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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea








Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 31

If we consider certain of the remarks of the Cassiopaeans that I have included in this series, in the context of what Gurdjieff has said above, we come to the idea that the Cassiopaean Material is a work of the True Fourth Way. And, as such, it is naturally constrained by certain principles and understandings. However, we also realize that the forces of the "other side" are not so constrained. It is becoming more and more evident why I was kidnapped as a child in an attempt to install self-destruct programming, and locks on knowledge by an individual who was identified as being connected to an "economic legion." We realize now why Frank Scott was sent to destroy and/or derail me, and why, when he failed, an economist was sent to "scope me out;" and why, immediately thereafter, Maynerd Most was sent in, along with a supporting cast of players to make the next move in the Secret Games of the Gods: to attempt to either destroy the C's work, or us.

Now, let's talk about Game Theory and what kinds of minds develop and operate with these "rules." To me, that has been the most interesting question. What kind of person would think up something like that?

John von Neumann first wrote about Game Theory in the late 1920's. Since this issue of economics and its relation to Game Theory came up, I have been reading many of the original sources, and I was quite taken aback to read what Von Neumann actually proposed in his famous seminal work:

The purpose of this book is to present a discussion of some fundamental questions of economic theory which require a treatment different from that which they have found thus far in literature. […] They have their origin in the attempts to find an exact description of the endeavor of the individual to obtain a maximum of utility, or […] a maximum of profit. […]

We believe that it is necessary to know as much as possible about the behavior of the individual and about the simplest forms of exchange. […]

It does not seem to us that these notions are qualitatively inferior to certain well established and indispensable notions in physics, like force, mass, charge, etc. That is, while they are in their immediate form merely definitions, they become subject to empirical control through the theories which are built upon them - and in no other way. […]

The individual who attempts to obtain these respective maxima is also said to act "rationally." But it may safely be stated that there exists, at present, no satisfactory treatment of the question of rational behavior. There may, for example, exist several ways by which to reach the optimum position; they may depend upon the knowledge and understanding which the individual has and upon the paths of action open to him. […]

We hope, however, to obtain a real understanding of the problem of exchange by studying it from an altogether different angle; this is, from the perspective of a "game of strategy." […]

Let us look at the type of economy which is represented by the "Robinson Crusoe" model, that is an economy of an isolated single person or otherwise organized under a single will. […] The problem is to obtain a maximum satisfaction. […] Crusoe is given certain physical data (wants and commodities) and his task is to combine and apply them in such a fashion as to obtain a maximum resulting satisfaction. […] Thus Crusoe faces an ordinary maximum problem, the difficulties of which are of a purely technical - and not conceptual - nature. […]

Consider now a participant in a social exchange economy. His problem has, of course, many elements in common with a maximum problem. But it also contains some, very essential, elements of an entirely different nature. He too tries to obtain an optimum result. But in order to achieve this, he must enter into relations of exchange with others. If two or more persons exchange goods with each other, then the result for each one will depend in general not merely upon his own actions but on those of the others as well. Thus each participant attempts to maximize a function of which he does not control all variables. This is certainly no maximum problem, but a peculiar and disconcerting mixture of several conflicting maximum problems. Every participant is guided by another principle and neither determines all variables which affect his interest. [..]

A particularly striking expression of the popular misunderstanding about this pseudo-maximum problem is the famous statement according to which the purpose of social effort is the "greatest possible good for the greatest possible number." A guiding principle cannot be formulated by the requirement of maximizing two or more functions at once.

Such a principle, taken literally, is self-contradictory […] The general theory must cover all these possibilities, all intermediary stages, and all their combinations. […] Every participant is allotted a set of variables, "his" variables, which together completely describe his actions, i.e. express precisely the manifestations of his will.[ Von Neumann, John, and Morgenstern, Oskar, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 1953, Princeton University Press, Princeton.]

In short, Game Theory as applied to Economics is all about gaining control of the Free Will of others. It is, of course, "disguised" as "Economics," but as we all know, Money rules our world. As I continued to read, I couldn't help but recall:

Also he compels all, both small and great, both the rich and the poor, both free and slave, to be marked with an inscription on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that no one will have power to buy or sell unless he bears the stamp of the beast or the number of his name.

But isn't that from the Bible? Isn't that a prophecy of God? Isn't that a warning from the "good guys?"

The reader who is familiar with our series of articles about Who Wrote the Bible may already be formulating certain ideas. Others may have decided that even if we can analyze the Bible and determine how it was assembled and when, it doesn't detract from their beliefs in God as presented in the Bible. After all, God is more than the Bible, right? And faith in God is not dependent on the Bible, right?

What if that Bible, that system of understanding, was PLANTED via Time Travel as a strategic move in the Secret Games of the Gods? When we asked the question in the previous chapter about what a powerful elite under the control of Mechanical forces would do if they discovered what Gurdjieff revealed to be the TRUTH. And of course, covering it up comes immediately to mind. But, more than that, they would want to ensure that the "event" goes down in their favor. That means that they have to line up about 6 billion other people and get them to behave in a certain way at a certain point in time.

