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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 4


As I said, at the time, I didn't know how subtly our thinking can be controlled by our chemistry. I only knew that I wanted to find out if I was making a big mistake; was I misjudging Frank because of emotion? Was I being unfair? Shouldn't I discuss it with others and discover if my thinking was askew? It was so shocking a thing to be going along one day thinking that a person was a higher spiritual being having trouble adjusting to the real world, and in a single instant, suddenly seeing everything completely differently.

Naturally, Terry and Jan and S** were anxious for Frank and I to reconcile. While they were very shocked by the turn of events, like all of us, they encouraged forgiveness and forgetting. And truthfully, I was beginning to believed that this was the proper course of action myself. After all, it is what we are raised to believe in. The "normal" chemicals began to take over, and being reminded by my friends of all the good times we had experienced, it was easy to begin to forget that moment of clarity.

But, meanwhile, just in case, we decided to continue the sessions without Frank even though we knew we would have to go through the "tuning" process again to some extent. These sessions were not included in the transcripts because they were, for the most part, about Frank (naturally). And even though they were not as "smooth" as we would have liked, having become very accustomed to fast paced dialogues with the C's, it was clearly evident that the ability to make the same connection was present. And again, we were confirmed in our opinion that the C's and Frank were not one and the same.

During the course of this experimental work, we received what I perceived to be a frightening message from the C's telling us that there was grave danger around Frank and that "agents" of some kind were involved. It was difficult to determine from the responses if the danger came from Frank, or if the danger was to Frank. Because of the return of my rose-colored glasses, I decided that it was most likely that Frank was in danger, that he was being stalked and/or used by agents unknown, and that his very life was in peril.

Well, that was all it took to galvanize me! Even if I was mad at him, I had spent so much time and effort keeping him alive that I wasn't going to let anything happen to him now! I asked S** to deliver a message to him to call me since he no longer had a telephone where I could leave a message. I heard nothing for several days, and my concern mounted by the hour. I was practically frantic to make sure Frank was okay. Finally, I asked S** if she had actually even talked to Frank and after some very confusing exchanges, Frank arrived at my door and was welcomed like the Prodigal Son.

We all sat around and discussed the matter at some length, the end result being that Frank noted that S** had been the only one present at the time he "acted strange." He then claimed that he had, indeed, sent a conciliatory message to me through S**. This was troubling, because I had never received it. Frank's conclusion was that there was some "controlling" influence there, and the implication was, of course, that S** was to blame for the problem!

I didn't see how it could be possible, but I wasn't in the mood to doubt Frank now! S** was such a simple soul, always helping out and with a truly generous and giving nature. But there it was. I had sent a message, she had not delivered it as I sent it (or so Frank claimed), and he had sent one back (he claimed), that had not been delivered to me, of that I was certain. I was really becoming confused and uncertain. Just what was going on here? And naturally, we decided to ask the C's.

