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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 13


Of course, by the time we knew her, all that was in the past. She had long been disassociated with them, had gone to school to become a massage therapist and had become actively involved in the local metaphysical community. She had experienced an "awakening" and "conversion," and her declared form of service was to be a part of our group.

But still, as Frank pointed out, she could talk about mayhem and even murder in the most disconnected way imaginable. It was as though she had no emotion about it at all! This was VERY disturbing. Frank pointed out how on the several occasions when he had asked her questions about her experiences, rather than seeing them as dreadful, she talked and laughed about some of them, and she never seemed reluctant to talk about it at all! Frank drove home the point that this simply did NOT mesh with her "reformed" persona. How could someone decry the extermination of roaches, and pass off the murder of human beings as though it were nothing?

I had no answer.

But Frank did. He was convinced that this was the root of any problems with the group. It was S** who was to blame for attitudes, atmosphere, strange connections that are too numerous to describe. But, most of all, it was now clear that this was the reason the Cassiopaeans would not be as forthcoming in her presence as they had formerly been. It also explained the reason they had changed the subject when I was talking about the Coral Castle and, instead, brought up the fact that S**'s background was unusual... all were clues for me to pick up on, designed to not violate my free will.

And exactly like the guy in Pam's shop, no sooner had we discussed it, than something manifested to "explain" it or counteract what we were thinking and talking about. During the trip up to Gulf Breeze, all of a sudden, S** was a literal bundle of emotions. She more than made up for all the emotions she had never displayed before all in a three day period. It was as though she had been able to hear our thoughts and was now counter-acting them.

The thing that never, ever occurred to me at the time was the fact that Frank was the only one who was physically present at each conversation, following which the "Matrix" did its little two-step shift.

Tom French and Cherie Diez met us in Gulf Breeze for the conference. When we arrived after a trip that was probably more exhausting than driving up in the van would have been, we settled in our rooms and went looking for Tom and Cherie. There was a bulletin board in the hotel lobby where Tom had left a message for a rendezvous, and we made our way to the vendors to unload a stack of magazines to our friend who promised to distribute them.

Having done that, we attended a few lectures, met Tom and Cherie for lunch, attended a couple more lectures with Tom and Cherie, and at the end of the day, everyone went out on the beach for a "UFO watch."

I have read that people who have visited all the most famous beaches in the world say that the beaches along the Florida panhandle are the finest in the world. I have to agree. They are absolutely gorgeous.

But, no UFOs showed up, and we finally retired for the evening, Frank to his private room, and S** and myself to our shared double room. I was soon asleep. And then, the dream.

I dreamed that there was someone far away, in a room full of people who were planning to do something to harm him, only he didn't know it. I tried to get his attention and signaled that he should meet me in the next room. He followed me in there and I told him that I was afraid for his safety. He told me not to worry, that he would be all right, and that I should go back home and wait for him because as soon as he could make the arrangements and extricate himself from this danger, he would come to me. And then he kissed me. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I most definitely felt that kiss.

The only thing I can say about it is that it was like being Sleeping Beauty and being kissed by the Prince, because I WOKE UP. Not just figuratively, but literally, too. I woke up and sat bolt upright in bed with the sensation of having been kissed still on my lips. I stared around the unfamiliar hotel room in bewilderment and heard S** snoring lightly. I reached up to touch my lips with my fingers as if by doing so I could detect some trace of who had kissed me. But there was nothing, no clue. Just an incredible feeling that something amazing had just happened. I laid back down and went back to sleep. I dreamed again. This time, I was with the man who had kissed me, though again, I couldn't see his face. In the dream, my then husband came to me to ask me to come back to him, and this other man put his arms around me protectively and said: "She belongs to me. She always belonged to me. You were supposed to protect her until I came, and all you did was hurt her. Now go!"

At breakfast I shared the dream with S** and Frank, and later told it to Tom and Cherie. I still had the sensation on my lips of having been kissed.

The flight back was a real doozie. We went through a major thunderstorm that there was no way to fly under, over or around. We just had to brace ourselves and the plane bucked like a bronco. I had to laugh because this was only the third time I had ever been on a plane in my life, and Frank had spent hours before the trip recounting all his memorable flights and how much he loved to fly. And now, he was popping motion sickness pills, looking as green as a tree frog, and I was having the time of my life.

