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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 18


But here, in considering Charles and Diana, we have an archetype of a man who may never be king because he has "killed" the queen. And the queen symbolizes the source of knowledge, light and life. Whether it is conscious or not, this is the essential imprint that will form in the minds of the people; to the destruction of the institution of the monarchy in England.

Thus, we see from the clues, the signs, the synchronicities, that the death of the Princess of Wales, Diana-Artemis - was undoubtedly chosen by her before the birth of her soul into the body of Diana Spencer. It was only a potential - but became a reality as each decision was taken by those around her. It is part of a Grand Pattern - a symbol of the Stupendously complex Mystery, designed to awaken THOSE WHO KNOW. We are grateful. We wish her GodSpeed in her flight to the Stars to become a member of the Court - Tuatha de Danaan.

Ark, of course, had his own theory about the death of Princess Diana.

To Laura
Date sent: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 14:56:13

And after Mother told me the news version of the Diana death I am more convinced that the "Scorpio's theory of Diana death is true".

Scorpio's theory is this: there was a little plot to replace the chauffer by a security man. This security man was totally controlled and chemicals were injected before suggesting he was drunk at the time of the crash. Mind control devices were used to brainwash the car passengers. Who was behind the plot? Perhaps it is better not to know and not to want to know. Why? Too many reasons. Will it cause decline of British monarchy? That I do not know. There are many factors and it is hard to guess which option will win. This is what comes to mind. That there is such a possibility.

To Ark
Date sent: Tues, 02 Sep 97 16:51:33

> I am more > convinced that the "Scorpio's theory of Diana death is true".

Well, I think I agree, now that you put it so plainly. Especially considering the stuff in this book I am reading "The Messianic Legacy." Also, there was a lot in the Bramley book. Seems that there are a LOT of people who might be interested in the elimination of the British royal family - for varied reasons.

> Who was behind the plot? > Perhaps it is better not to know and not to want to know. > Why? Too many reasons.

I agree. The point is, I think, that this death is a "marker." It is symbolic and archetypal. I am not exactly sure of the precise dynamics, but it is very deep. And, once again we have an example of how "knowledge protects, ignorance endangers." This poor girl is dead and her poor children are without their mother. And that cowardly nincompoop she was married to simply doesn't have a clue!

> Will it cause decline of British > monarchy? That I do not know. There are many factors and it > is hard to guess which option will win. > This is what comes to mind. That there is such a possibility.

I think it is almost a certainty. Why? I am not sure either. There is whoever is behind the creation of the "Prieure de Sion," which is more of a "front" organization designed to lead people astray; and there is that bunch of Lunatics that Bill Mann is hanging out with - the Sinclairs - who have their agenda which is to say that they think that one of THEM ought to be king...

I think that the archetypal "Priest-King" is an important concept, but I don't think that it can necessarily be hereditary. The Tibetans have a good idea with the Dalai Lama. He is just a symbol, more or less, but they replace him by searching for the "incarnation." The British royal family has produced so few - if any - significantly beneficial monarchs, that it is almost like a family of idiots. They have been, in general, morally bankrupt and intellectually deficient as a whole, not to mention arrogant and absurd in their eccentricities! The whole concept is, in my opinion, a joke. I even had a dream one night about Queen Elizabeth - I told her that I could not allow my children to play with hers because her children were corrupt!!!

So, this poor Diana was drawn into this nasty mess and it certainly killed her!!!

Anyway, I am still reading this book. Seems these guys came to much the same conclusion about the Prieure de Sion that I did... though there are some FUNNY elements to the story. Seems they have had a couple of similar experiences to mine, only they know NOTHING about other density manipulation, so they are only baffled and impressed! I see immediately that they are being led astray by this confusion!

Now, I hope you can get our Diana page up today. Now it is a HOT topic and will bring a LOT of people to the C's pages. If you don't have time, tell me what to do the make a header, change the color... add a counter and link back to the main page... etc. I do think we ought to put the Percy Lion on there.... offset the header to the left and put the image of the lion on the right...

Because, as I am reading this book, the "Scorpio Theory" is making a LOT of sense. Only I can't see the objective yet. I think that we can believe Roosevelt when he said that "nothing happens by accident." And just see things as intended, and then try to extrapolate backwards.

I am even wondering if this Sinclair bunch that Mann is connected to is involved? Even if as only another "false clue" to lead people astray. This is what MOST of this stuff is!

Continue to page 135

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