April 15, 1995
Frank, Laura, Terry and Jan

Q: (T) Good evening.  Who do we have with us tonight?
A: Good evening!
Q: (L) Who do we have with us tonight?
A: Shoura.
Q: (L) And where are you from?
A: Not from, but you know as Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Alright. Long time, no see!
A: Oh yes!
Q: (L) Did we communicate with you when it was just S__, Terry and Jan and I?
A: Fragmented.
Q: (L) But it was you, fragmented?
A: Some.
Q: (T) Not all of it was you?
A: Like conflicting signals on radio.
Q: (T) Should we continue working with changing people on the board so that we can all work on the channel so that the channel will open for all of us?
A: Vague.
Q: (J) Do you recommend switching people on the board?
A: We recommend that which you feel is best.
Q: (L) Now, the pressing question: What has been happening to us?
A: We have warned repeatedly of attack!!
Q: (L) Was this ordeal we have just gone through an attack?
A: Of course.
Q: (L) What made us vulnerable?
A: Your work.
Q: (L) Was there anything having to do with any one of us contributing to this vulnerability?
A: Open.
Q: (J) Was anything that happened conscious with anyone?
A: Is this your inquiry?
Q: (J) Yes.
A: Then answer from within.
Q: (L) That doesn't help. A** said that, even as a kid, she could have straightened it out between us without even trying.  (J) Well, maybe S__ just wasn't cut out to be a mediator.
A: Okay.
Q: (J) What were the intentions of this attack?
A: S__ is insecure. Have you not noticed?
Q: (J) Yeah.  (T) But insecurity is not a problem as far as that goes.
A: Problems are according to circumstances.
Q: (L) Well, that still leaves us in a bit of a quandary...
A: Do you employ a maid to fly a passenger jet?
Q: (T) So, the wrong person was doing the wrong thing. It wasn't her fault.
A: But relaying of messages is sensitive issue.
Q: (J) There is a clue there. Who indicated that she should relay messages between you and Frank? (L) Nobody, I guess.
A: Was spur of moment "flow." Plot course carefully, so as not to run aground.
Q: (T) We are doing Chinese fortune cookies tonight.  (L) Well, I still feel a little bit hurt that everything I said was simply not understood and that the things Frank said, had they been conveyed exactly as he said them, would have brought the problem to an immediate halt. What should have been repeated was not and what should not have been repeated was.
A: True. Attack is most purposeful! Watch all portholes.
Q: (L) So, in other words, S__ may have been an instrument of attack unwittingly?
A: Close.
Q: (L) The other night when we were working without Frank, we got some information that indicated that Frank was in danger via the government. Is that true or was that true?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) What is the source of this danger?
A: Source?
Q: (L) I mean like, the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, or what?
A: Not initialed as such.
Q: (L) Is this physical danger or just harassment danger?
A: Mind attack for purpose of self-destruction.
Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done to shield against this kind of attack?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What can be done for shielding?
A: Knowledge input on a continuous basis.
Q: (L) And what form should this knowledge take? Does this mean channeled information, books, videos, what?
A: All and other.
Q: (L) A specific other?
A: Networking of information now, warning!!! All others will very soon experience great increase of same type of attack, two of you have had episodes in past from same source for similar reasons, but now your association puts you in different category!! Remember all channels and those of similar make-up are identified, tracked, and "dealt with."
Q: (T) Which two have experienced similar types of attack?
A: Up to you to identify for learning.
Q: (J) I'm pretty sure I'm one of them because I have been way down mentally and emotionally. (T) Is Jan one of the two? (J) I know I'm one.
A: Suicidal thoughts?
Q: (L) Have you had suicidal thoughts?  (J) No. (T) Not me. (F) I have had them constantly. (T) Laura, did you? (L) I was pretty damn low. I wasn't contemplating suicide, I was just thinking how nice it would be if we could just turn out the lights and end the illusion. (T) Okay, so we have identified the two, you and Frank. (L) So, in other words Jan, it is going to get worse. (F) Didn't they say two others? (L) I guess they are saying that a similar thing can happen. (T) If we don't work together on this, we are going to lose the whole thing. (J) Okay, ask about the card reading Terry did tonight? (T) Was it accurate?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Was the reading referring to the same thing you are now referring to?
A: Close.
Q: (T) So, we have the knowledge and all we have to do to prevent the attacks from being nasty?
A: You do not have all the awareness you need! Not by any means!
Q: (J) Is one of the reasons why this whole thing between Frank and Laura happened to show us that we could establish, albeit a very weak and very jumbled, connection with the channel without Frank's presence. A sort of verification of the channel's integrity. Was that one of the byproducts of this, or one of the purposes of it?
A: Byproduct is good way of putting it. Remember, all there is is lessons.
Q: (L) The attack was more internal in terms of doubt, not only of the channel and the information, but of the very foundations of existence. I mean, the realization that we may not be at the top of the food chain was shattering. (T) That snowballed on its own once the initial conflict was established. (J) Maybe the way to look at it is: yes, we went through all this crap, and you and Frank went through all this anguish, but maybe one good thing that came out of it, and maybe wasn't intended, was the fact that yes, we were able to see that there is a channel separate and distinct from all of us. It is not dependent on any one of us to be present. Yes, we do need to have all of us together for optimum contact...
A: All are able to channel, but practice is required to establish the same extent of grooving but be aware of ramifications!
Q: (L) What ramifications?
A: Observe Frank.
Q: (T) We are observing you. (J) Yeah. And? (F) I think what they mean is, when you can channel as I can, because I channel almost continuously, this has a good side and a bad side. Now, the good side you know. The bad side you don't know. The bad side is very hard to live with. I cannot even describe the state of my mind. (L) I would like to have practical advice and guidance on what we can do to fend off or prevent psychic attack. We know that knowledge and awareness is important, but any words of wisdom or advance things that can be given would be appreciated.
A: Daily prayer helps.
Q: (L) Is there anything you wish to tell us before we shut down for the night?
A: Reread information given about attack warning and discuss amongst yourselves for strengthening of learning and knowledge base for purposes of protection and ultimately, survival!!

The fact that the responses relating to S** did not conform to Frank's opinion of the situation, suggests that the session was uncorrupted by his emotional input. Even if we were discussing human relations which was a subject so often skewed by his emotional prejudices, he was contrite and subdued. What went right over our heads, however, was the fact that the C's gave us the answer right there and then! They said: Attack is most purposeful! Watch all portholesÄ All others will very soon experience great increase of same type of attack, two of you have had episodes in past from same source for similar reasons, but now your association puts you in different category!! Remember all channels and those of similar make-up are identified, tracked, and "dealt with." All are able to channel, but practice is required to establish the same extent of grooving but be aware of ramifications! Observe Frank."

Frank had, of course, quickly identified himself as having had "suicidal thoughts." But in retrospect, the context of "episodes in the past," as it applied to myself, was a very long time in the past - many years previous. And in fact, as we later discussed this, it turned out that very much the same type of attack in the past had occurred to Terry. In point of fact, Frank's claims to be "suicidal" were, for the most part, if not entirely, a means of controlling others.

"Attack is most purposeful. Watch all portholes. Practice is required to establish the same extent of grooving. Be aware of ramifications. Observe Frank."

And we didn't even see it.

Continue to Chapter 5

The owners and publishers of these pages wish to state that the material presented here is the product of our research and experimentation in Superluminal Communication. We invite the reader to share in our seeking of Truth by reading with an Open, but skeptical mind. We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We DO encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. The one thing we can tell the reader is this: we work very hard, many hours a day, and have done so for many years, to discover the "bottom line" of our existence on Earth. It is our vocation, our quest, our job. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit, if not now, then at some point in one of our probable futures.

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