Studies in Psychopathy

The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D.
with commentary and additional quoted material
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Psychopath: The Mask of Sanity Special Research by Quantum Future School
Discussion of Psychopathy Traits From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
A Basic Hypothesis of Psychopathy From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
Official Culture - A Natural State of Psychopathy? by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath - Hervey Cleckley
"Stanley," a chapter from Hervey M. Cleckley's classic study of psychopaths, The Mask of Sanity
How Psychopaths View Their World
Retreat from Zaca - (3 files)

Dr. Strange, New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

"Dr. Strange" - Psychotherapist or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

Maynerd Most's Rebuttal
"I am the webmaster for Zecharia Sitchin..."
The Psychopath As Physician The Mask of Sanity - Hervey Cleckley - Excerpts
The Bad Seed: The Fledgling Psychopath
Sam Vaknin Revisited
An In-Depth Look At Where Sam Vaknin is Leading NPD
The Ambassador of Narcissism: An Interview with Sam Vaknin
A Soul With No Footprints
Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy
Anatomy of Malignant Narcissim
The Socially Adept Psychopath
The Origins of Violence: Is Psychopathy an Adaptation?
Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath
The Partial Psychopath
Adventures with Cassiopaea by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ark and Laura's Correspondence 1997 (8 files) Supplement to Adventures
Reader's Comments on Adventures With Cassiopaea
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Quantum Future School
Alvin Wiley's Letter
Alvin Wiley's subsequent letters to the public

the "Alvin Wiley" correspondence (10 files)

Letters from Readers About Jay Weidner
Dear Webmaster: - (2 files)
What is Laura Hiding? The Cassiopaeans Answer

Reader's Comments on "Is Laura Hiding Something?"

Transcript of direct channeling via "Frank Scott" on computer, July 22, 1994
Statement by Terry and Jan Rodemerk
Maynerd Most's post to the Cassiopaea Guestbook
Death Threat?
Organic Portals: The Other Race Quantum Future School (2 files) Disclaimer
Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner: Magickal Mystery Tour Scam
Is Cassiopaea a Cult?
The French Connection by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Censored!
Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley PDF - book download FREE!
Kubrick's Psychopaths Society and Human Nature in the Films of Stanley Kubrick
The common problem with psychopaths... “Is they don’t see a problem with their behavior.”
Psychopath Support Group
“Non-victims can’t understand this, but the psychopath really does suck the life out of a caring person. I try to think of them now as a slimy suckerfish right out of the swamp, vacuum-lips out and prowling for someone vibrant and attractive to con and eviscerate.”

If you are a good person you will meet many evil people in your life, you need to recognize them and their actions. More importantly you need to recognize which evil behaviors you have been conned into accepting as reasonable and to reject those behaviors - both in yourself and in others - as unacceptable.

The English language has a variety of terms for psychopaths, of which "bastard" is perhaps the most polite. They have always been with us, and despite their corrosiveness and rejection of social mores, they show no signs of going away.

Think you can spot one? Think again. In general, psychopaths aren’t the product of broken homes or the casualties of a materialistic society. Rather they come from all walks of life and there is little evidence that their upbringing affects them.
Most of the two million psychopaths in North America aren’t murderers. They’re our friends, lovers and co-workers. They’re outgoing and persuasive, dazzling you with charm and flattery. Often you aren’t even aware they’ve taken you for a ride – until it’s too late.
The problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today....Most good people are only aware of the least intelligent part of the evil distribution; those are the people who are obviously evil: criminals. The normal and intelligent ends of the evil distribution totally escape most good people's understanding.

Only as of late, with all the Enron scandals and related crimes, people are waking up to the fact that the most dangerous psychopath of all is the educated, socially adept psychopath, in fact, Dr. Hare recently said that he would probably be able to find many psychopaths involved in the stockmarket. It is time for American to "wake up" says Dr. Wolman, because we are being threatened by a serious epidemic of psychopathy.

The Psychopathic or Sociopathic Personality

Based on twenty-five years of groundbreaking research, WITHOUT CONSCIENCE is a fascinating journey into the minds of these dangerous individuals. Are they born unable to feel empathy, or are they created by circumstance? How and why do they get away with cheating, conning, and murdering? Are they mad or simply bad? In what Dr. Hare calls our "camouflage society," how can we recognize and steer clear of these predatory people?

WITHOUT CONSCIENCE explores their shocking patterns- and exposes one of the most frightening, often-hidden social problems affecting our lives today.


The Psychopath is much more successful than you and I because he is not hemmed in by all sorts of impediments or worries.

A discussion with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig & James Hillman

“We fall prey to the seduction, it is irresistible. Then the nightmare of horror begins. The shabby treatment, the avoidance. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. He had been so sincere, so kind. It was Jekyl and Hyde.”
“They go for the strongest and the best, but preferably those who are something of rebels within the group...the LEAST controllable. Because if they can crush them, they crush most of the rest at the same time. If they start at the bottom, with the weakest, it’s a long way to work their way up…The ideal target is therefore, strong, smart, rebellious and vulnerable through previous abuse.”
“A favored technique is to debilitate your identity [personally, I hate the term self-esteem] by levelling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, your “true” motivations, your “real” character, your sanity and judgement.”
“They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.”
“Others around me would get so tired of the whole thing and insinuate that I was perpetuating things. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone. Part of the hurt and damage was done because others could but would not see what was actually happening. He would always try to ingratiate himself to others it was sickening. Usually psychopaths put on the nicest act, and you look like the harpy and bitch, and so everyone takes their side, it is a horror story, a psychopath can be very charming, and manipulative and manipulate the smartest of people.”
“My biggest frustration and source of anger, is at those who have refused to take a stand when they see the abuse . No matter how outrageous his behavior others often stood by and inadvertently fuelled his grandiosity and denial... although denial is too mild a word for it.
“If a psychopath throws the “bad childhood” stuff at you, keep in mind he might be trying to get sympathy and make an excuse for his atrocious behavior towards you and/or others. If we let these people make us feel sorry for them, we ultimately end up in the submissive position again...just what they want. I can “pity” them yes...but I refuse to shed another tear over the tragedies suffered by who is now, only a shell of a person.”

Regarding a psychopath: Considering a longitudinal section of his life is hard to avoid the conclusion that here is the product of true madness - of madness in a sense quite as real as that conveyed to the imaginative layman by the terrible word lunatic.

With the further consideration that all this skein of apparent madness has been woven by a person of (technically) unimpaired and superior intellectual powers and universally regarded as sane, the surmise intrudes that we are confronted by a serious and unusual type of genuine abnormality.

Not merely a surmise but a strong conviction may arise that this apparent sanity is, in some important respects, a sanity in name only. We find instead a spectacle that suggests madness in excelsis, despite the absence of all those symptoms that enable us, in some degree, to account for irrational conduct in the psychotic.

Only very slowly and by a complex estimation or judgment based on multitudinous small impressions does the conviction come upon us that, despite these intact rational processes, these normal emotional affirmations, and their consistent application in all directions, we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly.

So perfect is this reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or how, he is not real. And yet we eventually come to know or feel we know that reality, in the sense of full, healthy experiencing of life, is not here.


“Leaving is hard because of all that goes along with the going. It is not just the person you have to give up but your hopes and dreams and fantasies. It only happened for me in increments and I cried UNCLE often thinking if I gave it one more go I’d break through. It wasn’t until I really knew that no matter what I said or did or didn’t do this person could never love me or anyone.”
“The fantasy was exactly that, a FANTASY, that he created for himself, and presented to me as reality. My head said the fantasy wasn’t valid. I kept reminding myself: if the fantasy was real, I wouldn’t be treated like dirt, and feel like shit!”
“I have finally come to the conclusion that they cannot change, so all we can do is to refuse to participate in their sick drama and leave the stage.”

Cleckley: [T]he familiar tendency to disintegrate, against which life evolves, may be regarded as fundamental and comparable to gravity. The climbing man or animal must use force and purpose to ascend or to maintain himself at a given height. [...] Whether regression occurs primarily through something like gravity or through impulses more self-contained, the backward movement (or ebbing) is likely to prompt many sorts of secondary reactions, including behavior not adapted for ordinary human purposes but instead, for functioning in the other direction. The modes of such reactivity may vary, may fall into complex patterns, and may seek elaborate expression. [...] People with all the outer mechanisms of adaptation intact might, one would think, regress more complexly. [...] In a movement (or gravitational drift) from levels where life is vigorous and full to those where it is less so, the tactics of withdrawal predominate. [...] The psychopath as we conceive of him in such an interpretation seems to justify the high estimate of his technical abilities as we see them expressed in reverse movement.

Organic Portals: The Answer to Psychopathy?

"Alien reaction machines" in human form describes individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths, and Psychopaths.
The material presented in the linked articles does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors. Research on your own and if you can validate any of the articles, or if you discover deception and/or an obvious agenda, we will appreciate if you drop us a line! We often post such comments along with the article synopses for the benefit of other readers. As always, Caveat Lector!

The Jadczyk - Weidner Correspondence

the mirror session audio file

Comments From Readers

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To Research and Discussion Group members
Subject: Major attack on Group Member
Date sent: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 21:16:46 -0500

Hi All,

There has been a situation going on for several weeks that we have waited to talk about until certain details could be handled. One of our group members is really getting hit HARD. She has asked me to ask for some protective energies around her, and you will soon see why it is necessary.

To better explain what has been going on, I will paste in my email to FDLE and her email to the North Carolina department of Justice, State Bureau of Investigation, and Bellsouth, her internet provider.

We kept this under wraps until she could get her password and username changed so that our discussion would not be read by whoever is doing this, which we already suspect.

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: "Breeden, Bob" <
Subject: Vincent Bridges IP numbers

Date sent: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 16:07:49 -0500

Dear Special Agent Breeden,

It seems that Mr. Bridges has the capability to "tap into" and utilize IP numbers that are not his own. In the list of the following IP numbers that have been logged by our server just in the past week on the occasions when he attempts to post his filth on our site discussion page, please note that the sixth number resolves to Asheville N.C. where a member of our group lives who has an iMac account with Bellsouth. She has recently noticed charges on her internet account that reflect "out of area access." She naturally inquired of Bellsouth what this could mean since she hasn't even left town in months.

At the time that the sixth IP number was loggged, we blocked future access from the server. A few hours later, this group member wrote to us asking why she could not access our site. It was only then, put together with her "out of area" charges, that we realized that Mr. Bridges might be using her account for his activities. She has reported this possibility to Bellsouth as well as the Asheville police.

