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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 10


I was just a trifle unnerved to think that somebody out there wanted me dead.

Ark's arrival in the U.S.A. on my grandfather's birthday - the second Wilbur: It was exactly two years to the day from the episode of the "Two Wilburs" and the two copies of Velikovsky. We had two months to be together before he had to return to Europe to fulfill a series of obligations that had long been in the planning stage. During this two months, he was required to be in Gainesville doing research. This presented certain difficulties for us since it was only natural that we wanted to spend as much time together as possible.

My mother lived with us, and this ameliorated the problem somewhat. Without her presence with the children, it would have been impossible for me to even consider spending several days a week away from home. We worked on the schedule and it was set up so that we could go to Gainesville on Monday mornings or late Sunday nights, and then drive home on Thursdays or Fridays, depending on the activity. One of the first items we had on our list of things "to do" was to buy my eldest daughter a car so that during any period of time that we were gone to Gainesville, there would be a car at home for the use of the family.

We had promised my daughter that she would receive a car as a graduation gift. She had worked very hard, and completing her first year of college classes at the same time that she finished her last year of high school under a special program for gifted students. She had also held down a job for the same period of time, so she had more than proven her responsibility. We went car shopping.

Since we aren't rich, we had set a limit on how much we were going to spend, and we wanted to find the best buy for our money. We also wanted to make sure that whatever we found, we could buy it outright because I didn't want her to be burdened with making a big car payment every month. She had worked hard enough that I thought she ought to be in a position where she could just finish college and not worry about having to work full time to pay a car loan.

We had already been looking and test driving cars for weeks before Ark arrived and had narrowed our search down to a couple of dealers who seemed to be where the best buys were to be found. As it happened, on this particular day when we were ready to make a purchase, they had just put a nice little candy-apple red Volvo out on the lot. My daughter fell in love with it. The only problem was, after we dickered through the cash bargaining process, it was still half again as much money as I had allotted for the purchase of a car. Ark thought she ought to have it and so he paid the difference out of his own pocket.

Fine, everything was settled. And it was a good thing, because as things turned out, the attack forces began to try to hit us through the children. The Volvo saved my daughter's life. But, we will get to that.

Having spent over two days on trains and planes to get here, Ark was totally exhausted, but we decided to have a session anyway. Ark wanted to "meet the Cassiopaeans." It was also my 45th birthday. Frank was in rare good humor when he arrived; Ark's presence was a confirmation that the Cassiopaeans were a "valid source," and of course, this was going to contribute immeasurably to his cachet as a New Age star once everyone acknowledged him as The Channel. Of course, I only see this in retrospect. At the time, I just thought he was happy that the group was expanding in such an amazing way.

Whatever Frank's motives and agenda, the C's themselves were happy that Ark had finally made it through the red tape to get here. Ark, on the other hand, was the scientist examining up close a new phenomenon about which he was very curious, but regarding which, he also had many doubts.

