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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 18


As it happens, it DOES fit! Queen Anne, in 1707, the LAST Stuart Sovereign, sealed the Act of Union between England and Scotland, thus forming Great Britain, which was immediately given to George I, the first of the German Hanoverian dynasty, which is the origin of the present royal family. This act deliberately passed over the superior hereditary rights of the Stuarts, (whose rights were inferior to the rights of the Mortimers and Percys), and gave Great Britain to those who had no real claim to the throne other than statutory. Because Anne signed it over!

So, we have the passage of exactly 290 years from the beginning of the German domination of Britain, to some event that is connected to Poland.

Well, as I was flipping through more of Nostradamus, I noted THIS:

"Salon, Mansol, Tarascon of six arches
Where is still standing the pyramid,
Shall come to deliver the Prince of Denmark,
A shameful ransom shall be paid into the temple of Artemis."

Well, Nostradamus is funny. It seems to be written in code. But this one again connects us back to the 290 years ago Act of Union, because Queen Anne was married to the Prince of Denmark, and "Artemis" is another name for Diana. Also, we note the names and the "arches" of the tunnel in which she died. Most interesting is the mention of the "pyramid," or something very like a pyramid - the Eiffel Tower. And, significantly, she was in the company of an EGYPTIAN! Was Diana's life paid to ransom England from the action of Queen Anne almost three centuries ago?

If it is so, as it seems to be, that Nostradamus foresaw a connection between the tragic death of Princess Diana as a crisis in the British Monarchy, and the flood in Poland, about which we have heard almost nothing in the media, perhaps there is a deeper reason into which we ought to inquire? It is MOST peculiar that both the Pope and President Clinton paid visits to Poland just prior to this disaster. There was no lack of coverage for THOSE events!

At this point we cannot know what Nostradamus may have intended, but we can know that there is a symbolic connection.

What about the "Aries" referenct?

The constellation of Cassiopaea is one of the "side pieces" of the zodiacal sign, Aries. The earliest associations we can find are that Cassiopeia is associated with the Celtic Goddess Danu, and also the Goddess Danae, the mother of Perseus. And, as it happens, Cassiopaeans have made most curious remarks about the flood in Poland!

Well, it is all connected. The truest thing I ever read was something that Franklin Roosevelt was quoted as saying: "Nothing in politics EVER happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

And, it is amazing what a different view one can have of things if this is taken as a postulate. It causes one to look at things quite creatively. However, the problem always is, assuming that the "Planners" of such events are human... if one also does away with THAT restriction, then things actually begin to make sense.

This is where so many have a problem. They do not know or understand the different levels of density, and how the events in our world are but a reflection of manipulations at other levels. One who labors under this delusion will NEVER find the connections between the clues!

What does the death of Diana, the Beloved Princess of Wales tell us? In my opinion, by her death, she has guaranteed the beginning of the downfall of the British monarchy. NOTHING Charles EVER does will redeem him now.

None of us can know what the relationship truly was like. So, we cannot judge. The only thing that is certain is, had there been no divorce, Diana would NOT have been being hounded to QUITE the same extent by the papparazzi while in the company of an Egyptian playboy. Thus, it is POSSIBLE that she would still be alive. And, the point is, a LOT of people will see it this way. They will think: no divorce, no trip to Paris and riding in fast cars with drunken drivers, therefore, no crash, no death. No matter what he does now, he will never be able to fully redeem himself. Both his public and private lives will play out to the end, in the shadow of a dead princess, forever young and beautiful.

I read a remark in one of the news reports that someone had said that Di was "saintly," so I thought that we can expect a LOT of miracles to soon be attributed to her, and there will be a cult, and probably demands for canonization!!!

And, this leads to the problem of the present dynasty. I am going to quote at some length from the work of Lincoln, Leigh and Baigent, so I humbly request the indulgence of same. No one else has put the subject so clearly.