We can't say anything about the other IP numbers except that we have members in our group in each of the states that they resolve to, but in no case can it be resolved further than the server which handles many individual accounts.

This may be the tip of an iceberg of something more widespread and serious. The fact that this individual has the ability to do this, may indicate something more serious, if only identity theft on a massive scale.

If looking into this is not within your purview, please suggest to us whose it is. At this point, we can only continue to forward documentation to our local police, though we have also received the suggestion that we ought to forward all the information to the State Attorney's of both Florida and NC.

Thank you, (and the list of recent IP use is pasted in below.)

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

A collectiion of IPs used recently by Vincent Bridges to access our site: - 02/03/02 09:18:40 MST - 02/03/02 06:30:09 MST - 02/02/02 09:53:31 MST - 02/02/02 09:49:48 MST - 02/01/02 10:06:30 MST - 01/30/02 15:35:46 MST - 01/27/02 09:34:55 MST - 01/24/02 08:42:32 MST

all using the same

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)

[Note: here is the identification of Interenet Server Providers as rendered by standard internet tools: Level 3 communications, Tampa EarthLink EarthLink UUNET Sprint, Tarboro NC UUNET EarthLink UUNET
Probably a more detailed localization is possible with advanced tools.]


Extracts from the entries identifying the poster: [complete text available from the server]

From: (U. Noah Hoo)
Subject: Entry to Guestbook
Date sent: Sun, 03 Feb 2002 09:18:42 -0700

|||||Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)|

02/03/02 09:18:40 MST

Send reply to: (Vincent Bridges)
From: (Vincent Bridges)
Subject: Entry to Guestbook
Date sent: Sun, 03 Feb 2002 06:30:10 -0700

|||||Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)|

02/03/02 06:30:09 MST

Send reply to: (Vincent Bridges)
From: (Vincent Bridges)
Subject: Entry to Guestbook
Date sent: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 09:53:32 -0700

|||||Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)|

02/02/02 09:53:31 MST

Send reply to: (Vincent Bridges)
From: (Vincent Bridges)
Subject: Entry to Guestbook
Date sent: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 09:49:49 -0700

|||||Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)|

02/02/02 09:49:48 MST

Send reply to: (Vincent Bridges)
From: (Vincent Bridges)
Subject: Entry to Guestbook
Date sent: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 10:06:30 -0700

|||||Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)|

02/01/02 10:06:30 MST

Send reply to: (Vincent Bridges)
From: (Vincent Bridges)
Subject: Entry to Guestbook
Date sent: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:35:48 -0700

|||||Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)|

01/30/02 15:35:46 MST

Send reply to: (Vincent Bridges)
From: (Vincent Bridges)
Subject: Entry to Guestbook
Date sent: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 09:34:55 -0700

|||||Mozilla/4 . 0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)|

01/27/02 09:34:55 MST

Send reply to: (U. Noah Woo)
From: (U. Noah Woo)
Subject: Entry to Guestbook
Date sent: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 08:42:32 -0700

||| bin/guestbookl.cgi||Mozill a/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)|

01/24/02 08:42:32 MST

Here is S***'s letter:

Ms. S*** F***
Asheville, NC 28...

North Carolina Office of the Attorney General
North Carolina Department of Justice
Mr. Roy Cooper, Attorney General

Dear Mr. Cooper:

Within your press release of October 4, 2001, you stated, "Now we will be able to use technology--the same tools that criminals have used to commit crimes--to bring them to justice."

Last Monday morning, on the North Carolina Now television program, you said, the State Bureau of Investigation's Computer Forensics Lab was "a real priority for me".

To my knowledge, you are the only public servant in the state, that is seriously concerned about the victimization of North Carolina residents through the use of computers.

I am a victim of a computer crime. I have contacted, my ISP, as well as the Asheville Police Department to report this crime. I have found the existing resources lacking in their ability to address computer crimes. My hope, is that you will help me to bring this criminal to justice.

I have copied and pasted my letter to into the body of this email, as it covers the information I have available at present regarding this crime committed against me.


To: < >
Subject: Internet fraud

Ms. S*** F***
Asheville, NC ****

Dear Sir or Ma'am:

On January 9, 2002, I contacted Bellsouth with an inquiry regarding internet charges on my bill for $75.72 due January 20, 2002. Of the total amount due of $75.72, two items were new and unfamiliar.

A. 8.700 Hours GSP POP Access Usage @2.75 an hour........ $23.92

B. 8.700 Hours GSP POP Access Usage @ $0.25 an hour... 2.17

The Bellsouth representative advised me that she was fairly certain that these internet charges reflected charges for the access of my email account from out of state, or out of my access area. When I explained to the representative that the only place I access my email from is my home in Asheville through the use of my home telephone line she asked if I would please hold while she consulted with the internet department. When the representative came back on the line, she explained that these charges were in fact for out of service area access of my internet account and that the charges were an error and I would be credited with this erroneous charge.

I explained to the representative that I was very concerned about these erroneous charges as I had noticed that on occasion I was unable to access my email account and a window would appear that read:

Error Could not retrieve mail from the account "athought email"

Explanation The file name is already in use.

Error - 3216

I told the representative that I had previously contacted the technical department to report this problem and that the technical representative had urged me to wait a few hours and log on once again.

I told the representative that I suspected internet fraud and that these erroneous charges had now increased my suspicions. The representative explained that she was from the Billing Department and suggested that I speak to someone from the Internet Division.

The occasional inability to access my email, as well as the window advising me that MY FILE NAME was already in use continued.

On January 18, 2002 I once again contacted the Technical Support Department and reported that I was continuing to experience the inability to access my email and once again explained about the window stating that the file name was already in use. The representative gave me Case# 1847224 and said that it was either that my modem was "sticking" and not letting me disconnect (I have no understanding of what this means), or that SOMEONE ELSE, SOMEWHERE ELSE, WAS USING MY EMAIL ACCOUNT. I told her that I suspected internet fraud and I wanted this matter investigated immediately. The representative said she would pass it on to her supervisor and I would be contacted by them. I have not heard from by email or by telephone regarding this matter.

My next Bellsouth bill arrived with no credit for the erroneous charges mentioned above.

The new bill reflects new charges for:

A. 107.283 Hours GSP POP Access Usage @ 2.75 an hour... $295.03

B. 107.283 Hours GSP POP Access Usage @ $0.25 an hour.. 26.82

I called and spoke to a representative named Mike who gave me Case #1887485 when I reported the internet fraud.

I called the Asheville Police Department at (828) 252-1110 and advised them that I wanted to report a computer crime. The police officer told me that Detective Michael Downing handled computer crimes and gave me his telephone number. He told me to call Detective Downing the next day after 8:30 AM. It took me four days to finally get Detecive Downing on the phone. He told me that this matter must begin with an investigation by Bellsouth's Fraud Investigators. The Detective told me that when the Fraud Investigators have the data regarding the fraud, the information will be provided to me and then I can call him back and if a crime has been committed in Asheville, he will pursue the matter. He urged me to insist that I speak to a Fraud Investigator and that he will ask me for the name of the investigator when I call him back. He explained in a clear and concise manner that Bellsouth DOES have the capability of investigating exactly and precisely WHO IT IS that is fraudulently hacking into my system and FROM WHERE.

I called Technical Support again and spoke to a representative by the name of John. I related the above to him and he gave me Case #1892208. He placed me on hold while he spoke to his supervisor. John came back on the line only to refer me to the email address: . John said that there were no fraud investigators as Detective Downing had stated there were. John said that if I write a detailed email to the above email address, my problem will be investigated and I will receive a response.

Last week, I attempted to access a website and received a message that read: "Forbidden", indicating that access was blocked by the site owner. I contacted the site owner by email requesting an explanation. I was advised by Dr. and Mrs. Arkadiusz Jadczyk, the site owners, that a Mr. Vincent Bridges, of North Carolina has repeatedly attempted to hack their website. As a result of this activity, they have been tracking his IP use. It seems that this Mr. Bridges has the capability to tap into and utilize IP numbers that are not his own. The tracking data indicates that one of the IP numbers resolves to ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. At the time that this Asheville IP number was logged, the Jadczyk's blocked future access from their server. A few hours later, I wrote to the Jadczyk's asking why I could not access their site. It was only then, that the Jadczyk's put together the details I have outlined above with the apparent probability that this Mr. Bridges might be using my account for his activities.

I am writing to the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation as well as the North Carolina Attorney General regarding this matter. Monday morning, the North Carolina Attorney General was interviewed on the television program North Carolina Now. He spoke with pride of the new Computer Forensics Lab that has very recently been established and stated that these crimes were "a real priority for me". I trust that within this state, I will find one public servant that is willing to assist me with this crime that has been committed. Obviously, I could just cancel my account with Bellsouth and give up. However, as one of your customers that pays most of my bills online, I trust that your corporation views internet fraud with the same level of seriousness as I do.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

S*** F***, LPN



I do not have a firewall, and consequently, do not have a log of all the instances where I was unable to access my email account due to the fact that someone else had hacked into my computer and was illegally using my file name. I'm certain that you will agree that 116 hours of illegal use of my account warrants an investigation.

Dr. and Mrs. Arkadiusz Jadczyk, have kindly consented to cooperate with any law enforcement authority that is willing to investigate this crime. The Jadczyk's do have computer security software and have been tracking this criminal. The Jadczyk's have already caught this criminal using my IP number and the conclusion is almost unavoidable that it is this one individual, Vincent Bridges of North Carolina. the Jadczyk's have given me their consent to provide you with their name, address and telephone number.

Dr. and Mrs. Arkadiusz Jadczyk
New Port Richey, FL 34...

If I can provide any additional information regarding this crime, please do not hesitate to contact me. [...]

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

S*** F***


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Laine Pomeroy

Date sent: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:34:23 -0500

On 15 Feb 2002, at 13:27, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I didn't have time to read your article but I did skim through it. There is
> plenty of evidence of government being involved in abductions. Have you the
> read the absolute classic - 'The Controllers: An alternate theory on alien
> abduction' by Martin Cannon

I agree. But it's been going on for thousands of years. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."

> You are very close. There are UFO's and there are 'aliens'. But the aliens are
> us and vice versa.

They are "us" in probable futures. We CAN choose which future manifests... US as the creepy reptoids and grays, or US as light beings. And the choice has to be made rather soon. Which is why there is so much effort to conceal, disinform, obfuscate, etc. And they are using time travel to go back and repeatedly change the past, to plant "misleading clues," and all kinds of stuff to get folks to make the WRONG choice.

