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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea








Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 27

The last twenty years have seen an explosion of evidence that earth has often encountered objects that profoundly alter our environment. For instance, it is now commonly accepted that an impact with a large object in the Gulf of Mexico caused the extinction of large dinosaurs - a theory considered bizarre and irresponsible at the time Kacrowski studied the Bays.

Robert Kobres, an independent researcher in Athens, Georgia, has studied Carolina Bays for nearly 20 years in conjunction with his larger interest in impact threats from space. [...] The essence of Kobres' theory is that the search for "debris," and the comparison of Bays with "traditional" impact craters, falsely and naively assumes that circular craters with extraterrestrial material in them are the only terrestrial evidence of past encounters with objects entering earth's atmosphere.

Kobres goes a logical step further by assuming that forces associated with incoming bodies, principally intense heat, should also leave visible signatures on the earth. And, finally, that physics does not demand that a "collision" of the bodies need necessarily occur to produce enormous change on earth. To verify that such encounters are possible outside of the physics lab, we need look no further than the so-called "Tunguska event." [...]

At the epicenter of the explosion lay not a large crater with a "rock" in it, as might be expected, but nothing more than a number of "neat oval bogs." The Tunguska literature generally mentions the bogs only in passing, since Kulik failed in digs there to locate any evidence of a meteorite and went on to examine other aspects of the explosion. […]

Allow me to pass along the following accounts of legends passed down among Native Americans concerning the origin of the Bay lakes on whose shores they long lived:

"...kneeling at a sacrificial alter, she prayed to the Great Spirit to save the brave and her perishing people. After her invocation, a star fell to the earth, and rain soon followed. Days and days of rain quenched the fire. Great holes burned in the earth by the fire were filled, forming a great inland sea." [Algonquin Indian legend, Touring the Backroads of North Carolina's Upper Coast, p.268)]

Of Lake Waccamaw: "The local Indians are known as the "People of the Falling Star," and they believed the lake was created by a falling star, perhaps a great meteorite." [Waccamaw-Siouan Indian legend, Wild Shores, Exploring the Wilderness Areas of Eastern North Carolina. p.150]

It is perfectly reasonable to conclude that if such a cataclysm occurred during a known time of known human habitation on the North American Atlantic Coastal Plain (approximately 10,000 -15,000 BP) legends would be told to relate the horror to future generations.

Kobres and a growing number of other researchers have assembled a variety of accounts from around the globe describing tremendous cataclysms directed from above. From Chinese silks, to petroglyphs and the Holy Bible, hundreds of legends and holy scripts are easily interpreted as descriptive of comets and their sometimes awful consequences for the environment and humanity. The Carolina Bay event may well have only been one of many significant "impacts," though surely, due to its magnitude, it was the most significant in human memory.

William F. Prouty's (a former head of the University of North Carolina geology department) contention (1952) that the Carolina Bays were formed by an impact event has not been refuted by direct evidence nor has it been tested by more modern methods. Recently, however, several papers have been published that relate evidence which could be viewed as supportive of Prouty's hypothesis. For instance, P.S. Martin's "over-kill" scenario is in trouble due to finds of mammoths in Europe which date 5,000 years younger than earlier discovered specimens. This closes the gap between the youngest date for mammoths in America (10,500 B.P.) and for Europe (12,000 B.P.) to 1,500 years (see G.R. Coope and A.M. Lister, Nature Vol. 330, 3 Dec. 87, pp. 472-474)
[Howard, George A. The Carolina Bays:]

On the outskirts of Brno, Moravia, there is a quarry where workers uncovered the bones of a wooly mammoth. There, in the quarry, was discovered a 160 foot deep sequence of multiple soil cycles. Each climate cycle from warm to cold was expressed as a sequence of gradational soil types reflecting the change from a moist, deciduous forest to an arid, frozen tundra, cracked by deeply penetrating permafrost. Midway through each cycle, there are numerous bands of fine windblown dust delivered in what must have been monstrous storms of continental scale. Expert speculations suggest that this dust must have shrouded the earth for weeks or months at a time and must have produced a refrigerating effect on Europe's climate. In the colder part of each cycle, the environment had become so dry that even large rivers dried up.

It seems that the ice sheets that repeatedly advanced southward were accompanied by the development of vast, but temporary deserts throughout Russia and Ukraine, even extending into southeast Europe and to the shores of the Black Sea. Every passage back from freezing cold to warm was abrupt in every cycle.

Now, we could, of course, just think that these are uniformitarian cycles of climate change. But if we do that, then we have to admit sharply delineated cycles that go back and forth and that sort of goes against the whole uniformitarian world view. We also have to deal with the problem of the sudden reversals. That doesn't sound too uniformitarian to me. In fact, it sounds rather cataclysmic. Cyclically cataclysmic, I should add. So, even though we don't think that any sort of 10th planet sweeps through the inner solar system at 3600 year intervals, it definitely does look like something does! A lot of somethings, in fact. The only thing that seems to fit the observations of variation of effect, and even some variability of cycle, is clusters of comets or asteroids flung into the solar system by some body brushing the Oort cloud.

All of the evidence we have reviewed tends to suggest cyclical catastrophe in the form of swarms of comets or asteroids. It suggests that some of these catastrophes have been more severe than others for reasons about which we can only speculate. We also have come to the very unsettling realization that if this is the case, then we can place very little reliance upon our radiometric dating methods without full consideration for these factors. We also have the idea that such catastrophes could wipe out evidence of prior civilizations, leaving us literally in the dark about both what went before and what may come after. We have seen that there is evidence in our genetics that something very dramatic occurred 50 to 70 thousand years ago. We have seen that the "dating" methods say that this event occurred 35 to 40 thousand years ago. We can only explain this in terms of the above-mentioned problems with radiometric dating, as well as the "churning" factor of cyclic cataclysms. If the surface of the earth is violently shifted, stirred, heated, cooled, turned over, and so forth, on a regular cycle, there is almost nothing upon which we can securely hang any dates or conjectures about who we are, where we have been, or where we may be headed. It is a distressing, unsettling sensation to realize this.

Dr. Hapgood never used the word "Atlantis" in his book. He knew the value of his academic reputation and that he just couldn't go there. But that was not a problem for Erich von Daniken.

Von Daniken's book, Chariots of the Gods? came out in 1967 and proposed that the ancient portolans, side by side with other anomalies, suggested the presence and influence of extraterrestrial "gods" in ancient times. I find this to be a curious sort of "damage control" that attempts to support the uniformitarian hypothesis since it suggests strongly that mankind himself was incapable of creating an advanced civilization on his own.


Continue to page 246

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