Curiously, S**, who had been so terrified of getting on a plane on the trip up to Gulf Breeze, just slept through the whole thing. And lest you think I am exaggerating, at the end of the flight, even the Captain was green as he stood there shaking everybody's hand on their way out. They were all thanking him for still being alive!

After we were back from the trip, V** came over and we decided to ask about this situation since she was there to take notes.

Q: (L) The first inquiry I have is our situation relating to SV, and the different clues that we have received, and the different observations that I have made myself, and the discussions or the networking interactions that we have had
on the subject. Can you tell us anything in a general way, or do we really have to ask specific questions about the subject?
A: SV is storehouse of vital information, clue for you was in name, but you failed to notice!
Q: (L) OK, but SV...
A: This is why the frustration is for you; nothing of value
comes without a price!!
Q: (L) Number one, SV has lied to us. Number two, it seems that she began to demonstrate emotional affect, after we had discussed the fact that there was a serious lack of emotional affect after you had told us that these robot people are people who spend a lot of time alone and have...
A: The price, my dear, continues...
Q: (V) By continuing the relationship?
A: The Nordic Covenant was a duality.
Q: (L) SV comes from that area where that Nordic covenant, what is it, Minnesota, she's from Minnesota?  Oh, I never made that connection!  Holy Frijoles!  'Nordic Covenant was a duality' ... so, when you made mention of the Nordic Covenant, and the banking scandal, was that a double-layered statement to us?
A: Maybe, but you are missing the point!  All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centers, can be of darkness, or of light... SV is of Teutonic bloodline leading directly to such super power source such as Thule Society and others, and she is aware of her powers and mission.  It is of positive orientation.  However, you are being tested by 4th through 6th density forces to determine if you have the strength and wisdom for continuance!
Q: (L) The whole thing just doesn't make sense...  I mean, with that nasty red aura she has...
A: Red aura needs much further study on your part.  Your sources for such information could be deceiving you.
Q: (L) Well then...
A: And we are the Cassiopaeans, but it is of your will to live as you desire.
Q: (L) Well...  Then why was she told by you guys, that if she didn't do certain things that it would lead to her total undoing?
A: Go back and study that message again, with assistance of tape, and with mind open to all angles.  Check intent, however, malice is in absence.  Notice the difference.  The duality of covenant!!!
Q: (L) Well, Frank is of Nordic extraction.  Is he a member of this covenant, also?
A: Maybe.
Q: (F) If so, it's news to me. (Laughs) (L) Do you say she is aware of her mission?
A: Some are.
Q: (L) Is her mother something in the way to block her from performing her mission?
A: Mother is inconsequential.
Q: (V) Her mother, her adopted mother... inconsequential. Ok, so does...
A: Curious how background is murky, yes!
Q: (L) Yes, that is curious. (V) Something tells me that this can go further... (L) Well, yes, but they were also talking about her birth, and her adoption, and all that kind of thing in another session. Stuff that's so unclear, she doesn't know anything about it, and claims she doesn't.  So strange... Is SV a 'walk-in?'
A: Not correct terminology.
Q: (L) Well, then what is the correct terminology? What is    SV?
A: Birthright.
Q: (L) Now, what does that mean?
A: Discover.
Q: (L) Are you saying that when we make mention of the Nordic Covenant and the Thule Society, that there's some possibility that SV has been programmed, or has layers of programs, and that some part of her program knows what she's doing, and maybe other parts don't?
A: Yes, but this is not a negative thing.
Q: (L) Okay, now let me go a little bit deeper.  Could SV be what you described as a robot person, but programmed for a positive purpose?
A: No, robot "people" do not have bloodlines.
Q: (L) So, this is something that's programmed genetically in a bloodline?
A: Not exactly, those that have the bloodline have the corresponding soul alignment.
Q: (L) We are talking about a genetic bloodline that activates certain abilities and genes that interface with the corresponding soul that has prepared for this manifestation of the bloodline?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there any significance to the fact that SV spent all of those years living with the Outlaws Motorcycle gang and this covenant?
A: Yes, and that is what has led and is leading to the destruction of the "Outlaws," a group associated  directly with 4th density STS.
Q: (V) Her presence there caused them to break up?  This was a good thing. Is this what is meant here?  That her presence was uplifting to them? (L) Well, it's not uplifting them, it's breaking them; they are all going to jail!
A: Yes and because of circumstances planted by "Agent SV." This is why the perceived lack of emotion connected with that whole situation.  Vitale is the bravest human you have ever known!  All evidence to the contrary is veil; part of the testing process.
Q: (L) If we're being tested,  why are you telling us? (V) So that you do not fail?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is SV aware that this is going on?
A: Vital that you do not fail.
Q: (V) Is SV aware that ...
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Is there a pivotal word that might break this open to a clearer understanding?
A: Discover.
Q: (L) Now, when we were flying back home, and we were flying through that storm, was that storm, which began before we left, and we flew through it on the way back, was that a byproduct or bleed through of a battle between the forces?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was it trying to harm us in any way, because we had to fly through it, and couldn't fly over it? I mean, even the pilot was worried, and he had been flying for years!
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What brought it to an end?
A: Vitale. Notice how "unaffected" she was?!?
Q: (L) I told you that the whole thing about being scared was a fake!  (F) Yes, she was scared on the way up, when there was nothing to be scared of, and on the way back, when we were bouncing around like a pinball in a pinball machine, she's sleeping, I'm getting sick, and Laura's going 'Ride em, cowboy!!!!' [All laughed] (L)  Ok, so how are we supposed to react to this situation?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) OK, we knew that was coming.  It wouldn't have been a good night without it! (V) Some things never change, huh? (L) Well Frank seems to think there's a whole lot more there in terms of background than she was letting on.  Is that correct?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Well, ok, I'm going to trust you guys, and I'm going to go with the flow, and I'm going to assume that you are right, and I'm going to assume that this is for the best and for the good, and I'm going to stop my knee jerk reactions, and stop worrying about such things.
A: Suggest you look before you leap.  All can be wrong in their quick judgments, whether the result be acceptance or rejection.  All is not as it seems... Remember, those that come into your group, or your circle of influence can be different than you think.
Q: (L) You said we were being tested.  Tested for what?
A: Continuance.
Q: (L) Continuance of what?
A: All.
Q: (L) Continuance of all.  Ok, and we are being tested
through SV?
A: Currently.
Q: (L) Are you saying that what we have been considering attacks were just tests?
A: The ones associated with Vitale.  And no, all with that name are not of this orientation, but this clue was installed for you.
Q: (L) Are you saying that SV is our 4th density Nordic? 
A: ?
Q: (V) Maybe just by the purpose of her being, she's vital
for you!