The moon is exactly what Mevryl says it is. I have absolute
> proof but I don't dare tell it. Fractal analysis' has shown that the entire
> place is artifical.

No doubt.

> We are a farm. But what are they growing? Light bodies! Only a few get
> through. All of the rest are the crop failures.

See above. Alternate futures: us in the future as the "bad guys," or us in the future as light beings. The battle is NOW. It is THROUGH us.

The wheat and the tares.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Guaman Poma

Date sent: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 14:14:57 -0500

From Rolena Adorno's paper on Guaman Poma:

"A Peruvian Indian who wrote a book; he called himself "author and prince." His personal story raises many questions that cannot be answered.

The MSS was discovered by Richard a Pietschmann, director of the Library of Gottingen... where, according to the catalogue of the Old Royal Collection, it had been there since at least 1785."

[My note: considering what we know about some of the activities in Gottingen, it may have been "planted."]

"The author was of Andean parentage. His work was a petition to the Spanish King, Philip III... 398 drawings that pictured Andeans as they lived under Inca rule and in Spanish colonial times.

"Born AFTER the Spanish conquest, he claimed to have been raised in viceregal and episcopal palaces and says that Luis de Velasco, former viceroy of Peru, and president of the Council of the Indies can vouch for him.

"His mestizo half-brother became a priest... Guaman credits him with teaching him to read and write. He worked as an interpreter in the employ of colonial officials. He wrote his book, apparently, as an attempt to claim his status as one of the elite, and to recover the privileges and prerogatives traditionally inherited by the native elite.

"In the three dedicatory epistles that open his work, Guaman Poma presents himself as an Andean prince and his father as the Inca's viceroy. He asks the king to accept his labors as a devoted Christian. He was attempting to create a persona that was unimpeachable and disinterested so that he could pursue his agenda of advocating his own elevation as one of the elite.

"His book was intended to be a practical guide for the king of Spain in the process of morally reforming the colonial government AND converting the Indians to Christianity. Andeans were to learn Christian prayers that Guaman set forth in Quechua. ...His intent was to become an advisor of the king of Spain, to reclaim for himself the diplomacy and military prowess exercised by his claimed forebears in service to the Inca. The oft repeated epithet that Guaman Poma uses to refer to himself, 'the author Ayala,' like that which he uses for his father, 'Duke of alba of the house of Ayala,' sums up the attitude the endows his clan with privileged and noble status translated into terms of prestige in European categories. Guaman claims Ayala was the name bestowed upon his father by a Spanish captain, Luis de Avalos de Ayala in gratitude for saving the conquistador's life in battle.

"Aside from his own book, Guaman is known from only three other documentary sources. The first is a letter, discovered in the Archives of the Indies in Seville, Spain, in which "don Felipe de Ayala" writes to Philip III announcing that he has written a book.

"The second reveals that "don Felipe Guaman Poma" served as interpreter in the first "confirmation of land titles," held in Huamanga in 1594.

"The third is a judgment, dated December 18, 1600, in which Felipe Guaman Poma also known as "Lazaro," is named as the unsuccessful plaintiff in an effort to claim allegedly hereditary lands belonging to his family "since the time of the Spanish conquest." His claim was denied and the record of the judgment made against him labels him as a trouble-maker. He is accused of "malicious intentions and schemes by which he has always aspired to privilege."

"Lazaro has been shown to be an Indian of humble status who, through conniving, calls himself cacique, without being a cacique or lord of his people, is nevertheless respected as such."

[Note: He begins to sound a bit like VB, eh?]

"Socially, Guaman Poma represented that particular category relatively visible in colonial society of ethnic Andeans trained in the Castilian language. This ability had a powerful impact on the course of his life. According to his own testimony, he earned his living as an interpreter in the employ of Cristobal de Albornoz. Guaman Poma refers with pride to his work as interpreter for the church inspector Albornos, who considered himself the first to wage the campaign against idolatry in Peru. Guaman declares that he worked on Albornoz campaign to punish and reform wayward Spanish priests as well as native practitioners of traditional religions and religious resistance movements. He calls his employer a "simple, saintly, God-fearing man" and a "fearless Christian judge."

"Guaman Poma's contact with the church acquainted him with the literaray mainstay of Spanish religious culture. He utilized passages from such authors works in his own. He also read and emulated the works of two well-known Domincans: fray Bartolome de las Casas and fray Domingo de Santo Tomas. Passages in Poma's book paraphrase, in pictures and writing, the First and Second Propositions of las Casas' Tratado de las Doce Dudas. Poma's book is modeled after the rhetorical mode of the literature of Christian living and las Casas' use of religiou principles to effect colonial reform.

"But, more than anything, Guaman sought to be considered elite and to have privileges...

"The creation of the work as we know it covers a period of a few years, in contrast to the twenty or thirty Guaman CLAIMED he spent on it. It was prepared in its entirety between 1612 and the beginning of 1615 [based on internal evidence related to known events.]

"The work is executed in quarto size on a high-quality handmade paper; its watermark is found, here as in most quarto books, in the back fold. Consistent throughout all 1188 pages, the manufacturer's trademark consists of a Latin cross superimposed upon a shield under which the initials AA and sometimes IA appear. The physical evidence of the paper somewhat refutes Guaman's continual protestations about lack of resources: it is evident that he had access to materials of high quality and in impressive quantities!"

"Circumstantial evidence suggests that the manuscript passed through the viceregal court at Lima because the historical treatise of fray Buenaventura Salinas y Cordoba, who had served as a page at the court of the Marques de Montesclaros from 1607 to 1615, follows Guaman Poma's uncommon version of ancient history. There is no documentation to support the contention that the manuscript actually arrived at the Spanish royal court.

"Porras Barrenechea conjectures that the manuscript was brought to Denmark in 1662 by the Danish diplomat Cornelius Pedersen Lerche, who had bought part of the library of the Condedugue de Olivares. There is no evidence to support this view. The catalogue of his library at the time of his death reveals no trace of the manuscript.

"In short, nobody knows where it came from or how it got there despite the fact that the novelty of its drawings would have assured the interest of collectors."

All in all, it sounds like somebody traveled back in time and "planted" it.

Rec the following from another researcher:

I have been reading *The Crisis Of Civilization* by the excommunicated Russian Anthroposophist Gennady Bondarev. He considers the 6th Epoch to be more a "German-Slavic" epoch, since the right development can happen only if the Mid-European cultural tasks of social *I*-development come to fruition and are passed on to the East. Steiner says that the Germans are the avant-garde of the sixth sub-race (GA264). The true German culture comes to expression in Idealism, Goetheanism, Anthroposophy, and Social Threefolding. It has been the aim, all too succesful, of evil occult-political forces in the 20th Century to crush the Germans and the East Slavs, to prevent the right evolution toward the 6th Epoch. If these evil designs succeed, the 6th Epoch will then be centered in South America, but will be maimed and distorted, and the Spirit Self will not descend in the way intended for progressive evolution. Bondarev does not give a citation of Steiner for this last point, but I think Prokofieff does, in his *Spiritual Origins of Eastern Europe...*

This book of Bondarev's has not really been published in English, but you can get an proofreader's copy from Nelson Willby in London:
-- This is a deep study of the contempory war agains Mid and Eastern Europe, and more. He also has a book especially about Russia, *Die Wartende Kultur*, a 3-volume work on the Goethean method, and more. These are available in German from Willy Lochmann: < >

Prokofieff, in the book mentioned, puts forward the idea that the East Slavs took on, as a sacrifice, the world-karma of materialism in the form of the Boshevik oppression, thus enabling Western and Central Europe to develop to a better degree than would have been otherwise possible. He comes in for some trenchant criticism on this point (and many others also) from another Russian, Irina Gordienko, in her book *S.O. Prokofieff, Myth and Reality*. For a flyer on this last book, see (You can download a free pdf reader from

From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 14:32:20 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)


It is nearing the end of the line for Mr. Vincent Abridged.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 14:46:53 -0500

On 16 Feb 2002, at 14:32, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> It is nearing the end of the line for Mr. Vincent Abridged.

Hi, Well, I was both surprised and NOT surprised that he would actually stoop to definitely illegal acts that could get him locked up. Is he so financially desperate that he has to steal from a single mother who is barely making ends meet - working full time, I should add, which he, apparently, is not - just to have internet access to spread his lies and filth?

I had mentioned to somebody recently (who asked me what he looked like) that he looks like a troll. The person wrote back and asked me if I was aware that trolls traditionally lived under "bridges" and would leap out and demand payment from people who wanted to cross...

Well, I hadn't really thought about it, but darned if it doesn't fit.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 17:39:03 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)


Okay please be discreet from here on out. VB is going down. I will need all of your evidence including contracts, etc. because me and another writer with 'Aethyrea' Books are going after him. We are trying to figure out whether to have him arrested for Fraud or take him to court ourselves. Between you, me and him we have enough evidence for a quick convict. He has books printed by VB with Aethyrea Books LLc just like I do.

Let me know - do you think we have enough evidence to convict him in regular court. It would sure make things a lot easier for all of us. One conviction on Fraud with Aethyrea and he is cooked goose.

Please don't say a word about this until he is finished. Stay off the web with any more articles about him, stay away from any engagement. Please.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: (Fwd) Re:

Date sent: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:28:04 -0500

Here's what I wrote to your friend:

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: "Crockett" < croc2868@…
Subject: Re:

Date sent: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:12:49 -0500

On 18 Feb 2002, at 22:14, Crockett wrote:

> Yes, I'm worried that the lack of signed contracts stating Vincent's
> obligation limits might hurt us.

Hi, According to the LLC statute, if a company is found to be improperly or fraudulently set up, the person representing it (i.e. VB) becomes PERSONALLY liable. He is FULLY responsible.

See the copy of the LLC definition on

scroll to the bottom or click the "llc definition" link at the top which will jump you to it.

>However, if we put together a damning case and
> can get it before as D.A., perhaps. We need to know the exact circumstances
> surrounding Laura's book "The Noah Syndrome." Vincent was high on that book.
> Swore it would sell better than yours or mine - then suddenly he was not going
> to publish it. No explanation, no plan b, nothing. What did Laura find out
> about Vincent that made her not want him to publish her book, even though he
> thought it would sell? Ask her.

