the bizarre accusations and veiled threats would begin. And if the person answered positively, then the threats of exposure, etc. became overt.

[Laura's note: Here, Bridges' imagination is running away with him. There were no letters stating that we were considering Bridges for a job. Nobody pretended to be a lawyer. And yes, the research team members identified themselves as Foundation volunteers. That made them officials of the Foundation, since Perseus Foundation was sponsoring the investigation according to the mission statement.]

In November, of course, you launched the big assault with your accumulated information. When I attempted to defend myself, your attacks became even more shrill and irrational. When others began to respond to your attacks with favourable information, or even facts that directly contradict your representation of me, you ignored it or did your best to twist it your way. You couldn't be wrong after all.

[Laura's note: In point of fact, this describes exactly Vincent Bridges reaction to the truth exposed in the report put together by the Foundation research team. He NEVER, EVER responded to any of the findings with evidence that contradicted a single word. He told more lies, tried to weasel out of previous lies, and discussed shrilly and hysterically everything under the sun EXCEPT the issues of the report, obtained via legitimate public records. Providing additional information has absolutely nothing to do with documentary proof that a single word of the Foundation report is not true. Mr. Bridges has NEVER produced a single email or document to contradict the information published.]  

In December I gave you notice to cease and desist. The attacks intensified into completely libellous charges of child rape and tantric child sex. Never mind that sources had to be misconstrued and taken out of context to make any kind of point at all, and anonymous sources wilfully misquoted as "evidence," it matched your preconception so it must be true. I was a psychopathic alien reaction machine, and that was all there was to it.

[Laura's note: Here, Mr. Bridges' hysteria is showing. No one has ever accused HIM of being involved in child rape or tantric child sex or anything of that sort. If he has chosen to infer such things from the other articles on our site, then perhaps some reason for him to have "sensitivities" in those areas.]

Well, sorry, but not even close.

And the fact that you can't even imagine how you have misjudged me is quite powerful proof of your own distance from reality. You haven't a clue about me, and while the world is supposed to sympathize with you, you have no sense of anyone else's pain whatsoever. Your ability to de-humanize your enemies does in fact verge on the pathological.

[Laura's note: I should remind the reader that Mr. Bridges is the one who violated the privacy of the discussion group and who took the matter out in public, initiating many libellous and defamatory statements about US when we had never said a single word about him by name in public. And when he took it out in public, and we defended, he took umbrage and accused US of "dehumanizing" him. Mr. Bridges needs a reality check.]

However, that does not mean that there is no method in your madness. All along, at the center of all the controversy, lay the unedited transcripts, the elephant in the living room.

That's why you banned my last post to the egroups in August. I was encouraging everyone to get their hands on a copy and check it out on their own. This, as I soon realized, was the last thing you wanted to have happen.

[Laura's note: That is not why Bridges' last post to the egroup was banned. It was banned because it violated privacy of confidential communications and we withheld it in hopes that we would be able to come to some agreement privately and continue to work together. Bridges tried to coerce compliance from us, and we refused to be manipulated.]

When an innocent joke on Matrioshka ignited a firestorm of response from Ark and their attack-bots, and led to the big attack, I knew that it was indeed true: The last thing you wanted was for anyone else to read the unedited transcripts. Why?

[Laura's note: Again and again Mr. Bridges fails to discern the fact that everyone has rights to privacy and determination as to how their work will be presented and when and under what conditions. He fails again and again to note the differences between public and private postings. Again and again he tries to blame the victims of his harassment for responding to his attacks in whatever venue he chooses to make them. A joke?]

There are many answers but the most obvious is "Frank Scott." Since he was there, his hand on the planchette or channelling directly, for every single session considered intelligible enough to be from the Cassiopaeans, then why isn't he credited anywhere else among the voluminous and ever-growing Cassiopaean material? From reading the website, you might never know he existed. And if you read Amazing Grace, then you found a "Frank" who was something of an enigma, and one that certainly bore no resemblance at all to the real person.

[Laura's note: And Vincent Bridges knew perfectly well why this was the case since he engineered it himself as future installments of the Adventures Series will show, including all correspondence on the matter.]

