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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea








Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 30

As we note from the remarks of Hedsel's teacher, the idea that there is "ancient wisdom" guarded by hidden custodians or Masters is often attributed to Helena Blavatsky. In fact, her disciple, Annie Besant, wrote a book about it. Thirty years later The Mahatma Letters - supposedly written by two of these "Masters" to A.P. Sinnett - was published. A careful investigation of the matters surrounding Blavatsky and Sinnett will bring the thoughtful person to the conclusion that they were either taken in by "wishful thinking," or were themselves part of some sort of disinformation campaign. Unfortunately, most so-called "occultists" have either knowingly or unknowingly relied upon the Blavatsky/Sinnett interpretations as foundations to their own ideas.

Joscelyn Godwin, in his books Arktos and The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, attempted to trace the threads of these ideas to the original sources. Geoffrey Ashe, in his book The Ancient Wisdom made a similar attempt with much better results. Earnest Scott in The People of the Secret states the problem as a legend that the ebb and flow of history are subject to purposive direction from a higher level of understanding, the process being manipulated by a hierarchy of intelligences - the lowest level of which makes physical contact with humanity.

We come now to Gurdjieff's comments about "planetary evolution," "secret schools," esoteric and exoteric teachings, in relation to our present subjects of Alternative 3 and the Secret Games of the Gods. In these remarks we will find, I believe, the Terrible Secret, the astounding revelation, the information, hitherto guarded jealously by the most enclosed of the inner Orders, the secrets pertaining "to a far deeper level of knowledge than has hitherto been made exoteric by the Schools - even in this enlightened age." Read it slowly; ponder it; reread it, and consider the implications of how the denizens of the Eighth Sphere might react to this revelation, how their "agents" among humanity might be manipulated to deal with it in order to conceal it, to cover it up, to distort it, to nullify it, and most of all, to make it come to naught.

Gurdjieff noted that standard scientific teachings tell us that life is "accidental." Such ideas fail to take into account the idea that there is nothing accidental or unnecessary in nature, that everything has a definite function and serves a definite purpose of Cosmic Consciousness. Gurdjieff then says:

It has been said before that organic life transmits planetary influences of various kinds to the earth and that it serves to feed the moon and to enable it to grow and strengthen. But the earth also is growing; not in the sense of size but in the sense of greater consciousness, greater receptivity. The planetary influences which were sufficient for her at one period of her existence become insufficient, she needs the reception of finer influences. To receive finer influences a finer, more sensitive receptive apparatus is necessary. Organic life, therefore, has to evolve, to adapt itself to the needs of the planets and the earth. Likewise also the moon can be satisfied at one period with the food which is given to her by organic life of a certain quality, but afterwards the time comes when she ceases to be satisfied with this food, cannot grow on it, and begins to get hungry. […] This means that in order to answer its purpose organic life must evolve and stand on the level of the needs of the planets, the earth, and the moon.

We must remember that the ray of creation, as we have taken it, from the Absolute to the moon, is like a branch of a tree - a growing branch. The end of this branch, the end out of which come new shoots, is the moon. If the moon does not grow, if it neither gives nor promises to give new shoots, it means that either the growth of the whole ray of creation will stop or that it must find another path for its growth, five out some kind of lateral branch. […]

If organic life on earth disappears or dies the whole branch will immediately wither. The same thing must happen, only more slowly, if organic life is arrested in its development, in its evolution, and fails to respond to the demands made upon it. The branch may wither. […]

General growth is possible only on the condition that the 'end of the branch' grows. Or, speaking more precisely, there are in organic life tissues which are evolving, and there are tissues which serve as food and medium for those which are evolving. Then there are evolving cells within the evolving tissues, and cells which serve as food and medium for those which are evolving. In each separate evolving cell there are evolving parts and there are parts which serve as food for those which are evolving. But always and in everything it must be remembered that evolution is never guaranteed, it is possible only and it can stop at any moment and in any place.