VB started "courting" us to do our publishing in Nov and Dec of 2000, I believe. He then came up with the idea of the conference, or at least, in late Jan/Feb, 2001, brought it up to us.

We didn't like the idea, but when he proposed that it would be utilized to introduce our book, we were persuaded to agree. He needed a book that would sell to get him "off the ground," he was a "struggling new publisher," he knew how to do it all, and we could help.

So, first thing: our attendance at the conference was agreed upon ONLY for the purpose of the book introduction. It was basically a favor. VB presented his whole mystery school and connections as being a vast new audience.

It suited us to have editing and layout help, so it seemed like a good exchange. I stopped everything to get the book ready by the deadline he gave. End of March. This was explained to me because he had to schedule printing, and there was an "open date" in June.

A long discussion ensued that consisted of all the things that had to be done to get a book printed - you know, isbn numbers, editing, layout, etc etc. So, getting it DONE by the End of March was crucial.

We did it.

Skipping over a whole lot of details, we repeatedly asked for a contract. We waited for the galleys and the book was supposed to be IN OUR HANDS in July.

Well, July came along and nothing. And in July, there was the now famous "mirror session" which I am working up to talking about in the "adventures" series.

Big manipulation going on there.

Well, AFTER this session, in which VB was exposed, we realized that all of the "signs" of a con were going on. But, we were still not quite ready to fully believe it. We wanted to give him another chance.

Since he had made it clear that it takes a couple of months to get a book in print, and since the agreement for the conference was to present the book, we were naturally concerned that it MUST be done before mid-September. That meant like NOW.

Well, he kep evading the issue. He didn't have time, he was sick, he was doing this or that... and then I found out that he was hobnobbing around at kid camps and other things, while we were waiting for a set of proofs, a contract, and the time for the conference was approaching - a conference, remember, we did NOT want to do, and only agreed to do as a favor.

So, realizing that if there were no galleys by the end of July, there would be no book in September, the whole deal - getting a house-sitter, making arrangements for our kids, traveling (which is VERY hard on me, physically due to cardio-edema problems) was just too much to consider. Without a book ready, there was no point in all of that struggle and hardship.

BUT, we wanted to give him a fair chance, so we said: get us a contract and the galleys by the end of July or we will have to check out other publishing options.

(This was in mid July, so it was really about two weeks notice.)

He defaulted. The "galleys" did not arrive until the 6th of August. And the book looked like a tabloid.

It was at THAT precise point that we were notified by several of our readers that VB had a website that published all kinds of "Crowley" type magic. This was an association that simply was NOT acceptable. My husband is a scientist. We deal with issues that bridge science and the paranormal. We have been fighting an uphill battle to bring these subjects out in the open in academic circles, to gain acceptance for other legitimate researchers; to bring science and metaphysics together. Vincent KNEW that. He KNEW how hard we worked to do this, to create an environment in which planetary mysteries could be discussed, and information could be shared, and mainstream interests could be shifted to a more open position.

I BEGGED him to think about what his publishing all that magickal nonsense, Crowley, 'workings' and so forth would DO to what we were trying to accomplish!!!

And he refused to budge. He was gonna do what he was gonna do and be damned to anybody.

There were other issues at that point, but since it was still about 6 weeks in advance of the conference, we decided to cancel the conference, since it was obvious that there would be no book, find a publisher who could meet his own deadlines and who didn't spend so much time diddling around. We figured he could just get another speaker and that would be that.

It was at this point that we discovered that the majority of the attendees were readers of our site - VB had no audience!!!

I mean, I KNEW that a few members of our egroup had signed up to attend, I just didn't realize that his whole agenda was to trot Ark and Laura out for a dog and pony show to get attendees and make some bux.

Of course, all of that now came OUT. And that just made it worse because we then realized that we had been had by a real con.

In all fairness, we do not now, nor did we ever care whether VB had any real "credentials." All we cared about was "is he able to do what he says he will do? Does he come through on his promises?" And the answer was a resounding "no."

And, of course, it was only AFTER all of that, in response to his constant stalking and harassment that the group decided to investigate him and find out just what was driving him.

At this point, we just simply realize that we were taken in by a con artist from the beginning. That's a tough thing to admit, but there it is.

So, it was obviously fraud all the way. No company, no nothing. It was all a slick operation to make some bux, OR to just simply destroy my husband's reputation!

Maybe both.

The fact that he just simply cannot see, that he cannot admit that what he is doing is wrong, or that it is even suicidal, makes us painfully aware that Vincent Bridges is a very, very sick individual.

I would dearly love to know if he has spent any time in a mental hospital or in prison.

So, that's all I know.


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 11:24:23 EST
Subject: Re: (Fwd) ps: VB


Save it as evidence of more fraud. He does not own any business license. Darlene told Steve this a few months ago. There is nothing to worry about. He hasn't paid taxes since 1987. He is a grifter, just like Stan says. (Gotta listen to that man more often!)


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:49:51 -0500

On 19 Feb 2002, at 13:17, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Steve freaked out when he saw that i had given you his email address. He is
> still confused about VB's nature. I'm afraid he still thinks that he can get
> his manuscript and copyright back from VB by being nice.
> I advised him against it but he isn't sure what to do. Perhaps you could
> email him one last time with a well written email explaning to him what a
> sh** VB really is.

Has he read the "bridges" pages on our site? Is he even remotely aware of the fact that VB is a psychopath???

As you know, Stan knows, WE know, (God help all of us), it is a tough thing to face when we "like" someone... to realize that they have ENGINEERED this liking deliberately to take advantage of us.

And as long as we resist it, the longer we try to "make nice" or "work it out," the more ammo we give the psychopath to hurt us. I think that he will get that better coming from you - you know, guy to guy.

At this point, all he probably knows about us are the lies VB has told. And Lord! How he does lie!

But you just don't fully realize it when caught in the "spell," I guess. And the spell is as much self-imposed wishful thinking as anything. VB didn't force me to believe the best of him... we did it willingly. We CHOSE to put the best light on behavior that was squirrelly from the start. WE DECEIVED OURSELVES, and that is the hardest thing to deal with. We can't blame one thing on him. He is what he is. He always was and always will be. The signs were there from the beginning, we just chose to ignore them.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Massive Underground Phenomena Reported In Northern Chile

Date sent: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:17:06 -0500

Thought you might find this interesting... found by a group member.

I have not verified this.

Massive Underground Phenomena Reported In Northern Chile From Dr. Virgilio-Sanchez-Ocejo Miami UFO Center 2-19-2

This palmtree used to be 12-foot high. Now, it sunk to ground-level

In light of recent underground fires reported in Calama, Chile, another nearby town is witnessing strange geological changes. In the town of Baquedano, numerous ground fault splits are occurring. The ground is sinking in other areas, creating craters, and cracking walls and floors of entire buildings. But perhaps what has Mayor Matilda Asante most worried is how rapidly this is happening. According to estimates, the affected area appears to be as big as 400 meters in diameter.

The strange geological phenomenon has now literally reached the local Chilean Customs Office, where the barracks rooms of the officers display notable cracks on the floors and walls. Furthermore, according to police information, as many as twenty houses in the proximity have been displaying similar characteristics since last September.

Antofagasta Governor Christian Pizarro has called for an emergency meeting that will involve representatives from the National Geology and Mining Institute, local public utilities department, the regional emergency and disaster coordinator, as well as public liaisons of local mining companies.

The local authorities have come up with diverse hypotheses regarding how the ground is collapsing in Baquedano. Perhaps the most probable is the possible existence of underground water filtrations due of the salinity of the ground in the area. This would provoke a notable geologic fault in addition to the passage of heavy equipment and trucks in that particular area. In addition, it has been speculated that in that part of the town, there used to be an old fuel depot that could have been negligent when handling and disposing fuel. Nevertheless, what ever the cause may be, the entire town hall building will have to be relocated some place else because it is in the middle of it all. 30 city workers have already been relocated.

The local governor's emergency committee tried to explain the origin of the existing ground splits, which have injured two municipal workers, as well as the drastic structural deterioration of the town hall building. Mayor Matilde Assented believes that the affected area is even greater than the previously estimation of 400 meters, given that the town hall is located outside of that area. She also stated that professional geologists will investigate why the ground is sinking and splitting apart throughout the declared affected area. Finally, she added that if the phenomenon continues, the town hall building transfer will be inevitable.

Regional Emergency and Disaster Management Director Hernan Flores stated that the authorities have to take into consideration all the different hypotheses until a conclusion can be reached from the investigation that will be carried out by geologists. Flores also indicated that repairs to the town hall building will have to be postponed until a solution for the problem is established. In the meantime, the transportation department will have to create an alternative traffic route for heavy-duty vehicles in order to avoid circulating through roads that are considered to be risky.


A reporter for a major news network was driving back to the city of Arica after providing coverage of an annual off-road rally. At around 9:30 PM, on the 9th of February of 2002, he witnessed how a bright white light illuminated the entire valley near the highway. He was traveling with some local city workers, who corroborated with his testimony.

At first, they thought it could have been lightning and did think it was out of the ordinary. Nevertheless, when the journalist finally arrived home, he mentioned what happened to his neighbor. Surprisingly, the neighbor told him that he also saw it. He was able to see it from the city, which is several kilometers from where the alleged sighting took place.

"I thought it was lightning. Although the sky was clear, I knew that it was raining in the town nearby. But now I am sure that that was not the case because the light was just too strong, and the area that it covered was too vast. I also spoke with two more neighbors who saw it", said the journalist's neighbor, who preferred not to reveal his name.

According to the major news media journalist, the light appeared like a flash, lasting only moments. In the area where the light appeared, throughout the sky, he claimed that there were smaller and less bright colorful lights, as well as a red light in the center of them. He also claimed that not only the ground was lit, but the sky as well.

Among the off-road rally participants, there were a few more eyewitnesses. As they were driving back from the event, passengers of up to thirteen vehicles that were traveling together saw the big flash. Among them, Maria Saldias, who participated in the 600- kilometer race with her husband, and corroborated with the reporters testimony. She also thought initially that it was lightning; however, she later realized that the light was just too strong, and that she never had seen lightning that illuminates the entire sky in such a widespread area.

Similar cases took place last year in September. Others date back to 1993. Several eyewitnesses have described similar phenomena between the cities of Iquique and Arica. They all concur when they mention that the entire sky was completely lit.