And so, after you pushed me into legal action by refusing to simply take my name down from the website, I went looking for people in your background, such as Frank Scott.

[Laura's note: Legal action? Does Mr. Bridges possibly mean his attempts to file false police reports with our local police department or the FDLE who told him he didn't have a leg to stand on because the report was factual and we had dotted our "i's" and crossed our "t's"? And when he realized that he had no legal recourse, he continued his campaign of slime and mudslinging?]

Many people from your past, some quite important to your mythos, were decidedly uncomfortable with the direction the Cassiopaean cult had taken in the last few years, Frank was livid at what had been done to what was, essentially, his material. He has never given permission for his work with you to be used in any form whatsoever, as you are well aware.

[Laura's note: "Many people?" Yet there is only "Frank." Every single other member of the group has made a statement supporting the fact that Frank Scott had no more right to our work than Morris the Cat.]

(F) The point is, you are not soliciting business. It will solicit you. But... if we are going to all be involved in this solicitation of advice from the Cassiopaeans, we should ALL profit! (January 22, 2000 ­ nine months before "Frank's" departure.)

[Laura's note: Indeed. And please note that "Frank" was most definitely revealing HIS agenda - to make money from the transcripts. And why did Mr. Bridges "selectively" quote from the discussion, omitting the context? What "Frank" said, in toto, was:

Q: (F) One thing about it is probably is that everybody who wants to find their soul mate will be on the line asking you guys to find theirs! (L) That is a distinct possibility! (F) Along with requests for lotto numbers! "Yes, and for $59.95 we will be happy to oblige. No refunds!" [Laughter] Yes, they can pay or shut up! If people are going to seek you out for their own benefits, they will just have to pay up. You would never have a moment's peace otherwise. Every 15 minutes the phone would ring. (L) I don't like that idea. (F) How could you not have thought of it? (L) Well, because we have never charged anybody anything. Never. (F) The point is, you are not soliciting business. It will solicit you. But... if we are going to all be involved in this solicitation of advice from the Cassiopaeans, we should ALL profit!

Notice how Bridges took the remark entirely out of its proper meaning and didn't include the fact that I said: "I don't like that idea. ...we have never charged anybody anything. Never." Also, that Frank directed his comments at me and Ark saying: "everybody will be on the line asking you guys to find theirs ... seek you out.... you would never have a moment's peace..."]

So please don't try to pretend otherwise. In this case, your past actions speak much more clearly than any words of damage control you might come up with. Frank was there, and was pivotal to the process in ways that you were not. Did Edgar Cayce's secretary copyright his readings? If Einstein came to dinner and explained the theory of relativity to you, could you then transcribe that conversation, take Einstein's name off of it, and then claim that the theory of relativity was your work?

That, essentially, is what you are claiming by putting your name on Frank's words. And then to build a cult on that basis is to add insult to injury.

[Laura's note: Mr. Bridges knowledge and awareness of the process and history of the C's material has become greatly altered since he discovered we were not going to let him take it over and "own" it himself. Mr. Bridges also forgets all the efforts he made to try to be the "new messiah" with the C's and us as his backers and how we became aware of his plans and refused to be manipulated. All of this will be revealed in future chapters of the Adventures series with correspondence and witness reports cited.]

And yet, you claim that it is Frank and I who are so desperately attempting to illegally steal our work, when in fact you have been stealing his work since the beginning. "Frank Scott" is now asserting his copyright to the original material, which you have been using for years, even after he broke off contact and therefore could be presumed to have withdrawn any tacit permission extended by his presence.

[Laura's note: This contact with "Frank," convincing him with lies and manipulations that things were being done against him or to him, or whatever, is further evidence of the desperate hysteria driving Vincent Bridges. Once again, he took the entire matter into public, and when we stood up to him and refused to be manipulated, he tried every dirty and underhanded trick he could think of. Our rights were NEVER questioned by anyone until Vincent Bridges took this desperate step to try to steal them from us via Frank, since he could not steal them from us directly. Poor "Frank" ended up spending a few thousand dollars for a high priced attorney for nothing as our rights prevailed.]