The evolving part of organic life is humanity. Humanity also has its evolving part. […] If humanity does not evolve it means that the evolution of organic life will stop and this in its turn will cause the growth of the ray of creation to stop. At the same time if humanity ceased to evolve, it becomes useless from the point of view of the aims for which it was created and as such it may be destroyed. In this way the cessation of evolution may mean the destruction of humanity. […]

[E]xamining the life of humanity as we know it historically we are bound to acknowledge that humanity is moving in a circle. In one century it destroys everything it creates in another and the progress in mechanical things of the past hundred years has proceeded at the cost of losing many other things which perhaps were much more important for it. Speaking in general there is every reason to think and to assert that humanity is at a standstill and from a standstill there is a straight path to downfall and degeneration. […]

[W]e see that a balanced process proceeding in a certain way cannot be changed at any moment it is desired. It can be changed and set on a new path only a certain 'crossroads.' In between the 'crossroads' nothing can be done. At the same time if a process passes by a 'crossroad' and nothing happens, nothing is done, then nothing can be done afterwards and the process will continue and develop according to mechanical laws; and even if people taking part in this process foresee the inevitable destruction of everything, they will be unable to do anything. I repeat that something can be done only at certain moments which I have just called 'crossroads.' […]

Of course there are very many people who consider that the life of humanity is not proceeding in the way in which according to their views it ought to go. And they invent various theories which in their opinion ought to change the whole life of humanity. […] All these theories are certainly quite fantastic, chiefly because they do not take into account the most important thing, namely, the subordinate part which humanity and organic life play in the world process.

Intellectual theories put man in the center of everything; everything exists for him… […] And all the time new theories appear evoking in their turn opposing theories; and all these theories and the struggle between them undoubtedly constitute one of the forces which keep humanity in the state in which it is at present. […]

Everything in nature has its aim and its purpose, both the inequality of man and his suffering. To destroy inequality would mean destroying the possibility of evolution. To destroy suffering would mean, first, destroying a whole series of perceptions for which man exists, […] and thus it is with all intellectual theories.

The process of evolution […] which is possible for humanity as a whole, is completely analogous to the process of evolution possible for the individual man. And it begins with the same thing, namely, a certain group of cells gradually becomes conscious; then it attracts to itself other cells, subordinates others, and gradually makes the whole organism serve its aims and not merely eat, drink, and sleep. This is evolution and there can be no other kind of evolution. In humanity as in individual man everything begins with the formation of a conscious nucleus. All the mechanical forces of life fight against the formation of this conscious nucleus in humanity, in just the same way as all mechanical habits, tastes and weaknesses fight against conscious self-remembering in man.

"Can it be that there is a conscious force which fights against the evolution of humanity?" [Ouspensky] asked.

"From a certain point of view it can be said," said G[urdjieff].

"There are two processes which are sometimes called 'involutionary' and 'evolutionary.' The difference between them is the following: An involutionary process begins consciously in the Absolute but at the next step it already becomes mechanical - and it becomes more and more mechanical as it develops; an evolutionary process begins half-consciously and conscious opposition to the evolutionary process can also appear at certain moments in the involutionary process. From where does this consciousness come? From the evolutionary process of course.

The evolutionary process must proceed without interruption. Any stop causes a separation from the fundamental process. Such separate fragments of consciousnesses which have been stopped in their development can also unite and at any rate for a certain time can live by struggling against the evolutionary process. After all, it makes the evolutionary process more interesting.

Instead of struggling against the mechanical forces there may, at certain moments, be a struggle against the intentional opposition of fairly powerful forces though they are not of course comparable with those which direct the evolutionary process. These opposing forces may sometimes even conquer. The reason for this consists in the fact that the forces guiding evolution have a more limited choice of means; in other words, they can only make use of certain means and certain methods. The opposing forces are not limited in their choice of means and they are able to make use of every means, even those which only give rise to a temporary success, and in the final result they destroy both evolution and involution at the point in question. […]

"Are we able to say for instance that life is governed by a group of conscious people? Where are they? Who are they? We see exactly the opposite: that life is governed by those who are the least conscious, by those who are most asleep.

"Are we able to say that we observe in life a preponderance of the best, the strongest, and the most courageous elements? Nothing of the sort. On the contrary we see a preponderance of vulgarity and stupidity of all kinds.

"Are we able to say that aspirations towards unity, towards unification, can be observed in life? Nothing of the kind of course. We only see new divisions, new hostility, new misunderstandings.

"So that in the actual situation of humanity there is nothing that points to evolution proceeding. On the contrary when we compare humanity with a man, we quite clearly see a growth of personality at the cost of essence, that is, a growth of the artificial, the unreal, and what is foreign, at the cost of the natural, the real, and what is one's own.