After the end of the session, I read over the notes quickly, and noted that, in response to my acquiescence to the idea that S** was a positive being exactly as the C's were saying,, the C's had said: "Suggest you look before you leap.  All can be wrong in their quick judgments, whether the result be acceptance or rejection.  All is not as it seems... Remember, those that come into your group, or your circle of influence can be different than you think."

I realized suddenly that their "high praise" of S** had been so exaggerated that I was supposed to catch the fact that the truth was the exact opposite of what the C's were saying. I knew that I was so uncomfortable with the situation that I simply wanted to find a way to bring our association to an end amicably and without any ugly confrontations. With those thoughts firmly in mind, I asked for the C's to come back and comment.

Q: Hello.  Are you there.  I am not comfortable with this information about SV.  It seems to be contradictory to everything I can observe and feel.
A: Hiklu Cassiopaea.  Worry not further!  Discomfort is not necessarily danger, and is indicative of growth and learning. So, proceed and celebrate!!

Apparently, I had "passed the test." But there were so many more yet to come!

I was beginning to get the idea that there was a lot being said to me that required study and contemplation. Obviously, getting the truth through the Matrix was not so easy. I was beginning to feel like a spy in enemy territory needing to decode messages that were double and triply encoded.

And it was Vital to succeed.

Continue to Chapter 14


The owners and publishers of these pages wish to state that the material presented here is the product of our research and experimentation in Superluminal Communication. We invite the reader to share in our seeking of Truth by reading with an Open, but skeptical mind. We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We DO encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. The one thing we can tell the reader is this: we work very hard, many hours a day, and have done so for many years, to discover the "bottom line" of our existence on Earth. It is our vocation, our quest, our job. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit, if not now, then at some point in one of our probable futures.

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