Could these lights be UFOs? All of the eyewitnesses agreed that in this case, it was not lightning. Perhaps the only scientific answer for these phenomena is in an interesting piece written by Alberto Enriquez from the Anchorage Daily News, in Alaska. According to Enriquez, these lights could be a manifestation of some sort of earthquake prediction revealed by the atmosphere. He eloquently cites scientific data, as well as numerous cases throughout the world. He also mentions that these phenomena date back to ancient times.

Quaking Lights

Scientists drawn to legends of luminous displays that precede temblors

By Alberto Enriquez Anchorage Daily News (Published: January 21, 2002)

When it comes to earthquakes, the earth doesn't just move. It often roars. It broadcasts at radio frequencies. And if the conditions are right, it even produces a visible glow.

So-called "earthquake lights" are nothing new. The Greek historian Thucydides wrote that "immense columns of flame" foretold the destruction of two ancient cities, Helice and Burls, by earthquake. Far across the ancient world, the author of a traditional Japanese haiku recorded: The earth speaks softly to the mountain, which trembles and lights the sky.

What's new is the possibility that scientists may be able to reliably duplicate these extraordinary effects, including earthquake lights or "coronal discharges," under artificial conditions in the lab. Because some earthquake-related effects occur hours and even weeks before the quakes themselves, further research into the nature of the earthquake precursors holds the promise of one day -- no one says this will be soon -- predicting quakes.

In a recent issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research, physicist Friedemann Freund theorizes that positive charges can be generated when huge stresses are generated along faults in the Earth's crust. The rocks in the crust normally act as insulators that conduct electrical charges only poorly. But under the severe stress generated before an earthquake, these rocks may behave briefly like "p-type semiconductors" found in computer chips, capable of releasing large numbers of positive charges referred to as "holes." These charges speed upward toward the surface of the Earth at between 220 and 660 mph.

Freund, a professor at San Jose State University in California, thinks they ionize the atmosphere upon reaching the air, accounting for the bizarre effects -- radio interference and colored streamers, flashes and glows reported by thousands of observers. Among them: Radio interference reported in the days before the worst quake recorded (magnitude 9.5), in Chile in 1961, as well as Alaska's magnitude 9.2 Good Friday quake in 1964.

Thirty-eight luminous displays seen by Quebec residents before, during and after the earthquakes of November 1988. The first photographs of earthquake lights during the Matsushiro "earthquake swarm" in Japan between 1965 and 1967, collected and published by Japanese researcher Yutaka Yasui during a period when thousands of seismic events were being recorded each day.Lights during a Chinese quake in 1976 that reportedly turned night into day near the epicenter and awakened people nearly 200 miles away.

Freund's most recent publications detail how he has moved beyond theory and developed an experimental means to generate stresses in rocks, which "can account for earthquake-related electrical signals causing electric discharges and earthquake lights." Duplicating earthquake lights in the lab is important because science deals with reproducible events.

Experiments that can't be repeated -- like the "cold fusion" craze a few years back -- soon drop into the dustbin of scientific history. As Freund says, it's tough to do basic research while waiting for the Earth "to repeat the experiment."

Earthquake-light research remained beyond the pale of Western science throughout the 1970s, classed by some as largely anecdotal even after the publication of Yasui's extraordinary photo collection. U.S. research continued largely along conventional seismological lines. By 1986, however, seismologist John Derr described in the scientific journal Nature experiments by Brian Brady and Glen Rowell of the U.S. Bureau of Mines in which they broke rocks in darkness. As the rocks broke, the men detected light that did not have the characteristic spectrum of the minerals in the rock, but of the air. The observations suggested that something given off by the breaking of the rocks ionized the air.

Derr, who has put forward an alternative theory of earthquake lights based on hydrological effects, also mentioned Freund's then-purely theoretical work based on semiconducting effects. Though science was slow to recognize earthquake lights for what they are, Derr thinks accounts of them are more common in history and prehistory than generally appreciated but often were interpreted as spiritual experiences, ghosts or unidentified flying objects.

Among the candidates:

On the Alaska Peninsula, a brilliant glow often seen in the mountains south of Lake Iliamna and visible up to 45 miles away, described by Native peoples as the work of ghosts. Floating lights seen on the sacred mountain of Wu T'ai Shan in China, interpreted by Buddhists as a manifestation of a saint.

Around A.D. 33, a report of luminous figures, at the time of an earthquake, in the crucifixion passage of the Gospel of Matthew, 28:51-53: "The earth shook, and the rocks were split and the bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised and seen coming out of tombs." Reports of an egg-cup- shaped thing chasing a car and of a UFO buzzing a fishing boat, both in Australia, two days before a series of earthquakes.

Despite mounting documentation of luminous and electromagnetic phenomena associated with quakes, resistance to scientific study of these events as signs of impending earthquakes remained strong.

As recently as 1998, prominent American seismologist Wallace Campbell editorialized against a United Nations grant to Chinese researchers who published a guide to forecasting earthquakes based on geomagnetics.

Thrashing numerous misunderstandings and errors in the Chinese researchers' work, Campbell concluded that the manual was "pseudoscientific nonsense" that raised false hopes in the public.

In the gloves-off world of scientific debate, Freund fired back his own public riposte in the EOS Forum newsletter. While acknowledging the limitations of the Chinese researchers, Freund blasted Campbell for using "innuendoes to discredit the interdisciplinary search for the subtle signals by which the Earth may divulge an impending disaster."

The entire blistering exchange can be found at EOS_98.htm and

Such candor hasn't always brought Freund friends, but two years after the debate he says he remains more confident than ever. As he puts it, "I have told people that they have overlooked something fundamental, and people don't like to be told this!"

Publication in the prestigious and rigorously peer-reviewed Journal of Geophysical Research may signal a pending scientific groundswell in Freund's favor. The Japanese and Taiwan-ese long ago committed millions to research, including the installation of sensor networks.

Have Freund's ideas gone mainstream? "I wouldn't go that far, just looking at my success rate getting funding," he says. "In four years, I've had one small grant of $10,000 out of NASA." Journal of Geophysical Research reviewer Malcom Heggie of the University of Sussex in England writes of Freund: "His work is adventurous and may or may not be correct, but the ideas he has, the concepts he explores and the careful work he puts into them deserve attention."

Derr, chief of the Global Seismograph Network, at the U.S. Geological Survey laboratory in Albuquerque, said Freund's proposed semiconducting theory "looks like an important paper." And among the converts to the newly emerging field of "seismoelectromagnetics" is professor Masashi Hayakawa, who heads one of two large research projects funded by the Japanese government.

"I was also a newcomer in this field -- I am here 10 years," Hayakawa writes. "Because I thought this field was not a science the scientists who published papers on (seismoelectromagnetics) were not so qualified."

Since that time, he says, Japanese researchers have confirmed seismic effects not only in the Earth's crust, but to the atmosphere's highest reaches, the ionosphere. Hayakawa thinks those "seismic effects" may be propagated by very low-frequency radio emissions from the Earth, consistent with Freund's theory of the emission of positive charges. He plans to invite Freund to Japan to address the International Union on Radio Science in August.

Earthquake light effects are less pronounced at transverse faults like the San Andreas in California, where plates mainly rub alongside each other. Nevertheless, before the 1906 San Francisco quake, a "flickering haze" appeared over the ground. Earthquake lights are much more pronounced near the far more dangerous thrust faults, such as those that occur in Alaska -- where 51 percent of all U.S. quakes occur -- and in Japan.

In May 1978, residents of Homer awoke to a "false sunrise" over the western side the Cook Inlet -- several hours before the real sunrise. About that time, Anchorage bush pilot Sumner Putnam reported to the Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys that he saw greenish- white flashes in Nondalton that coincided with bursts of static on his plane's radio. State seismologists report no current research in Alaska on earthquake lights or the prediction of quakes.

------- End of forwarded message -------

Date sent: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 19:00:11 EST
Subject: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea


I'm sorry. I still don't have the time to more than skim your articles. I like the idea of ultra as opposed to extraterrestrial. This is very good.

Now imagine that a government, using secret agencies, has known about ultraterrestrials for a long time. Say, since the late 50's at least. (I'm being conservative here.) Would they use these ultraterrerstrial strange events to their advantage? Could they stage events that would resemble ultraterrestrial events in order to control people?

I'll go one step further. I believe it is in the book 'CIA, LSD and the 60's' that Martin Gross' reveals that the CIA was missing literally 100s of millions of doses of LSD that they purchased from Sandoz Labs. What happened to that LSD? He proves in this book that they dumped it on the citizens of the US. But Why? Because LSD, and other tryptamines mimic the ultraterrerstrial experience. But in a contrived and banal way. I contend that they used LSD, and many other drugs, to soften us up, mentally.

Then they began to create events within the society that would be used to control the population. The idea being to first strip away the entire societies 'traditions', the things that bind us and make a community. Then replace it with a new religion, this one formed and created by the masters of this dimension. This new religion would have no principles except for the sloppy one that says'everyone creates their own reality.' This would make the population extremely malleable to coercion. Events, created by the masters, could and would be created to change the public's perception of this or that. The military would get an extra special benefit of having a great cover story for their many experiments.

This does not mean that there are not ultraterrestrials. There are. It is an enigma locked in a riddle. One has to keep peeling the layers back until the right solution unveils itself.

Once, when there was no television people saw ultraterrestrials. But they saw them through imprinted eyes. So Irish saw fairies, Catholics saw Mary, Arabs saw djinns, Protestants saw ghosts etc.

Now that we have a world 'culture' we have one steady interpretation. This one involving greys and lizzies.

Think about it: when UFO's first appeared in the 1940s they were tall and short, white, Asian, robotic, some had one eye, some were from Venus, others Mars, others the moon. But as the phenom wore on the view began to coalesce. And this happened after significant movies or TV shows were released. The greys began to really come out of the woodwork only after Close Encounters was released in 1978. The LIzzies only came into mass focus after the release of the TV show 'V.' in 1983 and 4.

Remember, the matrix reflects us and we also exert a large deal of control within this matrix. If we create a lizzie in our minds he becomes real. I mean really real. We created the devil also as well as many other creatures, entities and events.

Our new shamans are Speilberg, Kubrick and others. They are creating the matrix and we are their helpless dupes unless we realize this.

We are in charge of the psychic landscape. There are powers on this earth that do not want us to know this. Why? Because we can recreate the psychic landscape immediately and get rid of these turkeys -- if we want to!

This is my favorite subject so I can go on and on.