"Together with this, we see a growth of automatism.

"Contemporary cultures requires automatons. And people are undoubtedly losing their acquired habits of independence and turning into automatons, into parts of machines. It is impossible to say where is the end of all this and where the way out - or whether there is an end and a way out. One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.

"[A]s I pointed out before, the evolution of humanity can proceed only through the evolution of a certain group, which, in its turn, will influence and lead the rest of humanity.

"Are we able to say that such a group exists? Perhaps we can on the basis of certain signs, but in any event we have to acknowledge that it is a very small group, quite insufficient, at any rate, to subjugate the rest of humanity. Or looking at it from another point of view, we can say that humanity is in such a state that it is unable to accept the guidance of a conscious group."

"How many people could there be in this conscious group?" someone asked.

"Only they themselves know this," said G[urdjieff].

"Does it mean that they all know each other?" asked the same person again.

"How could it be otherwise?" asked G. "Imagine that there are two or three people who are awake in the midst of a multitude of sleeping people. They will certainly know each other. But those who are asleep cannot know them. How many are they? We do not know and we cannot know until we become like them. It has been clearly said before that each man can only see on the level of his own being. But two hundred conscious people, if they existed and if they found it necessary and legitimate, could change the whole of life on the earth. But either there are not enough of them, or they do not want to, or perhaps the time has not yet come, or perhaps other people are sleeping too soundly.[…]

Now, interestingly, this idea has repeatedly surfaced in UFO research and lore: the idea of mankind being "lunch" for the aliens. It is not quite that simple but the Cassiopaean source indicates that there is an energy that is released when the soul separates from the body and this is ostensibly the reason that higher density beings are often noted at times of great disaster and during wars; they are feeding on this awareness. Now, note, they are NOT feeding on the soul, but the energy of awareness! And, we have to look at the ideas of cyclic catastrophes in this light.

The Book of Revelation says:

"Then I saw a single angel stationed in the sun's light, and with a mighty voice he shouted to all the birds that fly across the sky, Come, gather yourselves together for the great supper of God, that you may feast on the flesh of rulers, the flesh of generals and captains, the flesh of powerful and mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all humanity, both free and slave, both small and great! ...and all the birds fed ravenously and glutted themselves with their flesh." (Chap 19, vs. 17, 18 and 21 excp., Amplified, Zondervan)

We now realize, of course, that we have found the answer to the questions we posed at the beginning of this chapter:

The question is, why? What, in the name of all things reasonable, would prompt anyone to wish to hide these matters? What kind of sick mind would divert the attention of humanity away from what is evident all over the planet to those with open eyes, and promote so assiduously ideas that mislead, misguide, and generally placate the populace into an assurance that either nothing is going to happen, or if it does, it will be preceded by a long period of approach by a body that is well organized and clearly seen?

Well, the clue is right there: "placate the populace." Control.

But, Heavenly days! What kind of lunatics would want to keep everything under control in that sense if they have some idea that they, themselves, might be destroyed in the very processes they are concealing?

Obviously, they don't think so. Obviously, they think they have a plan. And that suggests that, obviously, they know a lot more about what's going on, what the possibilities and probabilities are than the rest of us.

And we begin to have a glimmer of understanding of how Economics and Game Theory fit into the picture. It is by means of Game Theory strategies that control of Economics is obtained. And since in our reality, Money is Power, those who control the Economy control the world.

We begin to understand why members of the "Elite" on our planet, having been apprised of this fact, immediately went to work to discover the ways and means for their own escape. We understand why they funded Princeton and other institutions of higher learning, and why they imported all the brains on the planet, to put them to work to devise a method that could be activated at a certain point in time to transfer perimeters. We also begin to understand why they have made so concerted an effort to keep the masses of humanity deaf, dumb and blind: they are the sheep who will be the "food for the Moon" while the "Masters of the Game" escape.

Continue to chapter 31

The owners and publishers of these pages wish to state that the material presented here is the product of our research and experimentation in Superluminal Communication. We invite the reader to share in our seeking of Truth by reading with an Open, but skeptical mind. We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We DO encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. The one thing we can tell the reader is this: we work very hard, many hours a day, and have done so for many years, to discover the "bottom line" of our existence on Earth. It is our vocation, our quest, our job. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit, if not now, then at some point in one of our probable futures.

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