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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 22


At this point, I noticed that Nick Herbert was on the Sarfatti discussion list, and I thought that this was really synchronous. Back in 1985, when I was doing the research for the first version of Noah, I had read Herbert's book "Quantum Reality." He seemed to be someone who might be able to answer my questions about Cosmic Metamorphosis, so I had written to him, and we exchanged several enlightening letters via snail mail. Several years later, due to my relationship with Keith Laumer, I had occasion to chat with a well-known fantasy writer whose books cover entire walls of book stores. We engaged in a long correspondence that covered all the years prior to, during, and after the Cassiopaean contact, right up to the time of my divorce, at which point I stopped answering his letters because I was just too depressed. Shortly after, Ark found me, and I was too busy to write. At the time of the Santilli session, I wrote to the fantasy books author and shared this info with him, and a couple of physics questions came up in our debate. I decided that since Nick Herbert had been so kind as to answer my naïve questions several years before, that he might be a good one to ask to settle the hash. So, I dashed off a letter to him, mentioning the discussion I was having with the writer.

As it happened, Nick was a real fan of this writer, and he was more than happy to help with my questions if only I would help him get an autographed copy of a book to give as a gift! I was more than happy to introduce him to my writer friend, and they had a nice little correspondence, I assume.

So, here was Nick on Sarfatti's list. What a coincidence!

Well, Ark and I were both a bit curious about Jack Sarfatti and just exactly what this list was supposed to accomplish. I figured that Nick wouldn't BS me, and he sort of "owed me" a favor, so I wrote to him to ask for the "inside scoop" on Sarfatti, as well as to discuss some other interesting items that had come up in his remarks to the list. Nick wrote back:

On 18 Apr 99, at 16:50, nick herbert wrote:

First: I have been associated with Jack Sarfatti for a very long time. In my opinion he is a third-rate physicist with a tremendously overvalued sense of his own worth plus a lot of passion. He is indeed a con man but one that fervently believes in his own con--hence very persuasive to those who know little physics. I do not think that there is any deeper conspiracy behind him (Jack would like to think so). He is just a childish bozo--charming in short doses, boring after a while. I stay in touch with him because I am in love with novelty and he has sometimes turned me on to new paths I would not otherwise have travelled--including perhaps this one.

Second: thank you for your part in connecting me with [name deleted]. It enabled me to give one of my Muses a unique "magic" gift for her birthday.

Third: My basic general hunch about psychic experiences of the sort you mention is that the self and the environment are not as separate as we usually assume.

I have also had uncanny erxperiences where the (conventionally) "outside world" seemed to reflect what was going on "inside my mind". Jung write about similar events under the name of "synchronicities" and by providing such a label perhaps encouraged us to pay more attention to the possibility of such self/other indistinguisabilities. A very good book on this topic (with lots of examples of synchronicities) is "Science, Synchronicy & Soul-Making" By Victor Mansfield.

Fourth: I believe that the really New Science of the 21th century will truly begin when we learn how to AMPLIFY the magnitude and extent of these accidental connections with nature. I call this new science Quantum Tantra and fancy myself its prophet much as Frances Bacon was a forerunner of Newtonian physics.

Fifth: I have not yet written a book on alchemy (tho I believe it features the same assumption as quantum tantra--that the chemist is not separated from the chemistry: are there reactions that only work if you pray?). Perhaps this book is waiting for us somewhere in the future.

Sixth: Some of my work is alluded to on my website. I will be giving a presentation of Quantum Tantra at Henry Dakin's Lab in San Francisco on May 25 Sponsored by the long-running Psychic Research Group. This work is so new and so far removed from conventional notions of science that I mostly keep to myself and my favorite Muse--the Pacific Ocean--trying not to contaminate my thinking with too many old notions.

Let's keep in touch. I'm sure we all have parts of the puzzle but I fear that a very large piece (or pieces) is still missing and at present NO ONE can make a coherent picture--let alone a science of what we know now.

Continue to page 185

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