After he left, in fact, you tried to erase him completely from the Cassiopaean website, and at no time have you ever acknowledged fully the important role Frank played in producing the material. Instead, the present perception of anyone reading your version of the transcripts is that you did everything all by yourself. If it were not for the St. Pete Times article, one might never know that Frank was involved at all.

[Laura's note: Bridges just completely forgets all the facts that were formerly part of his memory base.]

This certainly looks like an attempt to cover up a serious job of copyright piracy to me. Yet it is somehow our fault, because never, ever, no matter what the cost, can it be your fault.

[Laura's note: Again and again Bridges projects his own reality onto his victim. Talk about copyright piracy! And the fact is, he has a documente history of it! This is a repeating syndrome with Bridges! ]

Just like it wasn't your fault that you almost killed that man.

[Laura's note: And here, Bridges gets as slimy as they come.]

Please understand that I have nothing but sympathy for anyone who undergoes the violence and degradation of a sexual assault. I have spent many hours listening to men and women talk about their experiences with rape and abuse. And in all that time, I've never heard a story quite like yours, Laura.

The obvious fictionalisations and logical inconsistencies give the game away immediately. But to change the story once it was up on the website, to make it more sympathetic, simply wrecks any credibility you may have had. One example will suffice:

"Apparently the man had gone out to the balcony and yelled "rape" or some such nonsense, and someone heard him and called the police."

In your original version of this paragraph, the man "crawled to the balcony and called for help," not rape, and "someone in the parking lot heard him and called the ambulance and the police."

Why change your story? Since this version is mostly fiction anyway, why not embellish it a little more, perhaps?

[Laura's note: Mr. Bridges above claim to have listened to many people tell such stories is directly contradicted by what he has done above. He is obviously unaware of the fact that when someone who has actually experienced such a horror, when they try to tell someone about it, especially in a public forum, they usually do not go into any more details than are necessary - because it is simply TOO PAINFUL. The first sentence was written just to simply convey what I understood to be the "action," though I was not there, did not witness it, and in fact, never even heard a description of what really happened. The terms "crawled to the balcony and called for help" were my imagined approximation. When, the next day, Mr. Bridges attempted to fasten on this point and use it to claim that I was somehow derelict for not getting help for my assailant, and since there was no reason to even assume that this was the actual scenario, to sentence was changed to more accurately render, in the shortest terms, what happened, which was that the man was outside on the balcony in some context and achieved the notification of someone of something which resulted in the arrival of the authorities. But, to write it exactly as I just did seems too stilted and awkward, so it was phrased as colloquially and generally as I could make it - again, considering that I do not really know - and never did - exactly how the action transpired.

So, the short of it is: to make a case about the above as he has, Mr. Bridges has simply made a fool of himself and exposed his psychopathic tendencies because anyone who has every listened to such incidents EMPATHICALLY, knows - clearly understands - that the victim of such an assault is almost horrifyingly sensitive about even talking about it.

And, of course, that is why Mr. Bridges, and now, his former, past, present, partner, Jay Weidner, are focusing on this truly dreadful incident in my life with such fiendish glee. In his most recent childish rant, Jay Weidner has written "Later, I found out that she had once been arrested and tried for Attempted Murder, that she had bludgeoned and perhaps stabbed a guy before leaving him to bleed to death."

Sick puppies, the both of them.]

I'm sure this wasn't your fault either. Ark must have fixed it for you when you weren't looking. 

Truly, I have no interest in arguing with you about your lies concerning this sad and almost tragic affair. You know how many different versions of this story you've told and who you told them to through the years. You also know what the Tallahassee Democrat had to say about it back as it happened.

But this does make me angry:

"During the past week or so, we have had to sit down with our children, show them the terrible, hurtful lies that are being written about us by these contemptible, solipsistic, malignent, (sic) and lawless people. We have had to show them that these people have no compunction about writing about the children themselves, using their names, possibly endangering them, certainly embarrassing them, and most definitely hurting them psychologically and emotionally. We have had to explain to them about people who choose conscious evil; people who are malicious, evil-minded, envious, obnoxious, and loathesome. (sic) We have had to explain to them about people who are so twisted that they derive gratification from deceiving other people and hurting other people. And we have had to explain to them that these people pose as "good and helpful and friendly" when they meet you and when you have something they want, or something they wish to destroy, whether they are being directed by some nebulous Control System, or their own internal deficiencies and general failure at life. What is more, we have had to explain it to ourselves.