But manipulating vast masses of people is not as simple as organizing a croquet game. What is more, it's a one shot deal, and with that kind of money, they can buy all the brains they need to figure out how to make it stick. And so, we come to time travel. You have to manipulate the past to control the future. And that reminds me of something very significant that Gurdjieff said:

Shortly before his death, one of his students asked him: "Mr. Gurdjieff ... the 'I' which I am trying to develop ... is this the soul that survives after death?"
He waited a long time before he asked "How long have you been with me?"
"Almost two years."
"Too short the time. You not able yet to understand. Use the present to repair the past and prepare the future. Go on well; remember all I say." [Patterson, Ladies of the Rope]

And what would be the objective of time travel into the past in order to control the future? Well, the simplest way to do it would be to create a religion, do some miracles to make sure it "took," and maybe help your new believers out in destroying the opposition. But there is a more insidious reason for creating religions, as we will see in the following description of certain mind control procedures. When I first read the following segment, I had a huge "ahah!" in realizing that it was a model of how people are "driven" into the "religious fold" via hyperdimensional manipulation. Forget the use use of religion for control by top secret organizations - that's just the disinformation designed to distract our attention away from the hyperdimensional realities and blame everything on human agencies - and just think about the life pressures, the emotional manipulations from hyperdimensional beings, that can be brought to bear on a person to convince them that being "born again" is the answer and "faith" is the key. Read my own story, Amazing Grace, to see how these pressures were brought to bear on me, and how, at a certain point, I "followed the program," only in my case, the inner nature of questioning brought me out of it on the other side, wiser for the experience. But how many people do not have the courage to escape such controls?

So, keeping in mind that it is very likely a disinformation model of hyperdimensional control agendas, have a look at how religion is used as a mind control, social programming tool:

1.. The NSA's behavioral modification process starts with identification and qualification of the subject. The NSA used to choose subjects based on the subject's net present value to the agency in public visibility, financial resources, political clout, or other intelligence and counter-intelligence reasons. Additional considerations are given to minimizing security risks of exposure, the subject's posthypnotic suggestibility index, the subject's intelligence and reasoning ability, moral and superstitious beliefs, and the subject's social status and the weakness of the subject's primary support groups (family). Now a recent report referenced in the March 26th Business section of the Orange County Register from the National Sleep Foundation reports that 40% of Americans are experiencing sleeping problems. This news could indicate that the NSA is broadening its influence to the greater public. As explained below in this document, the NSA always starts its behavioral modification process with REM Deprivation.

2.. After selection, the subject is subjected to long periods of REM Sleep Deprivation and reinforced torturing posthypnotic suggestions that will breakdown the subject's will, confidence, self-reliance, and moral values. Meanwhile, the subject is increasingly isolated from their familiar and trusted peer groups causing the subject to experience depression, apathy, and ultimately social and financial failure.

3.. Typical posthypnotic induced delusions reported by subjects are tingling in various areas of the body, which are thought to be resulting from microwave beams. Hearing ticks thumps or cracks from walls, ceilings, clocks, lights, etc. Beliefs that the subject's neighbors are conspiring against them, or that the subject is being followed. Sometimes subjects believe that the various perceptions, feelings and experiences are the result of "Implants" in their body. It is important for the subjects to understand that the NSA controls this technology from nuclear hardened underground shelters and the neighbors next door have nothing to do with the subject's experiences. Nobody has the time or inclination to follow a subject around with a microwave gun to tickle various parts of the body.

We are saturated with microwaves all the time from television stations, communication satellites, etc. and yet we do not have any symptoms because microwaves do not have the ability to trigger localized synaptic responses in our brains. Furthermore, when the subject is in a room surrounded by several people, and the subject is the only one experiencing the "thoughts", tingling feelings, etc., then obviously a delivery method is being employed that affects only the subject; high-speed acoustic delivered hypnosis.

4.. After a while, the subject has an emotional breakdown and a new support group is built around the subject. The new support group is typically a church with doctrines centered in the Bible but the NSA also uses cults and other social groups. The NSA prefers Christian churches because the doctrines allow "God or Jesus to speak directly to the subject" and the negative reinforcement can be attributed with Satan and the positive rewards can be considered to be blessings from God thereby masking the NSA's technology and processes. When the NSA uses other relationships without in which the subject experiences a religious awakening and "Gives their Life to Christ" and the NSA achieves total control of the subject.

5.. The subject is slowly released from the damaging uncomfortable hypnosis and it is replaced with positive rewarding hypnosis as "God and Jesus works in their life". Soon, the subject has complete loyalty to Jesus (AKA: NSA) and will do anything on command from Jesus (NSA).

6.. The subject is required to give daily status reports in the form of prayers in the privacy of their home, office, or car where the NSA's electronic surveillance system captures and sorts the prayers by "Keywords". The NSA then delivers additional hypnosis in the form of punishments or rewards or directs the subject accordingly to "God's will". If the subject resist's the NSA's instructions, additional punishments are inflicted on the subject.

7.. The subject is institutionalized in this system where any nonconformances committed by the subject are watched, critiqued, and reported on through prayer by other "Christians" to the NSA. Thus, the new church peer group acts as a behavioral reinforcing mechanism that will bring any of the subject's problems to the NSA as they have been trained themselves (this is similar to the Nazi Gestapo of World War 2 and other fascist approaches).

8.. A subject that has successfully completed the NSA's behavioral modification program lives out the rest of their mediocre life in service to Jesus (NSA) and never causes any waves in the church or news media for fear of reprisal from the NSA. The subject's lives are relatively unproductive because their focus is on their "Life after death" and not what they accomplish while they are alive. They avoid "worldly activities", and usually are confused and disjointed in rational thoughts and concepts. For instance, they don't believe in anything that is not in the Bible, i.e. dinosaurs, evolution, space travel, even though they ride on airplanes and watch television both of which are not referenced in the Bible. ["Inside America's Most Secret Agency, The Puzzle Palace" by James Bamford, Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982.]


Continue to page 274

The owners and publishers of these pages wish to state that the material presented here is the product of our research and experimentation in Superluminal Communication. We invite the reader to share in our seeking of Truth by reading with an Open, but skeptical mind. We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We DO encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. The one thing we can tell the reader is this: we work very hard, many hours a day, and have done so for many years, to discover the "bottom line" of our existence on Earth. It is our vocation, our quest, our job. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit, if not now, then at some point in one of our probable futures.

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