I realize that much of what I have said to you has been misconstrued. I am not seeking easy solutions -- only the right ones. I believe that you are seeking the same.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 20:20:09 -0500

On 24 Feb 2002, at 19:00, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> L
> I'm sorry. I still don't have the time to more than skim your articles. I like
> the idea of ultra as opposed to extraterrestrial. This is very good.

That's the whole point of the C's perspective - hyperdimensional realities - and we are working on this mathematically...

> Now imagine that a government, using secret agencies, has known about
> ultraterrestrials for a long time. Say, since the late 50's at least. (I'm
> being conservative here.) Would they use these ultraterrerstrial strange events
> to their advantage? Could they stage events that would resemble
> ultraterrestrial events in order to control people?

I think that it is the other way around. Yes, the gov THINKS they are using them, but they do not realize that the Ultraterrestrials are using them...

> I'll go one step further. I believe it is in the book 'CIA, LSD and the
> 60's' that Martin Gross' reveals that the CIA was missing literally 100s of
> millions of doses of LSD that they purchased from Sandoz Labs. What happened to
> that LSD? He proves in this book that they dumped it on the citizens of the US.
> But Why? Because LSD, and other tryptamines mimic the ultraterrerstrial
> experience. But in a contrived and banal way. I contend that they used LSD,
> and many other drugs, to soften us up, mentally.

Sure. Directed by the Ultraterrestrials. Keep in mind, they live in a paraphysical reality and it is stressful for them to project into ours... thus, they utilize human "agents." They are also creating hybrid into which they can "download" themselves for longer forays into our reality.

> Then they began to create events within the society that would be used to
> control the population. The idea being to first strip away the entire
> societies 'traditions', the things that bind us and make a community. Then
> replace it with a new religion, this one formed and created by the masters of
> this dimension. This new religion would have no principles except for the
> sloppy one that says'everyone creates their own reality.' This would make the
> population extremely malleable to coercion. Events, created by the masters,
> could and would be created to change the public's perception of this or that.
> The military would get an extra special benefit of having a great cover story
> for their many experiments.

Sure. That's exactly what is happening. But again, I think I can demonstrate that it is the Ultraterrestrials doing the controlling, with a plan...

> This does not mean that there are not ultraterrestrials. There are. It is an
> enigma locked in a riddle. One has to keep peeling the layers back until the
> right solution unveils itself.


> Once, when there was no television people saw ultraterrestrials. But they saw
> them through imprinted eyes. So Irish saw fairies, Catholics saw Mary, Arabs
> saw djinns, Protestants saw ghosts etc.

Exactly. But now, they are here in a "new suit of clothes." But it is still the emperor's new clothes.

> Now that we have a world 'culture' we have one steady interpretation. This one
> involving greys and lizzies.

Indeed. But the Lizzies are there back into antiquity... and they are NOT the good guys, though they have created a very Machiavellian scenario via time travel changes that "fall forward" into our time like dominoes... that set things up for the perception of them as good guys.

> Think about it: when UFO's first appeared in the 1940s they were tall and
> short, white, Asian, robotic, some had one eye, some were from Venus, others
> Mars, others the moon. But as the phenom wore on the view began to coalesce.
> And this happened after significant movies or TV shows were released. The
> greys began to really come out of the woodwork only after Close Encounters was
> released in 1978. The LIzzies only came into mass focus after the release of
> the TV show 'V.' in 1983 and 4.

I agree with the "mass focus" thing. And I agree with the engineering of the perceptions, etc.

> Remember, the matrix reflects us and we also exert a large deal of control
> within this matrix. If we create a lizzie in our minds he becomes real. I mean
> really real. We created the devil also as well as many other creatures,
> entities and events.

Here I agree with qualifications. The reality we experience is projected from the hyperdimensional reality, not the other way around. We have choices of alignment... receptivity... Frequency Resonance, but that's about it.

> Our new shamans are Speilberg, Kubrick and others. They are creating the
> matrix and we are their helpless dupes unless we realize this.

Sure. That is true. But THEY are the dupes of the hyperdimensional dudes.

> We are in charge of the psychic landscape.

No. They are. We are only in charge of whether or not we will choose to align with the Lizzie future, or the C's future. We can change our frequency by very hard work, by becoming less mechanical, by preparing ourselves to receive rather than attempting to control.

There are powers on this earth that
> do not want us to know this. Why? Because we can recreate the psychic
> landscape immediately and get rid of these turkeys -- if we want to!

Sure. But not in the sense of "control type" creation... in the sense of preparation and frequency resonance to RECEIVE.

> This is my favorite subject so I can go on and on.

Yeah. Me too.

> I realize that much of what I have said to you has been misconstrued. I am not
> seeking easy solutions -- only the right ones. I believe that you are seeking
> the same.


And I think that maybe we are even talking about the same thing only in slightly different terms - different semiotic content.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: The psi network

Date sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 08:53:48 -0500


The team is still digging into things, and some of the more recent info begins to make everything fall into place. It all started when I was searching for this wild rumor that is going around that Planet X is gonna smack us and destroy 90 percent of the population in April of 2003. I found a most interesting web page. I wrote to the team:


In trying to track some of the stories about this Planet X thingy, I found this and thought I had stumbled onto another of Vincent Bridges nom de plumes...

However, we find that this guy has hung out with Stanley Krippner... who is connected in strange ways to other funny stuff.

Anybody feel like seeing where the thread unravels to?

And here is the result so far:

This originally started as an exercise to find who was behind Vincent Bridges. It was extremely frustrating. As Laura and Ark found out through their private investigators report, the guy doesn't exist. This suggests some sort of cover up or identity erasure which could only point to Government agencies being involved or VB having some excellent hacking skills.

You will see from this report that it is "guilt by association" which can be shaky ground for proving anything. However what shows up is some common names with others popping up on the fringes. It is a real degrees of separation scenario. If we take this approach, then the Cassiopaea site itself is only 1 degree of separation from the CIA through some interesting networking. By joining the Jack Sarfatti mailing list at Ark found himself in the middle of some characters involved in some rather strange activities as we shall see. Interesting to note is that VB turned up soon after Ark joined this list.

I was going through a proximity search at and was coming up with nothing, Vincent did not exist there. However what I did find set me off in another direction. It was a report from by Armen Victoria regarding a shadowy organization known as "The Aviary".

This organization was said to hand out disinformation on UFO research. There were various ex spooks and military types in this list. They are as follows.

THE SPARROW - Richard Doty - AFOSI agent.
CONDOR - Robert M Collins - Former Captain USAF.
OWL - Dr Harold Puthoff - Parapsychologist/Director of Psi-tech, CIA, DIA.
FALCON - C.B.Jones - Parapsychology/psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIA, MUFON (1989) As a consultant.
PENGUIN - John Alexander - Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-tech.
PELICAN - Ron Pandolphi - CIA.
BLUEJAY - Dr Chris Green - CIA.
NIGHTINGALE - Dr Jack Verona - Liaison between Capitol hill and Los Alamos.
SEAGULL - Bruce Macabee - Photographic expert, MUFON consultant, alleged member of the CIA, MUFON state director 1975.
UNKNOWN - Bill Moore - Alleged intelligence agent
PARROT Jacques Vallee, Ph.D., formerly an astrophysicist working with Paris Observatory and the Space Committee (nothing to do with UFOs), later moved to U.S. as principal investigator with Defense Department computer network projects; worked with famed astronomer and dear friend Dr. J. Allen Hynek who left and denounced the military's Project Blue Book as a disinformational smokescreen; prolific author on UFO subjects.

What I originally thought was that this was an actual organization and was financed by the USA Govt or Laurance Rockefeller who was rumoured to be throwing a lot of money at UFO research. This "organization" was infiltrating UFO groups such as MUFON and spreading disinfo, which is sort of true.

This sounded exactly what occurred to the Cassiopaea list with Vincent Bridges, so I then set about to link Vincent to the Aviary list. I originally thought he may have dropped out of College and joined a PSY-OPS operation in North Carolina at Fort Bragg and recruited from there via some of these members.

Doing a search on Ron Pandolfi came up with Jack Sarfatti's mailing list which Ark was once on for Quantum Physics discussion. Now on this list were Ron Pandolfi (Aviary, CIA), John Alexander (AVIARY) and Bruce Macabbe (AVIARY). One is a coincidence, two is uncanny and three is just plain weird. It was actually four as I missed Hal Puthoff's address on the mailing list. Looking at the mailing list today Hal seems to be a regular contributor.

Also on this mailing list were Joe Firmage, Uri Geller(Involved with Puthoff, Targ and Ingo Swan in SRI research), Stan Krippner(who we are currently investigating), Russel Targ(SRI remote viewing with Puthoff and Swan), Ed Mitchell (Astronaut and Founder of The Institute of Noetic Science), Eric Davis and a strange character called Brother Blue.

I then set about looking at what other organizations some of these guys were involved with. I found a broken link at a UFO site that mentioned that Alexander worked for a Billionaire called Robert Bigelow for an organization called the National Institute of Discovery Science or NIDS for short.

As you can see there are some common names with the Sarfatti list and Aviary list here Puthoff(Aviary, Sarfatti), Mitchell(Sarfatti), Alexander (Aviary Sarfatti), Vallee (Aviary), Eric Davis (Sarfatti).....Things were getting interesting but still no link to VB.....

Laura let me know that VB was a follower or enthralled with Drunvalo. So I did a search with some of the above names as cross references. What I came up with was the curious New Age/Science cross over organization called the Axiom Visiting Faculty.

On this group were the following Drunvalo, Mitchell (NIDS,Sarfatti), Castaneda followers, Chopra(Andy will love this), "Frank" Wolf (Jack Sarfatti's offsider), Greg Braden(I've just noticed this guy is into sacred sites, maybe another link Laura?), Joe Firmage (Sarfatti/ He's also on the Institute of Noetic Sciences board), John Mack(Rockefeller sponsored NDE and Alien abduction hypnosis researcher), Laurie Monroe(Monroe Institute nuff said), Rabbi Micahel Lerner(Now how did he find the Cassiopaea site and how did he stir things up with his anti semitic slur?), Peter Russel (Institute of Noetic Science/Mitchell's(NIDS) private organization), Russel Targ (Remote Viewing pioneer along with Puthoff and Ingo Swan at SRI in the 70's and 80s), Steven Greer(Rockefeller funded UFO researcher), Sitchin (I don't know much about him but what I do know has a weird feeling about it).