February 12, 1997
Q: (L) Alright, questions...
A: You are the one has the questions!!
Q: (L) Me?
A: Did we mean singular? Or plural?
Q: (L) Ask a question. (A) Me? I didn't think about a question... I can't think of one...
A: Arkadiusz, you have racing thoughts, thus making you tired and wide awake at the same "time."
Q: (A) Yes...
A: We see those thoughts... Be not reluctant to seek relief. A question not asked leads to a problem unresolved, as all your many years of training, education, research, and networking have taught you.
Q: (A) My first question is: I want to understand what is this "predestined mission," what it consists of?
A: It consists of following the path that has confronted you.
Q: (A) Okay...
A: We do not tell you of your predestined mission, because then it is no longer "predestined." You learn by experience, and as you sense, you are on the threshold of a rather profound experience.
Q: (L) What kind of experience? (A) Yes! What kind?
A: We could well ask you the same!
Q: (A) So, we don't know what kind of experience...
A: Yes we do!!
Q: (L) We who? We here or we/you on 6th density?
A: What do you think?
Q: (L) Quit teasing me! (A) What do I think? Okay... (L) Is this experience going to be something that involves interacting with external sources, an internal experience, a learning experience, can you give me a hint here? (A)Yes...
A: We would prefer Arkadiusz ask these questions... We were always most impressed with his skills in this area. Do you remember being caught in a cold rain on the "long walk," and how through your upset, you had an insight that "opened a new door?" We remember 1966 as a turning point. Well, this is another, Arkadiusz, and the emotions feel strangely familiar, but this time you have the aid of others on 3rd density.
Q: (A) Um hmm. I would like to know if physics is of any use, or if this is something completely different. I am supposed to concentrate upon what WE are supposed to concentrate on, and does this require abilities in physics or some completely different abilities?
A: Can you not combine?
Q: (A) Okay. I could combine. But what are the other abilities? I have no idea.
A: Not so, my Arkadiusz. You have reluctance, much like a small child learning to walk. But no lack of ideas. Before, when fear crept into the picture, you had the wisdom not to "look back," even though you had the temptation to do this. Look what has happened!
Q: (A) Okay, I don't believe there are any dangers because I think I know how to avoid danger; I think they are illusions. I don't want to be... I just... I don't believe them. I'm safe. I don't believe that there are dangers which I do not see. Now, are there any dangers that I am not aware of? Something new?
A: It would be nice if those on third density could always be aware of all dangers which exist, but, then again, the learning would be hindered, would it not?
Q: (A) Okay. It is nothing. Essentially nothing. They are just avoiding answering questions. This much I could explain myself. I asked if there was anything new, anything that I am NOT aware of!
A: You are presently in less danger because of your physical locator.
Q: (A) Okay, so that's new. Why?
A: Why, you ask? Well, because the grooved vectors of attack for you lie in the locators where you have established your principle connections.
Q: (A) I want to know if they can tell me what I should really do during these two months that I am supposed to be here? That I should work on this problem of phase of the wave... of whatever wave... electromagnetic or gravity or whatever... phase... phase...
A: The answers for this connection will come to you with surprising clarity, and will "unfold in front" of you with greater and greater intensity with each passing day.
Q: (A) Okay. Very good. This is something that will be going on. (L) Then why did you ask? (A) Because I thought that there would be.... (L) Because you thought they were going to just hand it to you on a little silver tray... (A) No, no, no! I wanted a hint! But there is no hint! (L) Well, they did say "unfold" and "in front of you." (A) Sure! In front of me and not behind me! (L) Well, let me ask: is there a hidden meaning in those terms? Unfold in front?
A: Maybe.
Q: (A) There are clues in front of me. Waiting for me. Very good. Perhaps I should not ask any more. Okay, I pass. Because there is nothing complete... I mean this was a complete question. I thought that there would be a complete answer.
A: You hold back questions which you would love to have answered. The clarity of the response is based upon the level of specificity of the question!
Q: (A) So, they are asking me what are these questions. Genes, unified field theory, relativity and time. Okay ,those are the questions. What else. On the one hand, it looks like that what one needs is to do something clearly spiritual. To be spiritual and one doesn't do this by equations and mathematics. And the suggestion was, and what I understood was, that there is no use for physics or mathematics... (L) Who said that? Not the C's! They have said that mathematics is VERY important! (A) Yessss...okay. This is what they said. But when I asked them what kind of mathematics... they said something which... I mean, the technical answer to this question... (F) Well, maybe if they gave you answers that did not make sense at first, you ought to examine it further and you may discover important lying under there. It's like a treasure hunt. Buried treasure. We don't learn if they just give us answers. Yes, they may be very specific, and maybe more specific than we think. But, the answers in and of themselves have to be examined very closely. (A)Umm hmm. (L) Let me ask a question. Earlier they said something about being on the threshold of an experience. And now they say something is going to unfold in front of you. Are the two response "threshold" and "unfold in front of you," connected?
A: Of course!!!
Q: (L) Okay, he is on the threshold of some kind of experience. Is there some way that we might identify this experience? Is it going to be so outstanding that you can't miss it? Or, is it going to be something that you have to pay attention to or you might miss it?
A: What does "threshold" imply?
Q: (L) Well, a door. It's a door. Does this mean he is going to go through a door, psychically, spiritually, physically? Going to someone's house?
A: It does not just imply a "door," but also one's positioning, and a sense of inevitability.
Q: (L) Is there something I can do to help?
A: Have you not helped already?
Q: (L) But, I mean specifically in this "threshold" and "unfolding" experience?
A: Yes! And, by the way, Arkadiusz, science is most spiritual indeed!
Q: (L) Well, considering certain other elements, I was just wondering if our pathways are supposed to now be parallel or diverge... how they relate from this point...
A: Seems to us that your pathways are intertwining!
Q: (L) The use of the word "intertwining" is curious. You used that in regard to the relationship between EM and gravity. Is there a parallel?
A: If you wish.
Q: (L) Well, I am tired, Ark is tired, so is there anything further you would like to tell us this evening?
A: Combine energies in pursuit of answers, and the rest falls into place.
Q: (L) One last question: you say "combine energies." Is there any reason why this will facilitate the pursuit of answers?
A: Complementary souls.

The last two answers say it all: Combine energies in pursuit of answers, and the rest falls into place. [This will facilitate the pursuit of answers because the two of you are] Complementary souls.

In retrospect, it is clear that this was the beginning of the implementation of the learning that would lead to the unfoldment of the mission, whatever it is and however it is supposed to manifest. It is also clear in retrospect that the C's intended for us to understand that Frank was not a part of it, that his function of "awakening my sense of recognition" had been fulfilled, and it was time to move on.

But neither of us was wanted to do this. We continued to try to shove it under the rug and maintain the status quo. I wanted Frank to be happy with us, to have a place in our lives and work. But over the next two and a half years, the C's repeatedly gave hints and urged us on to other things, and only in retrospect do we understand what they were trying to tell us. For example, just ten days after the first session where Ark was first physically present, the following remark was made:

A: Bio and cyber/genetic humanoid types now increasing exponentially in general population. You may have already encountered one or two during the past 10 days.
Q: (Laura) You, who? You, as in me, you as in Frank, who?
A: Reflect upon activities, and power and influence centers for answer.

In its context, there is no other explanation than that the C's were referring to Frank and had used this mode of delivery to try to alert us, even if we would only realize it now. The exact number of days between the sessions was ten, and the C's specified the ten day period. When we reflected on our activities and "power and influence centers," there was no "real world" application for this remark. But in retrospect, Frank's behavior as a channel, in terms of the "well-pipe" function, acted as an agent for STS "power and influence centers," and our activities in interacting with him during that period of ten days (the two sessions), is the only thing that fits. The only question in my mind is: does this mean that Frank is a cyber/genetic humanoid? As we go along, I will show where the clues were given that this is, in fact, the case. But one step at a time. We were learning, and it took time.

Little by little, step by step, the seeds of the clues were being dropped into our minds. But for the moment, we were only interested in that very short two month period that we had to be together before a six month separation that I knew was going to seem like six years.

Continue to Chapter 11


The owners and publishers of these pages wish to state that the material presented here is the product of our research and experimentation in Superluminal Communication. We invite the reader to share in our seeking of Truth by reading with an Open, but skeptical mind. We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We DO encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. The one thing we can tell the reader is this: we work very hard, many hours a day, and have done so for many years, to discover the "bottom line" of our existence on Earth. It is our vocation, our quest, our job. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit, if not now, then at some point in one of our probable futures.

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