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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 7


I hope everyone enjoyed Castaneda's chapter on Petty Tyrants. And now I will tell you that, in contrast to the 3 email complaining that the subject was not worthy, we have also received dozens of others from readers who are suddenly "seeing" the petty tyrants in their own lives. What is important about this subject is that the "petty tyrant" dynamic is the fundamental "feeding" mechanism of 3rd density, and as such, is the "real reason," or the psychological reason that is the interface between the Theological Drama and the events of our lives. Don Juan has just told a story that caricatures the interaction so that we can "recognize" the chief features easily by association.

Just to review the "classifications" of petty tyrants, Don Juan tells us that the "primal source" of energy, or the ruler of the universe, is The Tyrant. This resonates with Gurdjieff's Sufiesque idea that our world is run by an "Evil Magician." It also fits with the C's presentation of the STS hierarchy that dominates our world from 4th density. It is in comparison to this Matrix Control System, The Tyrant, that even the worst of the despots and authoritarians of our reality are "Petty Tyrants." These Petty Tyrants would be someone such as Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Torquemada, and others with the power of life and death over other people. Below them are the "minor Petty Tyrants" who do not have the power of life and death over others, but who do persecute and cause misery, or who are exasperating and bothersome, as Castaneda phrased it. These are "little petty tyrants" and "teensy weensy petty tyrants."

Don Juan then tells us that the "little petty tyrants," are further subdivided into four additional categories: one that torments with brutality and violence; another that does it by creating unbearable apprehension through deviousness; another which oppresses with sadness; and the last, which torments by making warriors rage. What we will be noticing is that the same Petty Tyrant can, at different times, operate through any of these modes.

And of course, the purpose of the petty tyrant in our lives is to teach us detachment. It is a challenge to deal with impossible people, but by doing it, we acquire sobriety and serenity. In short, out of the fire comes light.

Don Juan described the steps of utilizing a Petty Tyrant to achieve a state of expanded consciousness. The first step is to consciously decide to seek Truth. As Gurdjieff noted, the question must be a "burning one." Neo, in the Matrix, had a "thorn in his mind." The C's have said that it is a result of being "at that point on the learning cycle."

The next step is to change one's views about themselves and the world. This means to no longer accept the party line of the Matrix, and to begin the work of digging beneath the surface. This process reveals to the seeker that there is evidence everywhere of the hyperdimensional reality in which our own is embedded. Once this realization is made, the individual must decide if they wish to access that reality, or if they are simply content with the present one. The Matrix presented this as choosing whether or not one wishes to take the red pill, or the blue pill.

This is, essentially, the choice to become a warrior. A warrior, in mythical terms, is an individual who is capable of self-discipline and control over himself because this is what is necessary to take the next step of becoming a person of knowledge. This is knowledge that is only accessible by integration of the higher mind into the 3rd density reality. This then becomes the mustard seed of the growth of the self INTO 4th density whereby the knowledge can be directly accessed. Unfortunately, this understanding has been seriously derailed by many New Age teachings wherein the "intelligence of the heart" has been completely twisted to mean "feelings" or "emotions" or "love."

Gurdjieff describes this process as "fusion." He remarks that inner unity is obtained by means of "friction," by the struggle between "yes" and "no" in man. And this is where we find the usefulness of the Petty Tyrant. Petty Tyrants produce friction in our lives. They are annoying, irritating, aggravating. They can drain our energy with their demands on our time and attention through the hooks of pity and manipulation. They can lie about us, have fits and give performances of righteous indignation that is based only on their own illusions, violate our privacy, our Free Will, and just a host of fun activities. But, what is important is that they are like sparring partners who teach us forbearance and timing. Of course, that is not their intention. But as Mephistopheles told Faust, "I am he who constantly intends evil, yet does good."

The machinations of STS in our world are like that. The Matrix, the Predator, the Evil Magician, the 4th density STS Control System, by whatever name you call it, intends to drain us of our energy, use us for food, and manipulate us for further purposes unknown, and they do it through STS agents: Petty Tyrants.

Thus it is that in our "sparring practice" with these Petty Tyrants we are enabled to take the fourth step: to become SEERS.

And here we don't mean a psychic who looks into a crystal ball. The meaning is one who SEES what is real.

And so it is that when we discover a Petty Tyrant in our lives, a strategy is necessary to induce them to spar with us, a systematic harassment that not only engages them, but also causes them to expose themselves for what they are to other people. In this way, not only are they helpful in honing our skills, they are rendered unable to inflict their tyranny on others.

Importantly, Don Juan tells us that Forbearance means holding back with the spirit something that the warrior knows is rightfully due. It doesn't mean that a warrior goes around plotting to do anybody mischief, or planning to settle past scores. Forbearance is something independent. As long as the warrior has control, discipline, and timing, forbearance assures giving whatever is due to whoever deserves it.

A key fact to remember is this: in the deepest sense, we are NOT sparring with an individual, it is with a program, it is with the "Agents of the Matrix," or the "mechanicalness of the world," or the 4th density controllers pushing the buttons and pulling the levers behind the scenes. As Paul wrote:

"For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, contending only with physical opponents, but against the despotisms, against the powers, against the master spirits who are the world rulers of this present darkness; against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly, supernatural sphere..." [Ephesians 6:12]

And in the dynamic of Castaneda's account of dealing with the Petty Tyrant, we discover how it is that Knowledge Protects. Give the lie what it asks for: Truth.

Continue to Chapter 8

The owners and publishers of these pages wish to state that the material presented here is the product of our research and experimentation in Superluminal Communication. We invite the reader to share in our seeking of Truth by reading with an Open, but skeptical mind. We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We DO encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. The one thing we can tell the reader is this: we work very hard, many hours a day, and have done so for many years, to discover the "bottom line" of our existence on Earth. It is our vocation, our quest, our job. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit, if not now, then at some point in one of our probable futures.

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