So there was a loose sort of network emerging with some players figuring prominently. What really capped it off was the link on the Axiom Faculty to the Sangraal School of Sacred Geometry which Vincent was involved in and was associated with the Cassiopaea forum to be held at Zaca lake.

So some sort of loose link had been established to the Aviary via Mitchell who I believe should be included on the aviary list. I'm not sure if Vincent knows about it however when going back through the archives, Laura asks Vincent about the murder of Ira Einhorn's girlfriend (Einhorn was Sarfatti's publicist). VB had this to say.

"Laura:This discussion is getting even more interesting. What do you make of Jack [Sarfatti], Doc Strange, having hung out with a number of these folks yourself? Even I have had a chat or two with Ira in his exile in France, and I'm convinced he murdered his girlfriend Holly. Was he programmed to do it a la Greenbaum (and what about the current mess with our Greenbaum gal out there?) and then, sincerely forgot it, or is he "in the know" about such programming, and using it to hide behind, knowing that there are "Manchurian Candidates" out there - but he isn't one of them?

Vincent: Hoo boy, you do ask some serious questions!

Remember Fulcanelli's warning about the learned doctors of Kabbalah...?

Dr. S"

Fulcanelli : "Where does on find a Tiresias, a Thales or a Melampus? It is certainly not for the would be experts, whose illusory combinations lead to nothing concrete, positive or scientific, that I take trouble to write. Let us leave the Doctors of the Kabbala to their ignorance and return to our subject, which is represented hermetically by the oak tree"

Now we find that Krippner is associated with Puthoff through the Institute of Neuroscience and Consciousness as an advisor. Krippner is also on the Sarfatti mailing list. He's also involved with the American Society of Psychical Research which someone important (maybe Bigelow) is involved with.

There is more, much, much more. Looking into Brother Blue from the Sarfatti list I managed to track down came across a most wonderful website via archives which ties up a few loose ends. Scientology, Crowley, UFO's, Enochian, Psi Tech, Remote Viewing etc etc take a look this is truly amazing. It's a little dated and misses some key players and recent developments but it is very, very good.


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:04:31 EST
Subject: Re: The psi network


L: Your friend has merely tapped into the new wave of the Stargate Conspiracy. These are the people who, under the direction of William Irwin Thompson and L. Rockefeller, are creating a new religion based part on physics and part on new age hooey. This is an extension of the group I once told you about.

J R is also very likely one of this group (funder) Braden, who is a nice guy and an old friend is also an ex drunvalo man so he is hiding back there somewhere.

VB was, possibly, once on the outskirts of this group. But his appearance and arrogance would have made him a fringe member at best. I am convinced that VB was watching the activities of this group. He saw their interest in Tenen, Winter and myself in 1996. First he tried Winter but Stan stopped it all in its tracks. Next he went after me. Why? Because he was trying to work his way into the group. By finding good info, giving it to the group and then publicly destroying that info he thought that they would pat him on the head and say 'good boy.' The group still rejected him for the above reasons (these are very wealthy people and they like class)!

VB was a grifter trying to reach into the big group. He saw you and grifted onto you because he thought that the group did not appreciate AMET. But they did like parts of AMET but my past made them afraid to talk to me (thank goodness). VB was already out of the picture again until he saw you.

But what he saw about you was not the C's as much as it was Ark. They very likely believe that Ark is an infiltrator or spy of some type. I am also sure that they think you are channeling Set. He is their master and they are very interested in hearing from him and getting his instructions etc. Drunvalo and JR as well as many others have tried to get into contact with the big reptile but he usually won't answer.

Other agencies are very likely interested in you because they think that you may be giving secret instructions through the channeling to agents in eastern Europe. The question becomes this: why is this brilliant scientist interested in a woman who channels aliens from C?

This is why you are targeted. By being so open you will bring further pressures on yourself. Now you know why there are secret societies. They are not there to keep secrets, they are there to let the members go on learning without the masses (asses)? killing them. Jesus, Pythagoras, Hypatia and many others suffered the fate of murder for being open.

The only reason that I am still in the picture is that I am still communicating with you.

On the home front - VB is running scared, he wants to pay me my money, write me a letter of apology and blah blah. We will see. I may have to sign a letter saying I will shut up about VB. Until then I can say anything. That is why I am saying so much to you now. He is very afraid of me and thinks (with good reason) that he is about to be arrested.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: The psi network

Date sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:54:44 -0500

On 26 Feb 2002, at 11:04, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> On the home front - VB is running scared, he wants to pay me my money, write me
> a letter of apology and blah blah. We will see. I may have to sign a letter
> saying I will shut up about VB. Until then I can say anything. That is why I
> am saying so much to you now. He is very afraid of me and thinks (with good
> reason) that he is about to be arrested.

Hi, Well, it's very likely true. The FBI and the SBI in NC are involved at this point, as well as Bellsouth's investigative unit. Committing crimes via the internet constitutes Federal felonies and I don't think that his offer of a letter or money is going to save him either. It might even look bad. If you accept money under these circumstances, it could get ugly. The very fact that you might discuss it with him, he may try to use to implicate you when the hammer falls on him.

VB's biggest problem right now is probably the fact that hundreds of people are writing complaints about him and sending them to the above named agencies and, of course, said agencies are slowly swinging into action as a result of all those "squeaky wheels."

If he had two neurons in contact with one another, he would figure it out. He would remove our transcripts from his site, he would make sure they are removed from all other sites of his cronies; he would ask his pal Storm bear and all other members of his ranting team to sign letters swearing never to speak our names again.

Then, of course, there is the "Frank Scott" issue and VB's encouragement for him to claim "moral" copyright ownership. (A term which, in fact, only applies to visual arts.)

Since the pressure is building over his little illegal activities, (some of which you know about), and a few well-to-do folks are presently involved in working to make sure that the FBI and SBI DO go after him, you would think that he would cease and desist ALL activity that relates to us at all.

We ARE NOT going to remove our report about him. We are not going to compromise on truth.

But if he ever got a clue about the fact that he just keeps shooting himself in the foot with every move he makes and decided to clean up his act, reform his lifestyle in terms of thinking that it is his "mission" to "liberate" our material from us, or to support that embezzler and coat-tail rider Scott, the one thing that would result would be that there would be no longer any further impetus for the ongoing digging into his background, his activities, and the regular reporting of every move to the above named agencies.

But, actions speak louder than words. He has written his cheap apologies a dozen times, at the same time his cronies have flamed and libeled - usually within the same hour.

It is a group activity of theft, fraud, libel, and felonious and fraudulent internet hacking, CC fraud, and just a whole host of fun activities those people are up to. And every move is being watched and reported. And will continue to be as long as there is a "planetirland," a "cassiopaea cult survivor" rant, and a ""

He already has a lot to worry about. Sure, he's worried about your "testimony" against him. What he isn't telling you, however seems to be rather interesting.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: The psi network

Date sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 12:01:41 -0500

On 26 Feb 2002, at 11:04, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> But what he saw about you was not the C's as much as it was Ark. They very
> likely believe that Ark is an infiltrator or spy of some type. I am also sure
> that they think you are channeling Set. He is their master and they are very
> interested in hearing from him and getting his instructions etc. Drunvalo and
> JR as well as many others have tried to get into contact with the big reptile
> but he usually won't answer.
> Other agencies are very likely interested in you because they think that you may
> be giving secret instructions through the channeling to agents in eastern
> Europe. The question becomes this: why is this brilliant scientist interested
> in a woman who channels aliens from C?

Hi again,

Actually, the above is what VB and others would like to "spread" as part of the disinfo process. The facts of their interests are quite different and quite telling. And, in fact, as I am writing the "adventures," I am going back into email files from the past five years or so and pulling out correspondence from numerous sources - and the revelations of what the real agenda are actually were quite stunning. You see, VB was only the last in a long string of similar types...

If you had read my autobiography - the book VB tried so very hard to get hold of, you would realize something. They can't kill me, and they can't co-opt me.

What are they gonna try next?


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 13:37:44 EST
Subject: Re: The psi network



Okay. I am just telling you what they are thinking. If VB is emulating this then that proves who he is. I don't think that you are a channel of Set, they think you are. VB thought that you were. God doesn't speak to us in words only in signs. Set chooses words. That is why they are interested in you.

I was the one who gave VB 'The Stargate Coinspiracy'. He thought that you were part of it and he wanted into that group. I realize that now. He told me once that you were 'in' with Sarfati, who is very likely a member of the Stargate.

These are desperate men who have given their souls over to an entity that they have created with their own lies and deciet. They think that every channel is a direct line to the unholy one.

I am trying to be clear as I can with you. I do not mean to hurt your feelings. I am just telling you the truth as I see it. Believe me - I am right far more often than I am wrong about these matters. They think that you are in communication with a spirit that will give them some kind of advantage in this world. As Set is the ruler of this world they think that you are in communication with him. Now they believe that you have wronged Set in some way and that he is no longer talking to you. They also believe that this guy "Frank" is possibly the real channel. They think that you are distancing yourself from the channel and now they are attempting to destroy you. Frankly they would have succeeded until I came into the picture and confused everything.

They had already destroyed me so I had nothing to lose by attacking them in concert with you. While I had originally considered that you were a channel for Set (as were ALL channels, I thought) I now see that you are a peculier blend of scientist, mystic and seer. If you are an experiment (and you might be!) then you are resisting the machinations very well.

Is Ark a spy? I don't know. I have known plenty of spies and agents for various agencies and Ark fits into a certain niche I will admit. It is more likely that he is a 'useful idiot' (This is their term not mine). This is someone who is being carefully watched and tapped to see what he is coming up with. They then use the research with out the U.I. ever knowing what is going on. I am sure that I have been a U.I. myself several times, which is why I have gone silent. Hoagland also is an U.I.

As for VB, he has sold a lot of books without paying any taxes as he does not have a tax ID #. This is one of numerous ways to destroy him.

He was trying to get into the satanist club. He turned all of the info on Hendaye into a Satanist working. He thought you had a beeline to the gold of Satan. Do you understand what that means? Do you know why he never reveals the secret of Rennes le Chateau even though he keeps promising to deliver? It isn't the light masters who live in the south of France. It is their exact opposite!!!!!!!

You were leading him, and them, to the place where it is. But the C's never revealed it. I don't know if they really knew and didn't say (it seems that way) or if they never knew it. When VB told me that you had moved to Marseilles I thought that you were in France searching for the gold. Like Otto Rahn, before you, you were (unknowingly) leading the dark masters towards their ultimate goal.