"And of course, the children have asked us: Why do you even do it? Why not just walk away from the world such people inhabit? Why not just go back to "normal life," and forget about it. Let the world do what it wants to do, let everybody just go away and leave us alone?

And frankly, as I write this, I am hard pressed to answer that question.

Why, indeed?"

Why does this make me angry? Of course having no insight about me, I'm sure you haven't a clue. Since you are the ones who shamelessly involve your children in your dramas and trot them out when you need a little sympathy or convenient witnesses, I am not surprised at this latest attempt to use your children as pawns in your strange blame game.

But remember, I met your kids, spent time in your house and so forth. I know that they are neglected, used as servants around the house instead of going to school (home schooling in what exactly?) and used as emotional support for the constant theme of the world is out to get Laura. Anyone reading the St. Pete Times article knows how you used Jason's childhood fantasies to build a case for his reincarnation, and refused to back down on it after the Cs were proved flat out wrong.

And now, trot the children out again for sympathy because people are going to say some mean things about Mommy dearest.  Never mind if they are true or not, or that you published them before anyone else had even mentioned the subject, they are bad things and you had to warn the kids that even people they liked, such as myself and Frank, were evil and bad because they questioned Mommy dearest's motives.

Frankly, it just makes me want to puke. Such hypocrisy and self-serving narcissistic behavior is simply beyond the pale of human decency, and I am not sure which shocks me more - your sense of egoistic entitlement or your complete lack of understanding and compassion toward your children.

[Laura's note: All of the above from a guy who met my children twice and who has an inordinate interest in children in general. It's always marvelous to see someone who has no children of their own pass judgment on how someone else raises their children. If anyone really wants to know about my children, they should ask those who know them.

It's also amazing how he contradicts himself. He has so much compassion for children, but dismisses a very serious event in my son's life as a "childhood fantasy." Anyone who reads the St. Pete Times article, or who asks the actual witnesses of the events, will know that this matter was handled as delicately as possible, and if anyone was interested in pursuing it, it was Tom French, not me.

By now, the reader of the Adventures Series has some idea of how Frank conducted himself regarding my children. They didn't like him, and they didn't like Vincent. Above, in an email to Jay Weidner, I mentioned: "I think I told you that my youngest daughter did NOT like VB at all, and she actually said something embarrassing to him. Well, after he left, I asked her why, and she said that she couldn't really explain it, but that he made her think of a vampire and she was afraid that he was going to hurt us in some way."

Our son informs us that he was "wise" to Bridges very early on. He didn't point it out to us at the time because, like us, he just brushed it off. But, the story he tells is that he caught Vincent lying about something that my son very well knew was other than Bridges claimed and he wondered why we thought so much of Vincent when he was obviously (to our son) a con artist.]

Why not walk away from it as they asked you to do? Or at least, try to admit your errors and fix things? That would be the STO thing to do, but then that path seems to have little attraction for the lower astral ouiji aliens who have enslaved you. There are as devoid of compassion and ethics as you are, and they are apparently only concerned with how much of your negative emotional energy they can consume. Therefore, they encourage you to just keep piling it on.

Of course, you have now arrived at a place from which it will be very hard to retreat. Just taking my name down will not solve the problem of Frank's copyright. That will not just go away because you insist it doesn't exist. It does, ask the lawyer that "J***" was going to get for you.

[Laura's note: We did. Again and again Bridges has to face the truth and all he ever does is create bigger and bolder lies to cover up the lies that are exposed. The process continues.]

And Ark, it is really too bad that you put your eggs all in one basket, and such a rotten one at that! I'm sure there is a Polish proverb about that.

[Laura's note: Indeed. I guess Vincent Bridges should have taken his own advice.] 

So please, stop indulging that old STS taste for negative emotions and take some steps to correct the situation before it is really too late.

Thank you,

Vincent Bridges

[Now, back to the general flow of emails without added comment.]

Continue to more of the Weidner Correspondence

See also:

Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
Psychotherapist? Or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit)

The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence

The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence


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