"For the past century and more, organized religion has suffered increasingly severe blows to its credibility. But the religious sense of 'the sacred,' of 'the numinous,' of a coherent pattern transcending one's personal experience - remains, for a great many people, essentially intact. The traditional custodians of the spiritual' may have been compromised or have compromised themselves. [...] And yet, for a great many people, 'the spiritual' remains a reality, even if organized religion no longer speaks on its behalf.

"There is an entire facet of twentieth century thought and culture which reflects an aspiration towards meaning and the 'spiritual' outside the context and framework of institutionalised religion. [...] Thus, more and more individuals, recognising the bankruptcy of prevailing systems, have sought one or another valid means of synthesis for reintegrating a fragmented reality."

"[Carl] Jung's overriding concerns were ultimately religious in nature. His concentration on universal experience and his use of the crucial instrument of synthesis, rather than analysis, springs from his desire to re-assemble the world, to imbue it again with meaning. What is more, he sought to do so not in purely theoretical (or theological) terms, but in terms which might be directly experienced rather than merely accepted as articles of faith - which translated into psychological dynamics, might be practically viable not just on Sundays, but throughout the individual's life. [...]

"Jung did not see psychology and religion as incompatible. On the contrary, he saw them as complementary, each aiding the other to generate a renewed sense of meaning and coherence. And Jung understood religion in its broadest, most profound and most valid sense - not as a mere edifice of conceptual dogma, not as one particular denomination or creed, but as something encompassing all of them, a basic element in the make-up of the human psyche. In consequence, Jung proceeded to synthesize, to compare and establish common sources, common denominators, common psychological dynamics, shared patterns - not only in the world's major religions, but in much of man's other activity as well. The result was something that could indeed function as a viable religious principle for the modern age - a mode of thought and understanding which did indeed confer meaning, while at the same time fostering tolerance, flexibility and humanity.

"Are there any established institutions [...] that are genuinely archetypal, that impinge even if only subliminally on the collective unconsciousness and thereby function, at least in some measure, as a repository for meaning? In some of its aspects, at least, monarchy can be seen as such an institution.

"At its worst, as exemplified by numerous autocratic regimes of the past, monarchy can be synonymous with tyranny. At its best, however, monarchy can indeed be seen as a repository of meaning - which, albeit in a circumscribed way, does perform at least a semi-religious function. Certainly monarchy rests on an archetypal basis. Kingship in itself is an archetype. [...] Whatever the form of government under which one lives, the psyche, from childhood on, will still be populated by kings and queens, princes and princesses. However 'republican' one may be, such figures are part of a collective cultural heritage, with a psychic validity of their own. In the absence of genuine dynastic royalty, we will endeavour to create a surrogate royalty from, say, film stars, pop singers or from families such as the Kennedys. Yet such surrogates are always pale imitations of the originals on which, deliberately or otherwise, they are based.[...]

"The essence of such a monarchy is that it rests on the basis [that] the king ruled but did not govern. In other words, he was ultimately a symbolic figure. To the extent that he remained unsoiled by the tawdry business of politics and government, his symbolic status remained pristine. [...] In other words, his currency resides in what he embodies as a symbol, rather than in anything he does, or in any real power he might or might not exercise. The most potent symbols always exert an intangible authority, which can only be compromised by the more tangible forms of power.

"During the German occupation of Denmark in the Second World War, all Danish Jews were ordered to wear yellow stars on their coats, thus facilitating the process of identification and deportation to concentration camps. In contemptuous defiance of the power occupying his country, King Christian took to wearing a yellow star himself, as a gesture of sympathy and solidarity with his Jewish subjects. In support of their king, thousands of non-Jewish Danes followed suit. The effect of the gesture was more than symbolic. Anti-semitism and denunciations of Jews dwindled and countless lives were saved." (The Messianic Legacy, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln; Dell, 1986)

This echoes the Arthurian legends, the Grail stories, and, ultimately - the Alchemical Quest for the unveiling of Isis and the restoration of Osiris.

Continue to page 134

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