I hope that I am not pissing you off. I am trying to be as straighforward as I can with you. I would bet a couple grand that I am right about all of the above.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: The psi network

Date sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 16:27:12 -0500

On 26 Feb 2002, at 13:37, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> L
> Okay. I am just telling you what they are thinking. If VB is emulating this
> then that proves who he is. I don't think that you are a channel of Set, they
> think you are. VB thought that you were. God doesn't speak to us in words only
> in signs. Set chooses words. That is why they are interested in you.

Well, strangely, that makes sense. It makes sense why the C's do NOT answer many questions and instead, simply suggest a line of research, or give "green language" clues.

> I was the one who gave VB 'The Stargate Coinspiracy'. He thought that you were
> part of it and he wanted into that group. I realize that now. He told me once
> that you were 'in' with Sarfati, who is very likely a member of the Stargate.

That's one of the interesting things I am about to write about in the "adventures" series. As it happens, we were "baited" into the Sarfatti gang... Ark was on the list for a long time, we observed, he contributed a little in terms of math, but gradually, we saw it as a "vacuum cleaner" operation, and began to drop a few "useless clues" just to watch them scramble around. In assembling my chronology for the adventures, I realized that VB wrote to ME within two months of Ark's first couple of posts on Sarfatti's list. In fact, Ray Flowers was the "handler," looking at it in retrospect.

> These are desperate men who have given their souls over to an entity that
> they have created with their own lies and deciet. They think that every
> channel is a direct line to the unholy one.

I believe it! Geez!

> I am trying to be clear as I can with you. I do not mean to hurt your
> feelings. I am just telling you the truth as I see it. Believe me - I am right
> far more often than I am wrong about these matters. They think that you are in
> communication with a spirit that will give them some kind of advantage in this
> world.

Sure. I have the proof of it in the mirror session where VB tried to pull that "command and demand" routine. Only it just didn't work. I'll have to send it to you and you will see.

>As Set is the ruler of this world they think that you are in
> communication with him. Now they believe that you have wronged Set in some way
> and that he is no longer talking to you.

They are so fulla bulla that it is almost comical. Talk about your Warner Brothers imaginations.

>They also believe that this guy
> "Frank" is possibly the real channel.

Well, maybe he is. To Set, that is. But we have pretty well figured out that the Set gang has lost something and the problem is, because of frequency, they cannot "find" or "see" it. They need a very special person to "see" or find it. And it seems that only "non-selfish" energy fields can do this.

So, the end result of trying to use "Frank" for this will be their mutual destruction.

>They think that you are distancing
> yourself from the channel and now they are attempting to destroy you. Frankly
> they would have succeeded until I came into the picture and confused everything.

Well, actually, you may have a point. There WERE other options, but they weren't precisely attractive. I hate pouring money out to attys. Our legal ownership of all our material is 100 % tight, so that's not an issue. The more time goes by that "Frank" violates our copyright, the more damage we will assess at the point we file suit. And frankly, we are just waiting for his mother to die to do it. He is her heir, and once she passes away, the attorney will take the case on percentage rather than us having to pay him up front. So, there is a method to our holding back on this.

But, in terms of just simply putting the truth out there in cyberspace, your participation has been invaluable. And not just to us; we are still getting letters from others who thank us for having the courage to make waves.

> They had already destroyed me so I had nothing to lose by attacking them in
> concert with you.

I don't think they have destroyed you at all. See above. You are probably gonna end up sort of a folk hero when it's all over.

>While I had originally considered that you were a channel for
> Set (as were ALL channels, I thought) I now see that you are a peculier blend
> of scientist, mystic and seer. If you are an experiment (and you might be!)
> then you are resisting the machinations very well.

Must be genetic ... (smile!)

> Is Ark a spy? I don't know. I have known plenty of spies and agents for
> various agencies and Ark fits into a certain niche I will admit.

Well, the one thing that suggests he is not is the violent way "Frank" reacted to him when he appeared on the scene... "Frank" did NOT want any "interference" in his work to extract the "secret" from me (even though if it is there, it is so deep in my subconscious even I don't know what it is).

>It is more
> likely that he is a 'useful idiot' (This is their term not mine). This is
> someone who is being carefully watched and tapped to see what he is coming up
> with. They then use the research with out the U.I. ever knowing what is going
> on. I am sure that I have been a U.I. myself several times, which is why I have
> gone silent. Hoagland also is an U.I.

Well, Ark agrees with you. And if, as the C's suggested, many things were done at different points in time in our lives with full knowledge of the present circumstances, that suggests that the whole thing has been aimed at destroying both of us - you and others as well - in order to prevent something that might very well spoil the plans of "Set," as you like to call him.

> As for VB, he has sold a lot of books without paying any taxes as he does not
> have a tax ID #. This is one of numerous ways to destroy him.

I would say go ahead and report it. I think that several people on the group have already suggested this and some of them may already have done it. Fact is, noting his actions in regard to Stan, there is no doubt that any agreement with him would be instantly violated by him the instant it suited his purposes. What's more, he would find some way to use it to get you dirty.

> He was trying to get into the satanist club. He turned all of the info on
> Hendaye into a Satanist working.

Sure the heck did, didn't he? It just made me sick. I have the emails I wrote to him right after reading the first parts of the book. I couldn't even read past the first two chapters because I was SOOOO disappointed. He had presented himself to me as a real academic, a journalist with a level head and who was able to see through nonsense, and here I was reading all this magickal nonsense.

Well, of course, I just shoved it under the rug and thought "okay, I'll give him the clues we have and he will be able to figure it out, or we will all figure it out together." I'm not stingy, I like to share.

But he apparently had another agenda. And apparently I was pretty naive all along.

>He thought you had a beeline to the gold of
> Satan. Do you understand what that means?

Well, we aren't interested in any gold. We are interested in discovering whatever is necessary to help humanity, or that portion of humanity that is asking for help, for whatever reason, and under whatever circumstances are in our future. We aren't sure about a lot of things, but we have certainly received much Divine guidance and protection. I wonder if VB ever thinks about that part of it? That if he has chosen the "wrong side," then nothing he does will work? He should have figured out by now that we will not be intimidated. We will not give in to threats or abuse, or any of that sort of thing. There is such a thing as PRINCIPLE and I guess that people like us don't much care about death of the body as long as the principle is preserved.

>Do you know why he never reveals the
> secret of Rennes le Chateau even though he keeps promising to deliver? It isn't
> the light masters who live in the south of France. It is their exact
> opposite!!!!!!!

Well, I already figured that out. C's even pointed it out. Very interesting series of comments.

> You were leading him, and them, to the place where it is. But the C's never
> revealed it. I don't know if they really knew and didn't say (it seems that
> way) or if they never knew it.

I'll send you the session with the mirror where he tried to get it. There was another session where I think that the C's gave him deliberately misleading clues.

>When VB told me that you had moved to Marseilles
> I thought that you were in France searching for the gold.

Why in the world would he say we had moved to Marseilles???? What a bizarre thing to say! Good grief, we are listed in the phone book here and anybody can call and get us on the phone.

>Like Otto Rahn,
> before you, you were (unknowingly) leading the dark masters towards their
> ultimate goal.

Funny, I had the strongest feeling about the Arlington Road Scenario after VB's first visit here. I even wrote and told him that I was sensing something that didn't feel quite right, and quoted that movie as the closest example I could give of what I felt was going on where he was concerned.

You see, he kept trying to compare his "survival" to my own. Well, I KNOW why they don't kill me. But I couldn't figure out how, if he knew so darned much, they didn't just off him. He spent a lot of time working on that detail in an effort to put my suspicions to rest. But it never made sense.

> I hope that I am not pissing you off. I am trying to be as straighforward as I
> can with you. I would bet a couple grand that I am right about all of the
> above.

Well, sometimes truth hurts, but if that's what a person is after, they have to pay the price for it. That's VB's problem. He can't bear the truth because it is too painful.

Well, it's an interesting conundrum for sure. I think it's gonna get even hotter after my next adventures page...


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Drunvalo and The Aviary

Date sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 20:41:34 -0500

Further commentary from group members on the Drunvalo connections:


Don't get too hung up on the Aviary thing. It's a useful starting point but if you've read the brother blue site, he describes it beautifully.

"An ad-hoc dysfunctional family of disparate military/intelligence sp00ks who share an interest in UFOs and parapsychology yet often work at cross-purposes and frankly don't even get along with each other all that well. Extremely weird birds."

but then there's this

"An important link in the communication chain between the civilian population and the intelligence community in regards to UFO matters is what has become known as the Aviary. This is the final link next to the public network, and so it must be heavily disguised by its own surrealistic smoke screen. The Aviary functions best by amplifying people's own misconceptions about the paranormal. It does this by helping to overinflate individual pieces of the puzzle so that particular investigators get pushed further into their own blind alleys"

What I've found is that the UFO research is a nightmare to get through. When I was researching if any site I came across had UFO Area 51 etc etc I ran like hell. There have been a few exceptions being one of them as Bruce McAbee aka Seagull (as in gullible) posts regularly..

What I have noticed is that most of the reasearch of these leading edge groups is on CONSCIOUSNESS. Even Paul Allen from Microsoft is getting in on the act.

Sure NIDS says it is chasing UFO's, cut the orifices out of a cow on a ranchers farm in Montana, get the media call and then go investigate their handy work in record time..Interesting article I came across about the Bigelow ranch which forced a rancher to sell using the same methods. There were reported UFO sightings near the ranch but I have a feeling it is more to do with the ley-lines etc.

Puthoff plays along with Sarfatti coming up with an energy system for UFOs whilst bending bolts with the penguin on the NIDS ranch.

Laurance Rockefeller sets up another seagull in the form of John Greer. Greer goes around chasing UFO's whilst Rockerfeller funnels money into his Human Potential Foundation with John Mack, Bob Collins (Aviary)as Director employing the services of Psi Tech(penguin on the board) a remote viewing company finding out what distasters will occur in the future....... mmmm this time machine business sounds like a possibility.

Meanwhile "they're" taking the remote viewing material one step further getting into remote influencing. Why have the mess of the Greenbaum experiments and the memories which can be recovered by hypnosis when you can do it in real time?

Having said that Drunvalo has CIA ties, see my post on strange bedfellows. Whilst you're at it look up Drunvalo super ionised water which may explain your USA chemtrails thing.


------- End of forwarded message -------

Continue with the Wiley Correspondence


See also:

Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
Psychotherapist? Or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit)

The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence

The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence



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